

                                                                                                             Huntington, WV

Sunday June 22, 2008


     9:34am  I just woke up.  I got seven hours of sleep last night.  7.45


     10:11am  Nobody is awake.  I doubt they’ll wake up for a while.  I just took it upon myself to take a shower.  I had my own towel.  I just hopped in the shower real quick.  I probably stunk, hehe.


     12:28pm  Hell yeah, I’ve had a good morning so far.  Right before I left the apartment this morning I had a little project to do.  See, one of the pull-tabs for the zipper to my big pack, to the bottom compartment where my sleeping bag goes, had come off.  So, I took the one off my little Eastpak pouch and used that one.  I used my Leatherman pliers.  Anyway, I’m glad I have a lot of fresh tape to record on, since I just had a typing spree and updated my website.  I’m going to go back to Montgomery and sell a couple of my shirts.  Oh yeah, Jamilyn from Montgomery signed my guestbook the other day:


Date:  2008-06-20 15:05:18

Name: Jamilyn Leina'ala Pelekane Beekley


Number:  235


How's it hangin', Victor?!

I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get around to signing your guestbook, but you should know by now how hectic my schedule can be sometimes. I'm sorry we didn't get to hang out more before you got your sign to move on, but rest assured that I'll be traveling with you, man. I'm obviously not gonna be right beside you on the highway with a walking stick of my own, but I'll keep a close eye on your site and try to experience your adventures as well as I can through your journals. Don't give up! You're gathering a strong following made of smokers and nonsmokers alike!

Much love,

Devoted Hawaiian Princess


You left in such a rush that I never got around to buying a couple shirts off of you! If you ever plan to make it back this way, shoot me an email. Nat and I would love to see you again and help support your cause!


                     This morning after I took a shower and loaded up I walked outside and saw Bobo, a neighbor here.  Him and his friend who's name I forgot.  They totally welcomed me over and I sat and told them my story.  I had their undivided attention all the way through.  Oh yeah, Bobo told me about some flea market where they charge you like five bucks and you can sell shit.  Umm, I’ve got shirts to sell.  I’m going to go make some money.  I’ll talk to Bobo about it again later on.


     12:36pm  I forgot to tell you, Bobo offered me a ride downtown.  That’s awesome.  I was ready to walk it.  Screw it.  I walk so much I deserve a ride once in a while, hehe.  Thanks for mobilizing me, Bobo.  Marcum Terrace


               Bobo: “I knew this one man who’s lived at Marcum for forty years.  There’s another lady that lives there and she’s been there for fifty years.  Right there in Marcum Terrace.  I moved in there September of ninety four.  I do a lot of good deeds, a lot of good work there.  I get out here and I hustle and I cut grass and all kinds of things.  I loan to people my money.  If I’m some sort of bank and I could afford to do this, I really can’t afford to do it, but I have such a heart when they come to me and they want cigarette money, something that’s terrible for the world, you smoke, I smoke, we enjoy it, we know that this stuff is killing…”  Ahh, we just have to compensate for our bad habits and stay active and stop driving cars.  They’re death machines.  They’re stunting human evolution.  We are not walking.  If you take care of your body it takes care of itself.”  Bobo: “And I remember when a lot of these young people were like, you know how you were saying that there’s more young people than old people?  I’m like fifty five years old and a lot of these boys that are twenty seven, I know them when they was thirteen and never thought a lot of them would be the way they are.”


     12:46pm  I just got dropped off my Bobo.  He volunteered me five bucks!  Hell yeah.  He just loves the fact that I met him, dude.  Hmm, I don’t know if I should’ve come to downtown.  There’s lightning in the sky and it’s storming.  I got dropped off at some place where homeless people hang out.  Over here by the mission.  I should probably go for a walk.  I have my poncho if it starts raining. 


     1:58pm  I magically ended up at this big feeding.  The Divine Church is giving out food here.  We appreciate it, guys.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 


     2:06pm  Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you, that mission I got dropped off at by Bobo, there were all these homeless dudes sitting inside and it was pouring outside.  I tried to tell my story to everybody, but all of a sudden these people come in with all this food!  Leftover Wendy’s and stuff.  All these meatballs and pasta.  I got a lot of stuff to take with me.  And after that some other people were giving out sandwiches outside!  I’m all fueled up.  I’m going to walk to Pullman’s Square.  I wonder if the library is open today. 


     2:44pm  I just got to the Cabell County Library.  This girl Brandi MySpaced me:


From: Brandizzelz™

Date: Jun 20, 2008 9:31 PM


hello. i am brandi nicholas. i am from huntington west virginia. you are in town right now and i would love to meet you in person. i love the cause you are fighting for and would like to contribute. i will be at pullman square on sunday and if you are still in town id like to hear your story in person. my friend quincie donated 75 cents remember? lol


love to see you there


brandi nicholas


             She wants me to meet her today at Pullman.  It stopped raining and the sun is out.  It’s real nice.  I’m going to walk back to the square.  I’m all stoned.  I took a resin hit.


     3:46pm  I had an awesome presentation with these two kids in the square.  I didn’t get their names.  Right in the middle this cop walked up to me and said, “You gotta go!”  I asked him, “What for?”  He lied and told me he got complaints that I was asking for money.  I totally denied it and the two kids I was talking to totally had my back and told the pig I wasn’t asking for money.  I’m non-profit.  He went away.  Tough guy, big man, do what you can.


     4:03pm  I gave this cute girl April five dollars to get me some weed. 


     6:11pm  I just had an awesome presentation at the riverfront park.  Odyssey and all with what were your names?  Mikayla and Tia.  In the end they gave me a cigarette.  I appreciate it, guys.  Everybody gets credit.  I took their picture.


     7:35pm  Crazy shit.  This fourteen and sixteen year old girls invited me over to their house to go meet their thirty seven year old mom.  When we walked all the way there nobody was home, so one of the girls climbed up and through a window to get in the house.  They invited me upstairs and we went and smoked outside on their balcony.  All of a sudden her mom pulls up with the girl's boyfriend and starts yelling up a storm.  I told her, “Umm, I was invited in.”  Anyway, I left. 


     7:43pm  I was walking down the street after I got yelled at.  On the walk with those girls I had seen all these people partying in front of their house.  When I walked by it again I stopped and turned around and walked up to the party with, “Check out my website.  It’s free.”  They immediately offered me some badass jambalaya!  Sweet!  Thanks for feeding the peace machine!


     10:05am  I have a magical update to make.  I was walking away from the young girl’s house.  Their mom told me to leave, whatever.  I didn’t know exactly where I was going to walk to.  Then I remember that one house I had passed earlier.  There were all these kids partying on the porch and I walked up to them and asked them to check out my website.  They hooked me up with some food and I scored a place to crash tonight.  That’s awesome.  Over at BJ’s house.  No accident.  I’ve got a crashpad tonight, awesome.


                   I hung out at the party house, Angelique's for a couple hours.  Everyone else was drinking but not me.  We spent the time taking army men and molding them together into sexual positions.


     3:14am  I am going to bed finally.  I met BJ’s girlfriend and I told her my story.  Man, I’ve been telling my story all day long nonstop.  I’ve got some good supporters and believers in Huntington.  Nonsmokers and smokers alike.         

Next day..


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