

                                                                                                             Charleston, WV

Tuesday June 10, 2008

     6:51am  I got 7.12 hours of sleep last night. I'm going to load up.
                   Last night it started raining hardcore. I kept pretty dry with my big blue raincloak I was blessed with in Tampa. But, my boots got soaked after walking around looking for that abandoned building. I found it eventually and just walked in the backdoor and up the stairs.  I seem to have left my dirty socks at Amanda's house, so I don't have any socks. The two pairs I have are wet. Maybe I'll find a pair in my bag. I don't know.

     7:42am  I'm up and out. I'm going to go take a shit at the transit station. Oh yeah, in that building I can piss in the tub in the bathroom.

     8:04am  I'm at the transit mall. I sat down and smoked a cigarette. There were three people sitting down and they smiled at me. I went over and offered them my website. One lady said, "My son already told me about you."

     8:51am  I assumed my post in front of Kaifu Japanese Restaurant and I've been standing here letting people read my shirt and offering my website. Right now I'm going to go to the public library and check my email. I hope I got a letter from Amanda. I remembered she signed my guestbook and I had her email address. I'll show you the email I sent her.

     9:51am  I went to the Covenant House and took a shower. I got me a clothing voucher so I can get some socks. I also got some information about a place to get my tooth pulled. Some Health Rite place. I have a map to it.

     1:12pm  This Asian dude from the Kaifu restaurant just came out and yelled at me, "You have to get out of here!" I told him, "No! I'm just exercising my freedoms. Cops have already ridden by me a couple times on mountain bikes. I'm not doing anything wrong." He threatened to call the police and I yelled at him, "Tough guy, big man, do what you can."

     1:31pm  The greedy ass driving the bus won't give me a ride.

     1:38pm  I was standing in front of Kaifu and the manager came outside to bitch at me. I told him off and just sat down to read my book. It started raining so I packed up my shit. Right when I was loaded up I saw a police car pull up. He was probably going to come talk to me, but I just walked off. Perfect timing. I walked to the bus shelter. Man, I am so hungry. I should go hit up the Rio Grande again for breakfast. Hmm, I don't want to abuse that resource. I'm going to go hit up Subway.

     1:48pm  Donna, the manager at Subway is hooking me up.

                   Sweet, when the guy asked me what I wanted I told him, "Donna's hooking me up. Surprise me." He gave me a footlong! Hell yeah! I handed Donna a and told her, "Here you go. I have to give something back. You'll be on there when I update it. Thanks for feeding the peace machine." She smiled.

     2:03pm  Alicia hooked me up with a cigarette at the transit mall. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:41pm  I just had the most awesome presentation with Alicia at the transit mall. Odyssey and everything. Beautiful girl. She had pretty freckles.

     3:05pm  Frank just gave me a cigarette at the transit mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:32pm  Rocky, some guy in an ARMY shirt that I offered my website to earlier, he came back and asked me if I wanted to drink a beer with him. I told him I didn't drink beer, but I'd take a shot of rum or something. It's the Puertorican in me, hehe. We came over to the bar at Chili's. Thanks, man. Everybody gets credit.

     3:44pm  My prayers were answered, man. Jimmy just hooked me up with some weed! Hell yeah! Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:47pm  Brad hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:19pm  I just had an awesome, beautiful presentation with Nancy Toppings. Whoa, she just gave me ten bucks! Awesome. I appreciate it, Love. You've got my website, right?

     7:20pm  Nancy is fifty six years old. I appreciate it, Nancy. You're beautiful.

     7:21pm  Hell yeah, Nancy gave me ten bucks! After that, I walked off and thought, "I should give her a shirt." She had already crossed the street and I ran up to her. I asked her, "Nancy, would you wear this shirt if I gave it to you?" She said excitedly, "Yeah, sure!"

                   See, I had gotten bored at the transit mall. I just took off walking and started scanning for people to tell my story to. I saw Nancy and she walked by and told me hi. I got her attention and hit her up for my story. She listened great and agreed with everything. At the end she was like, "Do you need money?" I smiled and told her, "I walk for a living. I can always eat." I should've told her, "Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps." She gave me ten bucks, hell yeah.

     8:44pm  I went in Rio Grande. I went in holding a five dollar bill. I told them, "I'm going to pay this time." They asked me what I wanted and I told them to surprise me. A five dollar surprise. They gave me three tacos with cheese.

     8:54pm  Oh yeah, I found out what happened to Amanda. She got locked up again, as I suspected. That sucks, she was going to come traveling with me, aww. I guess I am free to go now. I might ride the bus back to Montgomery and see if the guy at Dairy Queen still wants a shirt. I'll go to Huntington next, another college town to tell my story.

     9:22pm  I am having a great presentation with what was your name again? PA and Evelyn's house. Oh, it was crazy. Stephanie, the mormon chick from Utah who I met yesterday, and Corey. Remember that house I had been to with Amanda that said Mathews on it? They ended up living upstairs in the same exact house! I followed them to the house and got this crazy feeling of Dejavu. Wait a minute. I've been here before. I'm telling my story now.

     10:13pm  Plot thickens. Holy shit. That sucks. The place that I crash at, the abandoned building, the door just got sealed shut. I don't know how I'm going to get inside. I need to get my bag out of there. It should still be stashed in the ceiling. I don't know what to do. Shit.

                     Maybe I'll go find a police officer to talk to.

     10:29pm  I found the police station. Let me see what they tell me. Charleston Police.

     10:47pm  Man, I fucking astound myself. I climbed up on the billboard that's next to the building and was able to go in a window. I went inside and checked and my pack was safely still in the ceiling. I am so happy! I am whole once more. What a scare. I would've lost all of my shirts. Well, looks like I'm going to crash here yet again. Goodnight. Hmm, in the morning it's going to be a bitch to get my pack down from the billboard to the ground. I hope I don't have to drop it. I'll figure something out, I'm sure.

Next day..

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