


Portales to Roswell to Ruidoso, NM

Monday June 20, 2005

     5:37am I just woke up. I didn't sleep that much. I'm going to wake up because it's all bright now because of the hour change. I'm going to go find a park I can take a nap in.

     5:56am  It was the field next to West 18th Street that I crashed at. Were that truck was. I wandered over there last night. By South Avenue P and West 18th Street.

                   Last night I saw these trees, like woods in the field. There was some wooden structure in the middle. It wasn't that big. I was looking around in the dark seeing if there was a place to camp. Then I saw there was a truck right there. It looked abandoned because the grass was all grown around it. First I considered crashing in the bed. I saw that there was all this stuff piled in it. It was unlocked but I wasn't going to crash in the cab with all the bugs. Then I saw there was a flat trailer behind it with nothing in it. I just crashed on that.

     6:07am  Walking through the campus of Eastern New Mexico University. This place is dead. Well, it is only 6:07 in the morning. I can't believe it's so bright. It's going to get hot today. Like 105 degrees.

     6:31am  I came to the Allsup's right here on South Avenue in front of the Rotary Park. I saw two pretty college girls walk in and I'm going to try and tell them my story. I had bought a burrito for a dollar.

     7:08am  I am leaving the Allsup's. I couldn't finish telling my story to the cashier inside. They got all busy and stuff. She had told me, "I'm a little interested." I got to the pirated software part but she had customers. Actually, she just took off in a truck right now. I asked this other girl in there to point me to Roswell. She told me the road I'm on ends up on Hwy 70 so I'm going to walk it.

                   Wait a minute, since I'll be walking I'm going to go back to the Allsup's and buy some food. I have like three dollars in change.

     7:16am  I went back in the Allsup's and bought me like 700 calories worth of Fig Newton's and 400 calories worth of cookies. Those fifty cent cookies. Mother's. So I have a good thousand calories in my bag. Or something like that. It was $2.63 for everything. I'm walking now. I'm walking until it turns into the highway.

                   Earlier at the Allsup's I scored a shave and brushed my teeth in the bathroom.

                   I also scored some toilet paper too.

     7:33am  I am at the highway. Highway 70. Walking past this sign that says, "Welcome to Portales. Home of 12,00 friendly people(and three or four grouches)."

     7:50am  I got me a ride!

     8:09am  Don James was the generous soul who picked me up. With his wife Maggie. I only walked like half a mile from the Allsup's and somebody pulled over for me already. I rode in the bed of the truck and I was giving people the peace sign as they drove by. I appreciate it, brother. Don gave me his card. It says, "MM Brotherhood Jesus Loves Us All Including: Bikers, Prisoners & Veterans. Don and Maggie James P.O. Box 562 Dixon, MO 65459 (573)759-7494"

     9:08am  Guess where I am. I'm at the Roswell Mall(6-17-03, 7:09pm). I'm going to see if Rheanna still works here at the GNC. I can't believe I'm already in Roswell. It was awesome, I just got picked up. I was walking down 70 and all of a sudden, bam! This guy pulled over. I'm going to walk in the mall now.

                   Hmm, the mall's all closed. The GNC is still there. Maybe it's 8:13 instead of 9:13. I don't know. I need to find a restroom. I have to take a piss bad.

                   I got directed to the restroom and the mall opens at ten.

     9:34am  I was sitting at the bus bench in front of the mall waiting for the mall to open. I saw a girl that looked like Rheanna get out of a car. I kind of recognized the Toyota Four Runner, so I called out her name. She didn't respond, so I'm going to see if that was her. Check the GNC again.

                   Weird, the girl that got out of the Four Runner did end up working at the GNC. I went to the GNC and shouted through the doors if her name was Rheanna and she told me no. I'm still going to wait until they open at ten and go make sure.

     10:00am  I went outside and switched my socks out. I replaced the tennis ball on my stick so I'm going to go inside and see if she remembers me.

                   Well, in the end she did recognize me . . . but she couldn't hook me up again. She told me they didn't even sell Muscle Blast 2000 anymore. She told me if I saw anything else I liked that I had to pay for it. I'm going to go to the Walmart across the street, just like I did last year. Maybe I'll go into town. I don't know. Last year I think I rode it to the edge of town and walked my ass off. I don't know. I am ready to walk, I guess. I'll catch the bus as far South as I can go.

     10:22am  Manuel, driving the bus here in front of the Walmart is hooking me up with a courtesy ride downtown. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:38am  I got off in front of the Roswell Visitor Center. There's a dinky plaza right here. I'm going to try and find someone to tell my story to.

     10:50am  Oh yeah, I took a picture of this big mural on the wall. A Be In Touch one.

                   This town is all sold out and there's no kids anywhere.

     11:14am  I just came out of the UFO Museum and Research Center. Didn't spend too much time. A lot to read.

     11:40am  I came over to the Wally Burger on Ohio and 2nd Street. It's real hot today. I've got some change in my pocket and I'm going to buy a burger for ninety nine cents.

     11:54am  Tiffany at the Pizza Hut next to the Wallyburger is hooking me up with a buffet so I can keep walking. I appreciate it, Tiffany. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:10pm  Sweet, I got hooked up at the Pizza Hut. She said I could have the buffet, but I only ate three slices since I had just eaten a burger.

     12:21pm  I had a good presentation with this guy in front of the Sonic. He was just sitting there and he listened. Right now I'm about to walk in front of some radio station, 106.5. Maybe these guys will listen to my story.

                     The guy inside told me, "I'm kind of busy." I went, "Alright, that's why I ask." At least he knows. That's all I want.

     12:38pm  I came to the very next place where there was shade. It's hot today. I'm not going to walk in this heat. I'm going to sit in the shade and stick my thumb out. I'm full so I won't be hungry for a while. I can see the highway for miles and there's no shade anywhere.

     12:57pm  I got really tired since I didn't sleep enough last night. I'm going to take a nap under this tree. In front of some engineering building. Off of West 2nd Street.

     2:13pm  I just got up from my nap.

                   I took a nap over there, and I was just standing in the shade waiting for a bus to come. Robert walked up and I am telling him my story. What's your email?

     2:51pm  I just took a picture of Robert. He told me, "Don't just stand there, take my picture."

     3:27pm  Let's see, I had just been standing there in the shade. I was going to stick out my thumb and hope someone would pick me up. All of a sudden this guy Robert walks up. I hit him up for my story, like I do everybody else. He sat down and listened to me and invited me over to drink some Koolaid at his cave. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:13pm  I started watching one of the Matrix movies at Robert's. You know that the Matrix movies are signs, right? Anyway, Joe came over and he hooked me up with a cigarette.

     7:31pm  I spent the whole evening at Robert's. He cooked me a good dinner and I'm full. We watched a couple movies. The Matrix Reloaded and Wild Wild West. He's giving me a ride to the truckstop, which is awesome. I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of Roswell. Now I do. I appreciate it, Robert.

     8:29pm  Robert brought me up to the truckstop. I'm going to ask for permission.

                   I got clearance to ask for rides at the truckstop. Let me go tell Robert and give him a hug and thank him. Robert is thirty six and he is really gay. From the beginning I gave him my disclaimer that I tell everyone, "I just might be the happiest man in the world, but I'm not gay. I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow."

     9:02pm  Terry, at the Price's truckstop is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Love, mobilize me, please.

                   Oh yeah, I had a good time with Robert. He was this gay dude. Back when I was standing on the sidewalk in the shade he walked up and I hit him up for my story. He ended up inviting me over to his apartment and made me dinner. It was real cool.

     9:46pm  I already have my ride! I think it was because I look clean cut and I was reading my book and seemed harmless.

     10:02pm  Gilbert is the generous soul that is giving me a ride to Ruidoso. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Sweet, Gilbert even offered to get me something to eat too. He had asked me if I had eaten and I told them I just got fed dinner and had some Fig Newton's. He told me, "Come on, I can't eat in front of you." I told him, "Well, if you can spare it, sure thing then."

     10:40pm  Man, guess where I am. I'm in Ruidoso already! I'm excited.

     10:58pm  Gilbert just loved my story. He even told me, "I don't ever give people rides, but you seemed harmless." He dropped me off in Ruidoso. It was a lot colder so I went in the Blockbuster Video to borrow the restroom to change into my thermals. This guy says sure and unlocks the employee restroom in the back. I go inside and change and that guy tells me, "Haven't I seen you before?" I'm telling them my story. What were your emails?

     11:23pm  Right after I got dropped off by Gilbert. I went to the Walgreen's and they were closed. I went to the Blockbuster and asked them if I could use the restroom. When I came out of the bathroom these kids recognized me. They said they had seen me before. Raymond asked me where I was going to crash tonight and I told him I didn't know, if he could recommend a good place to camp. He's going to let me crash at his house. I appreciate it, brother.

Next day..

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