


Socorro, NM

Tuesday June 29, 2004

     2:30pm  It's already Tuesday, I think. See, I'm so dumb. I thought I had lost my recorder all this time. It just disappeared that night I bought them beer. I undertook the project of cleaning so much shit. This morning I went around the whole living room and vacuumed by hand. Just cleaning up the bigger stuff with my hand. Then I got a broom and brushed their carpet. Their vacuum cleaner didn't suck too hard, but I used the hose on it to pick up the little piles I made with the broom. I worked my ass off and everything is all nice now. Guess where the recorder was. It turns out it had been in my cargo short pocket all along. The right one that has a hole in it, that I only use for wool gloves. I have no idea why I would ever think to put my recorder in that pocket. I never use it. Well, right after I had basically finished up the living room, I brush up against this chair and my tape recorder falls on the ground. What a surprise! It finally fell out of the hole in my pocket.

                     Ahhh, I know what it was. That was that night I got all that alcohol. See how evil alcohol is? But hey, at least I cleaned up the whole living room, which you had to wade through at first. I should've taken before and after pictures. I didn't have a camera, though. Back on track, back on track.

     11:47pm  I had a really good conversation with Jessie. The same Jessie who wouldn't listen to my story the first day at the pool hall. She said that she's got a story. Who's it by? Alfred Noyes.

                     The Highwayman by Alfred Noyes

                     Great, I found it at and I don't have to type it all:

Next day..

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