

                                                                         Medford to Canyonville to Roseburg, OR

Friday June 12, 2009

     4:20am  I just woke up with only five and a half hours of sleep. I'll go back to sleep, but after I smoke weed because I woke up at four twenty, hehe.

     6:35am  I am up and at 'em. All loaded up and leaving from underneath the bridge here. I'll walk out into the parking lot and take a picture.

                   Rogue Valley Mall I crashed behind.

     6:54am  I walked all the way to I5. I'm going to thumb it. I see a truckstop on the other side. I'm going to walk to it and make my morning deposit. Maybe I'll do laundry today. I've got three bucks.

     7:19am  I didn't tell you, I walked all the way to the truckstop on Biddle Road and took a shit in the restroom. There's a big sign that says Truck Drivers only, but nobody was around.

                   Hmm, let me go hit up the Witham Restaurant at the Witham truckstop here. Let's see what they tell me.

                   Greedy asses! The second I walked in that place this old lady told me I couldn't come in with my bags. She got all scared. I told her I just had a question but she just insisted I had to leave. I asked her if she had always been that ignorant and left. I went outside and took a picture. I hope she saw me.

     7:48am  In no-time, in maybe like fifteen minutes beautiful Heidi pulled over for me. She told me she hates driving around with empty seats when there's people who need rides. I hadn't even noticed she pulled over for me. Some other car pointed to her. She had been in the fast lane and got over and was backing up to meet me. I appreciate it, Heidi. Thanks for mobilizing me. Everybody gets credit.

     8:53am  I just got dropped off by Heidi. She was going all the way to Tacoma, Washington. I could've been in Portland today. I told her some of my story and then asked her if I could smoke a cigarette. She forbade it, so at the next gas station I dismounted. I am in Canyonville.

     9:22am  Junior, who at the gas station had seen my shirt and I gave him my website, he just volunteered me some cash. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. I accept donations, I just don't expect them. I like surprises. The universe provides.

                   He gave me three bucks, so I'm back to seven. I had bought some burritos.

     9:34am  I didn't tell you, I was able to get a hold of Peg! I love it when she actually answers. She's going to meet me in Roseburg on Monday. That's super-sweet.

     9:48am  I got tired of thumbing it so I am walking the half mile to North Canyonville. Sweet, I see a sign for El Paraiso Mexican Restraurant. Sweet, I'm going to score there when I get hungry.

     10:25am  I paused in front of the Seven Feathers Casino and Hotel. I layered down. Cars were all honking at me on the side of the road with my underwear, ha. I'm going to walk to an onramp now.

                     Oh yeah, I smoked the last of my weed today. I've been smoking on my monster stash of resin I amassed.

     10:37am  In no-time, Gene pulled over for me on the edge of Canyonville. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                     He's taking me to Roseburg. That's where I'm going to meet Peg on Monday, so I'll chill there until then.

     11:03am  I am already in Roseburg! Hell yeah!

     12:11pm  I walked into Roseburg, to the city center. I asked this guy and girl if they knew where there was a park. Lars and Sidney. They showed me where this gazebo was and I but my batteries to charge. They were listening to my story great, but then all these homebums showed up and wouldn't let me talk. Lars suggested we go sit in the grass and I put on a great show for them. Lars gave me a couple cigarettes too.

     12:34pm  I'm walking with Lars and he said he'd show me the park where the stoners hang out. I just realized I left my batteries charging, so we're walking back to get them. Sidney was in a hurry and walked ahead. She told Lars she'd meet him later. He told me to check out Lopez Island, Washington. Lars: "Go the Galley Restaurant and ask for Marie. She's a head cook. You ask her where I'm at that's my momma. She'll tell you exactly where I am at."

     12:48pm  Juan en La Taqueria Mi Familia me esta dando comida. Te lo agradesco, Juan. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

                     Hell yeah, I was walking with Lars. We walked up to a taqueria and I told him to hold back, that I'd be back with some food. Called that shit.

                     Lars showed me this cool park where they play frisbee golf, which I don't like too much[3-23-03]. There's tons of woods and I'm positive I'll find a place to camp out here. Lots of mosquitoes though.

                     I made a new friend. Lars has all these stories about fighting and rapoes and being in prison. I was going to hitchhike with Lars to Sutterland, twelve miles away. I told him I didn't think his girl would like that idea, but he said he did what he wanted. Oh yeah, we were walking and all of a sudden there was Sidney. We came to the Jack in the Box where his friends work. They ended up getting a ride with someone else and there wasn't any room. Lars told me to meet him at the frisbee golf park later.

     12:57pm  I just went in the Walmart and shoplifted a new compass for my walking stick. I just ripped it out of the package while I was walking and discarded the package on a random shelf. Fuck the system. See, I saw the Walmart and walked to it to get some ice. I got some ice and I was going to pay for a compass. But I changed my mind. Why pay? After I left I sat down at the front of the parking lot and had a smokebreak. I took my last hit of weed. I got some resin. I'm tired. I feel like taking a nap. I don't want to take a nap in any woods because I am scared of bugs and it's too hot for a sleeping bag. I'm going to walk back into town. I'll go back to that frisbee golf park and maybe Lars will be there.

     4:06pm  I should make an update already. See, I'm trying to find the frisbee golf park. I saw all this traffic backed up here at Longbody Boulevard and Cedar Parkway. I'm going to spread my word on the corner. I don't have any weed. The cops can't tell me shit. I've got a permit, remember? You believe in the Constitution, don't you, officer?
     4:40pm  Ha, I just had a great time with Officer Lund. See, I was spreading the word on the corner for a bit and this dude walked up to me and asked me if I had any weed. Why he would think that, I don't know, hehe. Anyway, I offered to smoke some resin with him. I reached in my left pocket but I was missing my one-hitter. Hmm, oh yeah, last time I used it was in front of the Walmart parking lot. I told this kid Adam that I was going to walk back to the Walmart, that if he wanted to smoke he could come. Anyway, when we walked in the Walmart parking lot a police cars pulls up. Office Lund got out his car and asked how we were doing. I told him I was the happiest man in the world. He said a highway patrolman had told him he had seen me on the corner wearing my shirt. He just ran my ID which I volunteered as soon as he walked up and let me go. I gave him my whole constitution line and he laughed. He said he did believe in the constitution.
Sweet, my pipe is there.



                   I just talked to my mom and she said I had received a letter in the mail. I gave her permission to open it and the letter read something like, "Hi Victor, had fun on the Greyhound bus. If you're in Oregon give us a call. Some girl named Marg.

     5:19pm  I gotta make an update. Earlier, when I was walking with Adam I saw a big ass snake next to the sidewalk. I was all stoned and thought, "Hmm, I've got a five foot pole. I'm going to play with the snake. Stupid-me, I'm dumb. Just the same way I jump in rivers. I tried to move it with my stick, like flick it onto the sidewalk. As soon as I touched him it coiled back and hissed at me! Adam was asking me, "Man, is that a rattler?" I checked and didn't see a rattle. Also, he hissed when I messed with him, not rattle his tail.

                   And before when I was walking towards the frisbee park I saw these street kids and I stopped and hug out with them and gave this girl with pretty eyes a resin hit. Her crazy boyfriend didn't like me too much. I had his girlfriend in my trance with the Note From the Rich and she was enjoying it thoroughly. I asked them if they would be able to identify a snake. The girl told me it was an Oregon Rattler. I told her how it didn't have a rattle and she said that Oregon Rattlers don't and they're harmless. After I ran into that snake I swore I wouldn't be camping in these woods where bigass snakes lurk around. She told me that they were harmless so I guess I can still camp. I figure I'll find a place to camp here at the frisbee park.

     8:26pm  I had an awesome presentation with B and Cody. Brian, but everybody calls him B. You guys will be on there when I update it.

                   Man, I have had a wonderful day of storytelling. I've been having the most superb presentations. My shit is evolving so much. I'm blowing minds left and right. I still don't want to make a video of my presentation, because even after telling this same story for seven years, there are still parts in the script which I stumble on and do not enunciate correctly. Plus, I don't have to be perfect. Nobody's perfect. Oh yeah, B and Cody just showed me a place to camp too.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to walk to the Fred Meyers and buy a citronella candle for the mosquitoes. Wait, screw that. I'll just shoplift it. I'll look around for food too.

     10:00pm  The little room in the woods here isn't too concealed at all, but I should be alright. See, when I first got there I started clearing out this one space with the serrated blade on my Leatherman. All these thorny bushes and shit. After I cleared it out I put down my military rain poncho/portable floor down and lay there and smoked a cigarette. But then I hear thunder in the skies and felt the moisture level rising. I thought to myself shit, it's going to rain. I abandoned the little alcove I cleared out and laboriously strung up my big tarp and made a roof. I made my tent all badass. I strung a rope up in between two trees and even used all of my bungee cables. I will take pictures in the morning. I'm going to smoke and then go to bed.

Next day..

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