

                                                                    El Paso to Junction to headquarters, San Antonio, TX!

Friday June 15, 2007

     4:20am  I never mentioned, but about twenty minutes ago we got to El Paso. Back in Texas! Yeehaw!
     5:06am  Whoa, what another ordeal at the Greyhound station in El Paso. The bus to San Antonio pulled up and I went to get on it. See, when I first got here I retrieved my pack from underneath the bus I came on. I had to layer up. It was a bit nip outside. The Greyhound people were going to transfer the luggage. Anyway, I was able to scrape up another resin hit in the bathroom. I got all resinated outside. When I went to get on the bus, the security guards told me they had to search me. I immediately exposed my Leatherman on my belt. I took it out of it's case and handed it to them. My mistake. They told me I couldn't get on with it. I told them, "Fine, I'll hitchhike. Give it back." They told me no, that it had been confiscated. I was irate. "So you're stealing it from me? I'm going to call the police." They told me I had the option to ship it for five dollars. I told them that I didn't have any money. That I would hitch. That my Leatherman was well worth it. They still told me no. Right then this awesome black dude came to my rescue and volunteered five dollars. I really wish I would've gotten his name. You should email me, dude.
                   This security guard Contreras stood in line with me so I could get it shipped. There were quite a few people already in line, so I immediately hit Contreras up for my story. Anyway, Contreras, who seemed around my age agreed to listen. Oh yeah, in line I asked him, "Well, will I be able to include some other contraband, like this?" and showed him my metal pipe. He said, "That's illegal. Give it to me." I told him, "No, it's not. I paid sales tax on this pipe(which I didn't really). I bought it fair and square." It was Aaron's rainbow pipe. Aaron from Portland. Anyway, this guy nodded his head up and down the minute I started my shpeel. I got to the Ask and Thou Shall Receive part, then it was my turn. I told him, "Don't worry. I won't leave you hanging," and gave him my webpage. Man, Greyhound security sucks. FUCK LA! Okay, now I am on my way to San Antonio. I just love how my logging has evolved. Thanks to that girl in Berkeley. I wish I could remember her name. The one in Berkeley who gave me this Cal notepad with big pages. I had told her that my tape recorder was broken and that I didn't even have a notepad. The next day she walked by me on her way to school and gave me one. I am hungry. I have some food nice Audry gave me on the bus. She has an adorable granddaughter named Briana. I split up with my Apache friend Ernest in El Paso. He was cool. Oh yeah, I'm going to eat.

     6:30am  Right now we just stopped at a Border Patrol check for immigrants. The guy just got on the bus and asked everyone if they were residents. I made sure to have my WPTMJ sign exposed. I wrote it up on the back of my notepad. Lemme take a picture.

     11:12am  I just got this crazy hair up my ass to get off the bus in Junction. Let's see if any kids recognize me here. I made some good friends on the bus. Great presentations. The black dude who hooked me up with five dollars in El Paso. His name is Lamar.

     1:24pm  I got dropped off at the Short Stop Texaco. This cool Mexican dude hooked me up with a hit or two of weed. I went in the Texaco and hit them up for a slice of pizza. The greedy ass lady said, "We sell our pizza." I told her thanks anyway. Then I walked a little more and came up to a Mexican restaurant. They're hooking me up! The owner Artemisa Lozano is feeding the peace machine. Patty is the nice waitress that served as a liaison. Cool, I'm going to fuel up here and walk into town. La Familia Restaurant.

     2:34pm  Not too far from the restaurant I walked by the Food Basket grocery store. Judy, this beautiful older lady was outside smoking a cigarette. I walked by and she asked me how I was doing. I gave her my 'ol I'm the happiest man in the world, how are you doing line. She listened to me beautifully and agreed with everything I said. Whole Odyssey and all. She was all smiles and nods. She gave me a cigarette and told me that she got off at nine, to come by and visit or something. I'm going to go see if I can use the restroom.

     3:00pm  I walked to the Johnny's Exxon, where I have been before(6-17-05)-. I asked around about Hippie Cody. He moved. Cassandra hooked me up with a cigarette.

     3:19pm  Beautiful Kile listened to my story at Johnny's.

     3:43pm  I walked by this ranch supply place with a big American flag in front. I noticed they had a big scale right inside. I asked Lauri if I could weigh myself. I am up to a hundred and sixty pounds. I am hauling approximately forty pounds. Lauri was a great listener.

     4:35pm  I walked to the river and jumped in, in lieu of a shower. I feel great. Right before I got to the river this guy pulled up in his car and I asked him if he had a cigarette. He said he didn't smoke cigs, just weed. Smoke a brother out? He said he would come back, but never did.

     5:39pm  I washed myself in the river and walked back to Johnny's. There was this guy standing there with a Longhorns hat. He asked me what I was doing and thoroughly agreed with and enjoyed my story. The cashier's car needed looking at, so he had to go. I told him I would continue my story when he was done. Maybe I can ask this guy for a ride to the truck stop. Oh yeah, I misplaced my bus ticket.

                   He said he couldn't give me a ride to the truck stop.
     7:46pm  Wow, what a magical welcome back to Junction I have received. I am grateful I decided to get off now. At first I was a bit bummed. I got bored at Johnny's and decided I'd walk to the truck stop. Actually, I was going to go back to Short Stop and see when the next Greyhound came. I left Johnny's finally. I did have some good presentations there. Anyway, I had remembered seeing a sign for a school earlier. I need a new tennis ball. I had to find some courts. So I headed back towards the Food Basket. I forgot the pretty lady's name, so I took off my pack to get my notebook so I could look it up. Judy. Right after I put it up she walks out and offers me a cigarette. She's really beautiful too. I love her already. ::muah:: She came out with a plastic grocery bag with all these snacks, four dollar bills and a pack of cigarettes. I asked Judy how much she worked here and she said, "Not that much, but I would rather be doing what you're doing." I asked her, "Well, why don't you?" I should have told her, "It's never too late to become what you might've been."
                   Oh yeah, and she introduced me to this guy Mike who walked up. I asked him if there was any weed in this town. He told me it was hiding, or hoarded or something. Then later on he tells me to put my pack inside and to follow him to the back of the store. I thought I love being randomly asked to follow someone to an undisclosed location. That usually means marijuana smoking. We walked to the back room and Mike smoked me out thoroughly. I haven't been this high in a while. I actually missed Texas weed. Hell, that was what I was brought up on. That's what my THC receptors got trained by.
                   I also wanted to reiterate that after all these years of logging, it's going to be so much more detailed now, then before with just my tape recorder. I find I am way more descriptive writing than I am speaking. Because I know, that the recaps I make by voice are not really that extensive, or descriptive. When I get to San Antonio, I am going to start donating plasma and buy another tape recorder still. I will use both, then condense them when I type it up. I cannot believe it's taken me so long to do this. I bet a lot of people think think my entries are half-assed, but hey, it's more than what most of them have. I think they're half-assed. But hey, it's my memory that's getting refreshed and it's not like any of it is untrue. I wonder where I am going to crash tonight. I really want to tell Judy my other stories.

     9:13pm  I walked all the way back to Short Stop. I asked the kid working what time the last bus passed going towards San Antonio. He said that he wasn't sure, but that it hadn't passed yet. I undid my pack and took out my logbook. I spelled the first sentence of this entry and there she blows! Perfect timing.

     9:47pm  Guess where I am. I am on the Greyhound on the way to San Antonio! The driver had to call to get the okay for me to ride. I'm supposed to get some slip of paper when I get off the bus before my destination. They're being nice and letting me ride. Hell, the ticket was paid all the way to San Antonio. Before the Greyhound came these black dudes, one from Jamaica and the other from Alabama, I smoked them out. Mike had hooked me up with a nugget earlier when he smoked me out at the Food Basket.

Next day..

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