

                                                                                                    Ashland, OR to Yreka, CA

Sunday June 28, 2009

     6:55am  I just woke up. I got 6.24 hours of sleep.

     7:25am  All packed up and leaving, leaving no trace but my website.

     8:22am  The greedy asses at the Ashland Bistro Cafe don't want world peace. I was just testing you. They wouldn't give me hot water for my oatmeal.

                   The Lost Elders of Zion

     8:57am  Garret let me borrow his phone again and I called Peg. She told me she would meet me in the plaza in half an hour. I was curious and I asked her, "What happened to you last night? Did you get any sleep?" She told me, "It's a secret, but I love Ashland though." She told me it would take her half an hour to get to the park and I asked her why, that I didn't keep any secrets from her. I came to the Masoni Walkway and I'm going to pass out my website.

     9:34am  I am talking to beautiful Twinky here in front of the Lithia fountain. She let me borrow her cellphone so I could call Peg. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     9:45am  I had an awesome presentation with Twinky. Note from the rich and everything. What did you think? Her: "I thought it was terrific." She just volunteered me three dollars. I appreciate it. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps.

                   Peg and I walked into the park I was trying to tell this guy at a bench my story. He had some veggie food and he gave us some. Right after I told him, "Hear this question out, please," he started talking about some other shit. Damnit, I am trying to tell a story here. Then I tried telling this other kid, he warned me that he had ADD real bad. He was listening great and then the other dude started interrupting. God-damn, why does everybody always gotta fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! When will we ever learn?
                   Before I started I had asked Peg, "Peg, are you bored?" She told me, "Oh no, not at all." I asked her if she minded if I told my story and she told me to go right ahead. Halfway through she got pissed off saying, "I support the cause too! I bought those cigarettes you are smoking!" I told Peg, "Listen, you have heard me tell the same story a lot now. I never said you didn't support the cause, but NOW you are getting offended at my story? My story hasn't changed, but yet NOW you're getting offended?

     3:30pm  Sean and Rachel. I had yet another awesome presentation in front of the park. They listened to me hardcore. Whole odyssee and everything.

     4:05pm  Fuck Peg. I just called her up and she didn't answer her phone, like she rarely does. I tried again and she answered. I told her I was in the park and she said, "I'll be there in an hour." Fuck this shit. I brought her to Ashland to show it to her, but now she's doing other shit with other people. I have no business here. I've played this town out. Coming back here has been a total waste of time. Peg got all mad at my story earlier. On the phone she told me I was too scripted. Ugh, I've been telling the same fucking story for years and just now she's tripping on it? Fuck her. She just wanted to get laid. Horny little bitch. That's all she wanted. She's been patronizing me all this time. She doesn't believe in me. She hasn't from the start. She's just been playing along. She hasn't been supporting my cause, she's only been supporting her vagina. Fuck Peg.

                   Peg doesn't love me. She just loves my doggy-style.

                   I am skipping town then.

     4:34pm  I had a little upset with Peg and decided I was going to hitchhike out of town. I went to the Minute Market and topped off my bag with ice and ate some oatmeal. I walked to the next stop sign and Mark pulls up to the stop sign and offers me a ride to Medford. I WAS going to go to Yreka, but I remembered about that open-mic thing Wednesday. I should go do that. I need to be telling my story in Medford more than Ashland anyway.

     5:08pm  I was thinking man, I shouldn't be going to Medford. There's open-mics everywhere. Plus, it's on July 1st. I've got time to go to Yreka, update my site and then come back for the open-mic.

     5:37pm  I should make an update. Mark didn't mind bringing me back to Ashland. He dropped me off at the gas station at the south end of town. I see another girl at the corner with a sign that says Portland.

     5:58pm  I was standing on the onramp next to the gas station trying to get a ride. Richard was here pumping his gas at the ARCO here and he walked up to me and asked me if I was doing the PCH, that he would give me a ride to the trailhead. I told him, "Not this year." He's going to give me a ride straight to Yreka! I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:45pm  I'm already in Yreka! Straight shot. What an awesome ride. Richard listened to my whole Odyssey and everything. I just finished the note from the rich right now before he dropped me off. First he took me to Montague, but I couldn't remember where exactly Marilyn lived, so he gave me a ride back to Yreka.

     7:44pm  Oh yeah, Richard gave me a twenty dollar bill! I appreciate it, bro.

                   He dropped me off at the Liquor Barn gas station. I asked the old guy cashier if he knew Marilyn Trevino and he said, "Only from the bookings."

     8:28pm  I had a badass presentation with Eric right now. He loved my story. I gave him a big hug at the end. He was riding his bike and I got his attention and asked him if he knew Marilyn Trevino. He told me no and kept riding his bike. He eventually came back up to me and I told him my legend, right in front of the Motel Yreka. While I was telling my story this dude crossed the street and I asked him if he knew where I could get a nickel sack. He promptly told me to follow him and I went in his motel room and scored me a nickel sack! I'm all stoned telling my story out here on the sidewalk.

                   Eric told me I had totally made his night. Thanks for listening Eric. Great ear.

     9:12pm  I didn't have enough change for some donuts at the gas station and Travis volunteered me some change. I appreciate it, brother. Thanks a lot.

     9:55pm  I just had me a badass presentation right now with these five kids. I was walking down Broadway looking for a camp. I'm going to try and end up at the field I crashed at last time. 5-21-09 1:18pm I'm having fun tonight. I wouldn't be surprised if a cop stopped to talk to me. I kind of stick out a little.

     11:12pm  I need to make an update already. I ran into these kids and we sat down and I put on my show for them, odyssey and everything. These two kids walking a dog Sheba. Billy Smothers and Harvey. They were great listeners to my story. They're letting me camp at their house. We're going to smoke some people out, I'm going to match. Welcome to Yreka, Victor Antonio.

     1:38am  I should make an update by now. It's awesome that I ran into these kids while I was looking for a place to crash. I went down South Street, I think. These kids saw me and I started talking to them and telling them my story. These twenty year old kids. I forgot their names already. We had to walk far tonight. We were already at high elevation and we walked all the way to the other side of town to the same elevation basically. One of them is a caretaker for this elderly man. We came out here on this property. I'll take pictures in the morning. It's beautiful. I hope I see Marilyn tomorrow at the free lunch.

Next day..

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