

                                                                                                             Roseburg, OR

Saturday June 13, 2009

     5:22am  I just woke up. I went to bed around ten or so. I didn't set my watch last night.


     6:35am  The sun is totally up. It's been up since five. I left no trace and I even spent like fifteen minutes cleaning up all the trash that was already there. I'm leaving it better than I found it. I filled up two paper bags with trash. I am leaving a couple havetisbook.coms behind. Nobody's perfect, hehe.

     7:05am  Up and at 'em. Leaving from camp. I'm going to walk the walking path underneath the bridge to score some breakfast somehow. I've got four dollar but I don't know if I should use it on laundry or mouthwash or what.

     7:42am  I came up to the Express Mart, the Texaco and I'm talking to another homebum Sam who came up from Redding. He gave me some powdered donuts some lady had given him.

     8:20am  I am leaving from the gas station. I layered up. It got a little chilly. I bought me a burrito and that dude gave me some donuts. I told him my funny stories. He loved the note from the rich, he was cracking up. I'm going to walk into town and tell my story and show off my shirt and stuff. Oh yeah, last night it didn't even rain at all. I didn't have to put my tarp up at all, but I sleep better knowing bugs aren't falling out of the tree on me.


     9:43am  I went to the little plaza with the gazebo. I thought I was going to charge my batteries. I picked up cigarette butts off the ground and made a sniperat. I went to the little plaza and eventually other street kids showed up. Ian got here five days ago and said he would show me where him and these other homeless dudes crash. He couldn't figure out how to get there since he's new in town, so we went to some random woods behind this house to smoke some weed. Some good dank. He pulled out a little Leatherman Micra, a perfect little weed tool. I took pictures of it. I traded him my camoflauge hoodie I got from Allen in Cameron Park for it. The prospector guy.

     9:57am  This kid Ian, he showed me this awesome camp inside a big canopy of trees in the riverbottom here. It's like in the heart of it. It's almost impossible to find the entrance. Inside the big canopy they've got four tents. It was a pretty treacherous hike over all the rocks. Plus, my feet ache and I could really use a whole day off of them, typing hopefully. I'm beat and all the natural noises are putting me to sleep. I'm gong to take a nap.

     1:45pm  I woke up from my nap.

     2:32pm  I didn't tell you, I already came up from camp. I left my heavy pack there. Please Love, protect my stuff. I came to the Express Mart. I had like three bucks so I bought another burrito. I'm bored so I'm going to walk into town and try and tell my story. I came to the Texaco here and this greedy ass who works here won't give me a cigarette. "No, it's not allowed," he said. He had first told me he liked my shirt and accepted my website. But when I asked him for a smoke he said it wasn't allowed.

                   Man, this whole town is greedy. Nobody will give me a cigarette. This girl with peace earrings on, she was smoking a cigarette and when I asked her for one she said no, that she didn't have any.

     4:19pm  Almost time and Jack gave me a cigarette at the gazebo. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     5:15pm  I hung out with all the homebums and charged my batteries at the gazebo. I tried telling my stories, but they wouldn't have it. Anyway, I am walking to the mission. They feed at six.

     5:22pm  Man, nobody can spare a cigarette in this town. Except Jerome. He hooked me up with a cigarette downtown. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     7:50pm  I had to sit through the lame ass chapel for half an hour before they fed. I scored a shower too. Please Love, protect my bag. I left it at the camp this morning. I've just been wearing my backpack with my CamelBak hanging from it. I'm going to walk around and find somebody to tell my story to.

     8:02pm  I was walking down this street, Jackson Street. I saw some brother up on the balcony hanging out. I asked him if he could possibly spare a cigarette and he said sure and came downstairs to give me one. Philosophy is his name. I really appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:32pm  What was that kid's name? The one who gave me a cigarette when I walked by. Philosophy: "That was me, Philosophy." Haha, my bad. I'm all stoned. I hadn't even told him my story and he asked me where I was going to crash tonight. I told him in the creek and he invited me to crash in his apartment! I go upstairs into and and discover he's got a computer with broadband internet! I'm going to be able to finalize my update here! I am so excited. I already have my pictures off of my hard drive from Shadow's in O'Brien. It's ready to go if I add the pictures. Just one last proofread and I'll post it.

     9:25pm  Philosophy came with me to the camp in the creek to retrieve my pack with me. He helped me fold my tarp up and I am all packed up and transferring my stuff to his apartment. They've got a computer and I can get all my stuff done.

     12:20am  I have such a magical update to make. I've spent like a whole hour and a half working on my website. Adding my pictures into the story. See, when I was at the library in Ashland I copied like 480mb of pictures off of the DVD Jason burned me in O'Brien[5-31-09]. I only copied that much because that's all the room that was left on it. Remember, I was in the middle of uploading them to my website when I met Bridget and Jen'r and left to smoke weed and tell them my story. Anyway, I think I lost that CD with all the pictures on it, but I still have the 480mb of pictures which is exactly 192 pictures. I still have all of the pictures on my camera so I just need to get them burnt again. It was just great. I was walking down some random street in this town not recognizing anything and I see some dude up on his balcony and he actually said he'd give me a cigarette. He saw my shirt and then invited me to crash! He even went with me to get my bags. I'm going to go to sleep now. My feet hurt like hell. Alright, later on.

Next day..

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