

                                                                                       Berkeley to San Francisco, CA

Monday June 11, 2007

     9:53am  This beautiful girl I told my story to yesterday just dropped off this Cal notepad, so I could be logging. I have such a huge recap to make. Let me see, oh yeah, duh, I am in Berkeley. It sucks, I had been waiting to go back to Eid's Electronics to see if he would give me a deal on a new recorder. Mine broke in Santa Rosa, remember? Anyway, Eid's is no longer there. It has been such a crazy ride on Telegraph. I have had sooo many great presentations. My sign-flying has evolved, too. I have been taking lots of pictures, to compensate for my lack of logging. I sincerely apologize to all the people I pretended to record with my broken tape recorder. Just email me and I'll add you in. Oh yeah, I have been crashing behind that church on Stuart and Mcgee for like three nights in a row. It's so perfect. Later today, in the afternoon, I am going to San Francisco. I want to crash in Golden Gate Park my last night on the West Coast. Oh wait, since bus tickets are good for three months, I am hopping off whenever I want. Ventura, for sure! I wonder where else I'll get off.
                     Ok, back to work. I made a new sign FREE STORY. I am totally streamlining my giveaway. When people ignore me I yell at them. Nobody wants world peace! Have you always been that ignorant? Good little slave! I was just testing you. If they have kids I yell poor kids! I am going to get assassinated, hehe. This one girl Janelle, she gave me a cigarette. Before I forget.
     10:11am  This ignorant ass wearing a NOFX shirt just walked by and totally ignored me. He walked into the pipe shop, Zebra. I was all yelling at him, YOU HYPOCRITE!

     11:30am  Brian. Great presentation with him. This Asian guy who works at Reprint Mint. He didn't have time for the Odyssey, but I told him the spirit's part. In the end he told me, "Stay crazy." During my presentation he nodded his head up and down the whole time.

                     Nobody wants to hear the truth, but I am going to scream it at the top of my lungs!

     1:40pm  I am on the bus right now. I decided I wanted to leave Berkeley already. I walked to the 40/40L stop in front of the college. The bus came and the greedy ass driver didn't give me a ride. So I hoofed it all the way to Shattuck, to the BART station. I set up my signs and started asking people, "Spare any train change?" This one dude gave me eighty five cents. After like twenty minutes this black guy came up the stairs and ignores me. When I asked for train change, he took a couple steps, read my signs and promptly hooked me up with a BART ticket! I am on my way to San Francisco.

     2:40pm  Whoa, guess what happened. I went up the stairs to the street in San Francisco holding my WPTM/ sign. All of a sudden I got recognized by Sun! From Arcata. Holy shit. With all the multitudes of people in this metropolis, I run into someone I know! He's going to take me to Haight Street, where all the people are. I am going to get to work!

     3:49pm  Great presentation with Danielle. She volunteered me five bucks. She was laughing a lot during the presentation, but it was good laughter. Like she was laughing for joy.

     5:28pm  I rode the bus with Sun and his friend. It was jam-packed, like sardines. I just got on through the back door. We just got off on Haight and I set up my signs in front of the first head shop I came across, near Masonic Street. Eerie street name. I went in the Ashbury Tobacco shop and bought me a new fake cigarette. The paint had come off my old one. Anyway, I bought the pipe. I left and walked across Masonic to the next head shop, Pipe Dream. Then I noticed that there were lots of people at the bus stop across the street. San Francisco is very, very, very ignorant. I cannot wait to go to the East Coast.

     9:35pm  I had a lot of fun yelling at people all day on Haight Street. Right when the sun came down Sun came back. Oh yeah, right before we entered the park, this guy kicked down three Chinese food boxes!

Random Pictures, not organized or captioned.  All from same disposable camera:

Next day..

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