


Socorro, NM

Friday July 2, 2004

     10:07am  I'm walking to the school. I'm going to get caught up, damnit. Then I'm going to go run some errands. I need to find a thrift store and get new shorts.

                      I took a shower this morning. I just love this weather out here. I had me a peanut butter sandwich and I'm going to take an apple for my lunch break. I had a ranger cookie too.

     1:44pm  Alex just gave me a cigarette in front of the library. I just finished typing up like three days. I appreciate it, sister.

     2:19am  I had a real good presentation in front of the library. The chick who gave me a cigarette and two other guys. The two guys listened all the way through, but the girl had to leave. Now, I'm going to go look for a thrift store. I want to get me some shorts.

                   It's cool. In my typing I am already to when I get to Socorro. Like seven days ago.

                   I got directions to the thrift store. I have to walk by the house again.

     2:41am  I came back to the house, The Black Hole. I got smoked out and I'm going to keep walking.

                   Man, I can't believe I haven't walked around Socorro yet. I've been in that house for a whole week. I have to go exploring.

     2:45pm  Everybody waves back in Socorro. I am giving the peace sign to all the cars driving by and everybody waves back. I am having a good time.

     2:48pm  I can't believe downtown is so close to the house. It's not that far at all. I could walk out here and hang out all day. I can tell my stories.

     2:52pm  I went over and asked the janitor where the thrift store was and he told me it was right down this street. That I couldn't miss it.

                   Damnit, the Desert Dollar is closed on Sundays. I think today is Sunday. It's the third.

                   Second, I mean.

                   I guess no thrift store today. I'm going to keep walking down this street. I'm not going to double back.

                   Man, this mountain 

is beautiful right here. I need to get me a camera.

                   I'm just strolling around Socorro. Just walking around, getting seen and giving people the peace sign.

                   I see a sign that says, "Yard Sale 703 Reservoir July 2nd and 3rd 8am-12pm." Damnit, it's over.

     3:03pm  I had seen a sign for a garage sale, so I went to the address. They stopped at noon, but they still had a lot of stuff out there. This lady was out there. She opens the fence for me and I walk into her yard. I tell her, "I am on a mission to save the world and I need new shorts." I'm walking around Socorro looking for a thrift store. She said she didn't have any shorts, but gave me directions to where she knew there was one.

                   Oh yeah, today is Friday. I walked down Reservoir Street.

                   Oh yeah, I passed that same thrift store I passed earlier. I look at the hours and they should be open right now. They should've been open earlier. Today is Friday. What the heck?

     3:15pm  Man, California Avenue is hopping. I walked down Manzanares. There's a gas station right here. I'm going to go bum a cigarette. There's a big ass fireworks stand here.

     3:27pm  Javier aqui en la fruiteria me dio dos guineos por viente centavos y unas uvas tambien. Te lo agradezco, Javier. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

                   Oh yeah, I was at the gas station and I was real hungry. Luckily, right behind it there was some Mexican dude selling fruits and vegetables. I went up to him and asked him in Spanish, "I am hungry and I only have twenty cents. Can I get a banana?" He told me to grab two and even offered me some grapes. He hooked me up.

     3:35pm  Long hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Long. Everybody gets credit.

                   This guy walked in the store and I noticed he had a pack in his pocket. When he walks back out of the store I tell him, "I'll trade you a banana for a cigarette?" I thought he just ignored me and got into his truck, but then he rolls down the window and gives me a cigarette. He didn't want my banana. He was some Asian dude driving a cargo van with his wife.

     3:42pm  I am leaving the gas station now. I got hooked up. I even got a cigarette. I look cool walking around holding a banana. I'm all hippie'd out.

                   I just went into Bobbie's Bobbins Sewing Center. I went to the back and told the lady, "My name is Victor. I'm from San Antonio, TX. I'm on a mission to save the world with the Internet and my pants are dying. Think you guys could help me out? I don't have any money, but if you'll tell me how much it would cost, I'll go bum it off my friends." She told me she was really busy and wouldn't be able to help me right now. She recommended some place across the street and told me they might help me.

     3:49pm  I'm passing some martial arts place. I see a guy in there by himself not doing much. I'm going to go hit him up for a story.

     3:53pm  I stopped into the martial arts place I told you about and I talked to Abba. He doesn't have time to listen to my story, but he has an email address. I told him I didn't have a pen, so he used his. I asked him if he could spare it and he said of course. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:57pm  I had a great presentation with Abba. At first he told me he didn't have time to listen. After he gave me his email address he started asking me questions. He asked me what I was doing, where I was from. I busted out with my stuff and he agreed with me fully. In the end he told me, "I don't think you're crazy and have a good journey. I hope everything keeps going your way."

     3:58pm  I walked into Domino's Pizza and asked the guy if he had any mistakes he could hook me up with.

     4:03pm  In front of this smoke shop this black dude with a rainbow beanie hooked me up with a cigarette. He wouldn't give me his name and was real quick to leave.

                   Oh yeah, the brand of cigarettes he bought was Unity. The signs are everywhere.

                   Holy shit. Walmart is taking over Socorro too. I'm passing by the future home of yet another Walmart Supercenter. Just plain evil..

                   Fuck Sam Walton.

                   I'm going to go in the Pizza Hut here and see if they have any mistakes.

     4:11pm  I'm getting hooked up at the Pizza Hut! I asked the girl if she had any mistakes and she said, "I don't know. The big boss is here. Let me go ask him if I can find anything for you." She came back real quick and told me, "Just have a seat and I'll bring you out something." Awesome. Score!

     4:12pm  Tara is the girl who's hooking me up at the Pizza Hut. I appreciate it, Tara. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    I told Tara, "Thanks for proving me right." She goes, "There's still some of us out there."

     4:30pm  After I finished my pizza I went outside and smoked another Unity cigarette. This delivery driver girl pulls up and walks past me. She asks me how I was doing and I give her my usual, "I'm the happiest man in the world." She laughs and tells me, "Well I am so happy for you." She goes inside, and I guess she tells Tara about the crazy guy outside and Tara tells her about me. A couple minutes later she pokes her head out of the door and asks me, "Are you the guy writing the book? We have some fresh breadsticks if you want them." Score! I'm going to bring some snacks home.

     4:34pm  Jennifer is the delivery driver's name. I hope I heard that write on my recorder, because I could've sworn her name was Christine. Ahh, she knows who she is.

     4:48pm  Man, I had a badass presentation at the Pizza Hut with that girl Jennifer who hooked me up with breadsticks. She was laughing and nodding her head up and down with every point I made saying, "For real!" every time. I am positive she is going to tell all her friends.

                   Man, Socorro has welcomed me with open arms.

                   I am now walking to those tennis courts I walked by when I first got to Socorro. I'm going to scan for tennis balls.

                   Hallelujah, I see a tennis ball! I hadn't found one in Socorro yet.

                   I don't know if I told you, but yesterday I had a good conversation with Jessie. She had told me, "Man, I wish there were more people like you out there, Victor."

                   It's funny. It's like I went to half a day of school and half a day of work today.

     5:14pm  I am walking back up to the house, The Black Hole. I see Ross' truck still there, so they haven't left for Texas yet. Oh yeah, I never told you. Ross, JC, Karen and someone else are driving to Austin and some other places. They were supposed to leave yesterday, I think.

     5:21pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I came back to the house and shared my breadsticks. They were yummy. Karen smoked me out again, so I'm high. What a great day I am having.

                   All I am getting are signs to stay in Socorro. No signs to leave.

     5:22pm  I just wanted to make a statement here. I am sitting here all exhausted in the living room. I see a book on the bookshelf over there that says, "CHE," real big. I don't have the energy to get up and get it, but I see Andrew standing up nearby. I tell him, "Andrew, could you get me one of those books on that bookshelf?" He asks me, "Which one?" I tell him, "Surprise me." Andrew goes over to the shelf, thinks a bit and grabs a book. Lo and behold, it was the CHE book that I wanted to begin with. Isn't that weird. I am meant to read this book.

     8:00pm  We are having yet another smoking session here at the house, The Black Hole. I'm going to take a hit, hold on. Anyway, we are smoking weed out here. Hmm, I forgot why I thought to make this entry. Oh yeah, Ross gave me a cigarette. Thanks.

     8:06pm  We're out here smoking marijuana and I'm talking to Karen. She's telling me about this weird obsession they have with postal tape here. You can order it for free off the website or something. For businesses. They got a hundred and fifty rolls of postal tape in the mail for free. They use it to make all this different stuff like a trash can, a laundry hamper, eye patches, anything. She says that anything you can imagine can be made out of postal tape. She told me how someone at the house was attacked once with postal tape.

     8:09pm  Andrew offered me a beer, even though I have half of one left. It's the thought that counts. I appreciate it.

     9:25pm  Ross hooked me up with a cigarette again. Okay, I'll stop asking. He told me to make sure I mention he's hooked me up three times. Thanks for proving me right, Ross.

                   Oh yeah, Ross also gave me some beef jerky too.

Next day..

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