

                                                                                                             Portland, OR

Saturday June 20, 2009

     4:35pm  I got about five hours of sleep exactly. That's enough, I guess. Let me pack up and get out of here. It's cool how I stumbled onto a good camp spot right smack in the middle of this thick Babylon. 148camp.JPG149camp.JPG150camp.JPG

     4:57am  I crashed in front of this card shop. I'm glad there were no dogs at the house on the other side of the fence. I easily transferred all my stuff to in front of the store and I'm loading up.
     5:18am  I just transferred all of my stuff to in front of the store. The sun has come up already. I am having a beautiful morning. I'm all stoned. I even manifested me some tobacco this morning. I didn't think any snipes would be dry because of all the rain. I couldn't find any snipes, but I did find an empty box of cigarettes with a little chunk of tobacco in it. I'll use my tobacco one-hitter and get a couple drags. I camped behind the Roll Your Own Mart Tobacco, cold beer and deli, behind the building for that. Next to a comic shop. 152anoterview.JPG

                   Holgate and 52nd Avenue. That's by where I crashed.

                   Last night I just did the wandering-off thing that I do in most towns. I just wandered off and found a place to crash. I got five hours of sleep and that should be enough. I'm going to go secure my workstation at 82nd and Powell again. Hmm, maybe I should manifest me some breakfast first on the way there.

                   I just found another snipe-blessing on the ground.

     5:36am  I walked in front of Dusty's Bar and Grill on Foster. They have a sheltered smoking area with a picnic bench and I found me a big coffee can full of cigarette butts. I'm going to deflower all of them. What a blessing. 155boot.JPG

     5:53am  Guess what. I just sat down on this bench and had all these morning projects. I had a very successful operation with that coffee can. See, last night I found a Bugler pouch in a trashcan with the papers still attached. This morning I found a coffee can full of perfectly dry butts and I was in operation. At first I picked out all the longer ones and broke the filters off. I chopped it all up. I got a shitload of tobacco now. Like a whole pouch, for free! Fuck the recession, fuck the system! I found me a resource now. Hell yeah. 156mj.JPG,

     8:00am  I had an awesome, relaxing morning with tons of projects. I had some sewing projects. I sewed my rain poncho and dried it out. I killed a lot of time. I am kind of hungry. There's a Mexican restaurant across the street, but it probably won't open until like ten since it's Saturday. I'm just walking around. I should've layered up. I'm going to find somewhere to sit down and put my thermals on.

                   Man, when that guy hit me with his car. Well, he didn't really hit me. I was right in front of him when he started moving. I just rolled over his hood onto the ground and hit my knee pretty hard. It still hurts a little bit. I should've gotten up and asked the Asian dude, "Hey, man. Do you have any money?" But I told him I was okay. I was tired and wanted to camp. He probably would've given me like a hundred dollar bill or something. Next time. Hindsight it always twenty-twenty. Next time I get hit by a car. Practice makes perfect.

                   He was at a complete stop, I was right in front of him and he moved forward. I was sure to give him my website though.

                   I found a Twix on the ground and I ate it. It was good. Thank you LOVE for the treat.

     8:11am  I am coming up on Powell.

     8:22am  I had an awesome presentation with Kara outside Sweetness Bakerey and Cafe and afterwards she offered me a bagel. I told her to surprise me. Thanks for feeding the peace machine.

                   That was awesome. I randomly walked by some bakery and saw a girl sitting down outside smoking a cigarette and reading some magazine. I hit her up for my story and told her it was more interesting than what she was reading. I hit her up, but she was working and accepted my website. I asked her if I could tell her something else, not nearly as long and she listened to the Note From the Rich and loved it. She was cracking up at the whole thing. Then she asked me if I was hungry. I told her I walked for a living and could always eat. She hooked me up and told me, "Thanks a lot for that Note From the Rich."

     8:32am  The nice bus driver gave me a courtesy ride to 82nd and Powell.

     8:40am  Bob with the Father's Heart Ministry is out here at 82nd and Powell feeding breakfast to the homeless. We appreciate it, Bob. Everybody gets credit. In the Carl's Jr parking lot.

                   223btx, Toyota Camry, a tan one. This car was in the drivethrough at Carl's Jr and saw me spreading the word on the corner. Hook a brother up/smoke a brother out. This dude called me over and hooked me up with a couple bucks. The cops were at the stoplight and were all looking at me.


     9:30am  Carrie hooked me up with a cigarette, volunteered. I appreciate it, Carrie. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   I just put on the clown wig.

                   Ahh, I took the wig off. It's too loud.

     10:18am  Sweet, some guy just gave me a dollar bill, nice.

     10:25am  Right now this lady and her kid were walking by and she wouldn't accept my website. Nobody wants world peace. Poor kids! She was all, "I don't have a computer." I told her it's free at the library and she told me didn't go to the library. Obviously. I was just testing you, anyway. Sorry, kids. Your mom likes war.

     10:39am  Danny hooked me up with a cigarette at the stoplight. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:45am  Angela gave me a couple dollars for the cause. I appreciate it, Angela. Everybody gets credit, thanks

     11:35am  I have resigned my post. I'm going to go do my laundry now. There's a laundromat caddy-corner.

     11:39am  I've got seven dollars total. I'm going to start doing my laundry now.

     1:09pm  I have to tell you about the greedy asses at the laundromat. I asked this lady for a quarter and the girl who works there started barking at me telling me I can't ask people for change. I told her, "Since when does it hurt to ask? You do not have because you do not ask. That's in the bible, you know." Greed shall be your downfall!

                   Ha, I asked this guy right in front of her and he gave me a whole dollar, ha!

     1:37pm  I'm all done at the laundromat. I've got all my stuff clean, all of it. I'm going to go to Carl's Jr and get me a burger.

     2:18pm  I should make an update. I took a long time doing laundry and folding up my clothes. I finally washed those sweatpants that I found in the woods in Ashland[6-9-09 : 7:22pm], so I have a warm bottom layer to wear when it gets cold. I am happy. I am the happiest man in the world.

     2:30pm  This dude just hooked me up with a nugget! Hell yeah! Way to support the cause!


     3:03pm  Tracy, in the Carl's Jr drivethrough, she called me over and gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Stacy. Everybody gets credit.

     3:45pm  The greedy ass driving the 72 won't give me a ride.

     4:11pm  The next greedy ass driver won't give me a ride either. Damn, don't you know we are all connected? I was just testing you.

     4:33pm  I just got dropped off at the Max station. I'm going to ride the train downtown.

     4:42pm  On the Max.

     5:02pm  I rode the Max to Old Town. I layered up real quick outside. I think I have to get on the Yellow Line now. I'm tired.

                   I went to the Portland Saturday Market and it was pretty boring.

     5:35pm  Pioneer Plaza.


     6:25pm  I had an awesome presentation with Chris. I sung him the lizards song and everything. I took his picture.

     7:12pm  Awesome presentation with Caleb. He listened to me hardcore. I've had some great listeners today. I could do this for a long time.

     8:06pm  Awesome presentation with Michelle and Peg. Whole odyssey and all. They listened to me for like half an hour. Thanks for listening. I took their picture. Michelle hooked me up with a Camel Wide, a fatty.


     9:06pm  Pete just told me he was going to come back and give me a Eugene nugget.


Next day..

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