


Socorro, NM

Saturday July 3, 2004

     8:11am  I've had a pretty good morning so far. Oh, Karen was up early too. Actually, she never went to sleep. She smoked me out. Waked-n-baked. And she's pinching me a hit for my lunch break. I am going to school to type up my stuff and get caught up. Thanks, Karen.

     8:13am  I am leaving for school. I'm going to try and catch up.

     8:22am  I walked a new way. I am walking down School of Mines. I didn't do my stretches this morning, I forgot. Maybe I'll find a place to do them. I've got my stick and everything. I scored a ball at the tennis courts yesterday. I'm wearing my Willie Nelson shirt too. I'm out in full-force today.

     8:27am  I got to the library and it's closed. I think today is the third or the fourth, I don't know. I think it opens at nine. I'm looking at myself in the reflection of the window. I got my walking stick, my water bottle, my Willie Nelson shirt. I need to go walk around the town. I'm going to head back down the other way. Towards the house. I still need to figure out what I am going to do for food.

                   Oh, nobody is at the library. I can do my Tai-Chi stretches.

     10:33am  I don't know if I ever told you about the Mus-L Blast 

that was here when I got here. A brand new can. Well, the ones I've had before were Mus-L Blast 2000, but it's all the same. It was just in the cupboard. I asked around and nobody claimed it. Pat wouldn't let me have it until I found out who's it was. I was all bummed out, but today it was finally granted to me. I got my Mus-L Blast again! I had brought some Ziploc bags from San Antonio just in case I got some more. It just fell in my lap at this magical house. I came to the right place. It's amazing.

                     It's probably a sign for me to leave.

                     Oh yeah, last night I kind of planned a trip for today to San Lorenzo Canyon. It's supposedly seven miles away, so I can walk back. Oh yeah, and Steve said he'd hook me up with five dollars so I could get a disposable camera so I can take pictures.

                     Man, it's so awesome how I ended up getting some more Mus-L Blast. I needed that.

     11:03am  I was walking down School of Mines towards the school. I passed by this pretty girl named Marica. She's from Italy. As soon as she was within earshot I solicited her for my free story. She spoke in broken English and told me she didn't have time to listen. I got her email address though. It's

     11:15am  I just took a shot of Mus-L Blast in front of the library. I am stupid. I just realized I left all my cassettes at the house. This sucks. I guess I am just meant to walk into town and talk to people today.

     12:50pm  I am leaving the library. I sent Jordan all the days I logged since I left San Antonio.

                     Oh yeah, I came upon this exercise station on the way home.


                     There was a place to do pull ups and I did some. I walked down College instead of School of Mines. They run pretty parallel.

                     That exercise station is right in front of the Socorro Consolidated Schools building.

                     On the corner of Franklin and Medley.

     1:47pm  I'm back at The Black Hole. There was some leftover macaroni that nobody wanted, like there is every time they cook. I gobbled it up quick. So much gets wasted at this house.

                   I had a couple cookies from an MRE too. Two hundred and sixty calories. I'm going to walk into town. I have nothing to do.

                   I just walked past the thrift store I came to yesterday and they're closed.

     2:08pm  I ended up close to the house again. That's weird. I'm walking towards the mountain 

with the "M" on it. Well, since I really need to get my stuff typed up, I'm near the house where I can get my tape and the library is open right now. I think I'm going to go get my tape at the house. I'll go type my stuff up.

     2:15pm  I changed my mind. I'm going to walk to California Avenue and bum/smoke a cigarette. Then, I'll go type my stuff up at the library. I think it closes at eight tonight.

     2:35pm  I walked out to California Street. I went to the Diamond Shamrock in front of Smith's and got a cigarette out of the ashtray. I took a resin hit and I'm walking towards the school now. I'm walking down Proto street, the same street I came out to California on. Right next to the Ace Hardware Store.

     2:53pm  Walking past this old church. I forgot the name of it.

     2:57pm  I'm back on School of Mines Street. I'm going to walk all the way past the house to the library.

     2:59pm  Pit stop at The Black Hole. I'm going to smoke and drink some water.

     3:36pm  I was walking back towards the school and I ran into this one guy I had met at the house one time. I forgot his name. We both asked each other for a cigarette at the same time. I told him I was on my way to the library to type my stuff up and since he didn't have a cigarette I was going to look through the ashtrays for snipes. He followed. We tried getting some tobacco together, but he gave up. He took off telling me he was going to bum a couple from a friend nearby and come back in half an hour. I told him I would be in the library typing my stuff up.

     3:38pm  Oh shit! I just realized I didn't have my water bottle on me. I really hope it's at the place we sat down to try and smoke. I don't see it.

     3:42pm  I just noticed I had lost my water bottle. I really hope it's at the house.

     3:52pm  I am at the house again. I really hope it's here.

                   Whew, it was here. I thought I lost my bottle. I was so scared.

     3:53pm  Screw it, I'm going back. I'm not going to rest or anything. I'm going to walk all the way back.

     7:45pm  I am leaving school. I am officially caught up. I sent my mom the beginning of my adventure so far. All the stuff I've typed up. At the end I put, "If you have the patience to read it, let me know and I'll send you the rest of the days." If not, she can just stay ignorant to it and not know about it.

     8:36pm  I am leaving The Black Hole. Andrew made some good food. I got me some weed! Andrew found this little sack in the refrigerator outside. It was a bag full of seeds. I put it all in my Frisbee and let the seeds fall out at an angle. I got me like a fat joint's worth. Perfect for my one-hitter. I'm all loaded now. I'm going to walk into town and see what happens.

     8:45pm  I was going to walk down over by the square. I'm thinking I might go to the Capitol Bar and get someone to buy me a drink. I was walking down School of Mines, right close to the house and I see this pretty girl walking. I went up to her and asked her if I could tell her a really interesting story. Her name is Claudia and she's from Switzerland. She's agreed to listen to my story. She's got time. She was just walking down to the campus one last time because she's leaving back to Switzerland tomorrow. We're going to walk to campus and sit down in the grass. She's even got some apples. I'm going to give Claudia a good farewell. Things happen for a reason. She was just walking down the street right when I was.

     8:55pm  When Claudia and I walked up to the school she spotted some friends of hers and called them over. Her friend Lilly and err, he said, "I'd prefer not," when I asked him his name. They're going to listen to my story too.

                    I do believe I have stumbled onto a resource. All three of them listened to my story and Prefer Not said I desperately needed to go to He said I definitely had a story to tell. I sure as hell do.

                   Wow, things happen for a reason.

     9:15pm  I just had a wonderful presentation at the school here with this little three person audience I acquired. With Claudia, Lily and Prefer Not. I just finished my odyssey story and they gave me a cigarette and an apple for later. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                   Prefer Not gave me another cigarette. I appreciate it. This is the guy I needed to talk to tonight, damnit.

     9:45pm  Prefer Not is giving me some suggestions on some books to read. Robert Anton Wilson's Prometheus RisingQuantum Psychology and the New Inquisition. And Prefer Not tells me that if I am not afraid of the hype around Alistair Crowley, to check out his (something) self-growth.

                   The whole world is going to get those suggestions.

                   Oh my lard. I've just had the grandest experience. That Swiss girl Claudia introduced me to her friends who showed up. That one dude Prefer Not told me that he was trying to do the same exact thing I was. He told me I had to email I'm going to go email them right now. Hmm, I'm supposed to go to The Capitol Bar. What a great night. Man, that guy even told me, "Never forget, people need to hear you." Oh yeah, he's even going to hook me up with a laptop! He told me, "Whatever I can do to help your cause, I'll do it. People need to hear you."

     10:35pm  Claudia and I are headed off to the plaza downtown. We're going to go hang out in the plaza and I'll smoke her out. I am giving her a farewell goodbye. She's leaving for Switzerland tomorrow. We are walking to the plaza. She's twenty years old so she can't get in the bar. I had told Prefer Not that I was thinking about going to the bar and he told me to ask around for Will or Brian, bouncers there. He told me to tell them, "I am friends with Ed and he wants you to do him a favor. Buy me a drink." I've got a free drink waiting. I might get it later on. Anyway, Claudia and I are just going to hang out in the plaza and smoke weed all night. Her good farewell.

     10:42pm  We walked up to the plaza     

and noticed we needed a lighter really bad. I walked up to the only car by the plaza and asked the guy inside, "I don't suppose you'd have a spare lighter, would you?" He hooked me up. I appreciate it, Dennis. Oh yeah, his name is Dennis. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:57pm  I told Claudia to hold on, that I was going to run into the bar, get hooked up, drink my drink and then come back outside to hang out with her. I went in the bar and sure enough Brian hooked me up with a drink. A Long Island Iced Tea. For the cause.

     11:03pm  I'm calling the shots tonight. I met this really pretty girl from Switzerland just randomly walking down School of Mines. Oh yeah, after we went to the plaza, Andrew, the loafer from the Black Hole eventually showed up. The guy I told my story to had told me to come to the Capitol Bar and asked for his friend and that they would hook me up. I did just that.

     11:22pm  Claudia and I are sitting up here in the gazebo in the plaza. Claudia is telling me about something in Switzerland. It's called the Open Air, or something. It's like a Rainbow Gathering. It's in Switzerland. It's called Peace Mountain.

                     Whoa, it's July 19 and I am typing this up in Socorro at the public library. Right when I typed up that stuff about Peace Mountain, I did a Google search for it. The sixth thing it found for me was titled "Peace Mountain - Crèps, fun und Musik." I clicked on it and the weirdest thing. Up at the top-left it says, "Peace Mountain (Claudia)." It's all in Swiss, so I can't read it. There is no other instance of "Claudia" on the page either. Weird, huh. 

     11:47pm  I am walking home to The Black Hole. Man, I had a magical night tonight. It was awesome. This guy Ed is hooking me up with some resources. People who need to hear my story. I hope I remember the name of the webpage.

     11:55pm  What a magical Saturday night I've had. I met this beautiful girl from Switzerland. She hung out with me all night. We smoked some weed. I got hooked up with a drink. I downed that Long Island Iced Tea quick, because Claudia was outside. Everybody at the bar was all impressed. It hit me afterwards. I went and hung out with that girl in the gazebo some more. I started feeling kind of sick. We started walking and then Claudia offered for me to come back to Lily and Ed's and smoke a joint. I had to leave though. I felt sick. I excused myself and told them I was going back to The Black Hole to throw up.

     12:11am  Man, that alcohol sucked. I threw up all nasty. I just drank it down straight. I'm all drunk. I am ashamed of myself. I always told myself that if I drank I wouldn't get drunk. I hate throwing up. I thought I was going to throw up a second time, but there was nothing left to throw up. I got some gas out, so I'm just going to lie down. This sucks. I hate being drunk.

Next day..

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