


Socorro, NM

Sunday July 4, 2004

     8:15am  I just woke up. I'm not hung over or nothing.

     8:58am  I saw Steve get up early and get dressed. I didn't remember it was Sunday, so I asked him where he was going. He told me he was going to church. I asked him what kind and he said Baptist. He invited me and I said okay. Just so people can see me. We stopped at the school first. He has to do something. There's a poster on the wall which has the word triathlon misspelled. Or so I think. I got a marker and drew MISSPELLED with an arrow pointing to it.

     9:18am  Some crazy shit happened with Steve. He had a backpack on this morning and I asked him, "Hey, are you going to school?" He said he was going to church. He invited me and I said okay. He came out of the room and asked me, "Are you ready?" I told him I just needed to put me shoes on and brush my teeth. He was all, "Oh yeah, I need to brush my teeth too." While he was in the bathroom brushing his teeth I get my toothbrush out of my little toothbrush container which was in my mission pouch. I go in the bathroom and Steve asks me, "Do you know what toothpaste is good for?" I ask him what and he says, "Absolutely nothing." I kind of agree with him and say, "Yeah, there's been some times when I don't have any paste and I just brush my teeth dry. They feel as clean as if I had brushed them with toothpaste." I grab the big tube of toothpaste and then he tells me, "So, you shouldn't use it, especially if it's not yours." I thought, "Oh shit, he was dropping a hint." He got offended. I hadn't even used it yet. I say, "Don't worry about it. I have my little tube," and go to get it.

                   Afterwards I go out in the living room and tell him, "Hey man, I am really sorry if I disrespected you by using your toothpaste. I had figured since this was a communal setting and since there is so much toothpaste and you can spare it, I didn't think it would be a problem at all. Also, seeing as how you guys have been so generous since I got here..." He told me, "Oh, I am just trying to get in the habit of not using anything unless it's mine." I looked him straight in the face and told him, "You have to realize that there are a lot of people living in this house. If you want to be the only one using something, especially in the bathroom, you should either put your name on it, or put it away. Don't leave it out to be used. Duh." He said, "Oh yeah, well that's true." He's weird. It seems to me that Steve is a bit naive. He needs to find himself desperately. He is just yearning for someone to show him what's wrong and right. He can't figure it out for himself.
                   We went to the Baptist church. I shook everybody's hands and gave them my name. On the way there I had asked Steve, "Do you think I should refrain from telling my story at this church?" He told me that it was up to me. At the church we ran into that old guy I had met with Steve the first night in front of the library. You remember, the guy who was all monopolizing the conversation and wouldn't listen(6-24-04,12:20am). Eventually they got to the point where people were lining up for choir. They asked me if I wanted to sing. I told them no, that I couldn't sing too well. Steve told me, "Then you should try it." I told Steve, "No, I can't sing." He insisted some more and I told him, "Steve, it's not that I can't sing. I just wouldn't enjoy doing it right now." He said, "Oh, that's true."

     9:21am  I decided to leave that house of ignorance and go for a walk. I'm just walking down the street. I'm way over here on California Street. Another thing is that Steve just quit smoking, too. He hasn't smoked in four days. Steve has all these elaborate turmoils going on inside him. He's quitting everything and started going to church. A Baptist church, at that. Like, today when we went, was his first day. Oh yeah, I am at the Premier Food Mart, the place they had that fruiteria behind the other day.

     9:31am  I am walking past the Bush/Cheney '04 Republican Headquarters. Hehe, that's funny.

     9:38am  I came out here to the Diamond Shamrock in front of Smith's. I was hoping there would be a cigarette in the ashtray. I scored me a big long menthol. I am sure the girl knows I am stealing them. They're probably hers. Because there is always a menthol in there. I don't know what I am going to do about food, though. I am going to go to this Tina's restaurant place and see if they'll hook me up.

     9:53am  George, here at Tina's hooked me up. I appreciate it, George.

     9:56am  Man, this was perfect. I was damn hungry. The guy was all, "What do you want?" When I first walked in I noticed George was Hispanic. Cool, my chances just shot up.

     10:11am  I just finished my breakfast. They have all these little books here by Ben Goode. I picked one up titled The Fine Art of Worrying. There's another one called How To Make People Think You're Normal. The Art of Worrying one is funny. I am tempted to steal it, really. I thought I would just cleverly slide it into my bag and take off. Then I thought, "Man, they just hooked me up. I shouldn't." And, it has a sticker that says, "Table Copy. Please do not remove. Books available at cashier." They sell these here. I'm just going to have the name of the book on my website and people can buy it themselves. The Fine Art of Worrying book is great. I wish I could transcribe the introduction to it. It's great. It says it's, "The Official Guidebook for Worry-Warts." I should get it for my mom.
                     That was just perfect how I scored at Tina's. I got me a big breakfast burrito. It was damn good. I gave him my line and he said, "What do you want?" I told him to surprise me and he said, "No, pick something." A waitress came over and handed me a menu. I asked her what she recommended. She suggested I get a burrito and I agreed. She asked me what kind of meat I wanted and I told her to surprise me. She gave me a sausage burrito. It was damn good. I'm going to walk back to The Black Hole and go look up this thing on the Internet.

     10:25am  I stopped at the chin-up station 

and did six chin ups. I'll try more next time. It hurts my chest when I do too many.

     10:28am  I am at The Black Hole. Hope that cigarette I left on the couch is still there. It was half an American Spirit that Claudia hooked me up with last night. I liked Claudia so much. She was so pretty. I love her accent.

     10:39am  I went outside and smoked a cigarette and some weed. I'm going to go inside and finally check out

     2:21pm  I forgot to tell you. Phil told me there was an Independence Day celebration at the campus today. Close to the golf course. He told me the first hundred people to get there would get free food. I don't know if I'll be one of them. Oh yeah, I thought I had lost my recorder in the house. I was all scared. I was bitching about how I had lost it and Andrew went, "I didn't take it. I didn't take it." I told him, "I wasn't accusing you of taking it! I am just bummed because I lost it."

                   Now Andrew, he doesn't do anything. Whatsoever. He wears these overalls and reminds me of Dennis the Menace. He doesn't take a shower and he has a big cowlick in his hair. He just stays in the house and consumes all day. He doesn't do a damn thing. He's always saying, "Oh, I gotta study." "Study for what? You don't go to school," I would tell him. He tells everybody that he's going to start driving trucks soon, but I don't know about that. I highly doubt it. Andrew is just plain lazy.

                  Oh yeah, I wrote a big long email to the guy at I hope that's productive. I just wrote out my current script. I only sent him my platform in the first email and I left a note saying if he was interested that I would send him something else. My amazing odyssey story.

     2:37pm  Oh yeah, I came to this shindig at the college. There's a huge mass of Babylonians here. They have Tejano music playing. They're selling all this stuff. They're selling pizza. They should be giving it away, damnit. I am seriously thinking about skipping this place. It doesn't seem like too much fun. I'm going to walk downtown and see what's going on there. I should go to the library and type my stuff up. Oh yeah, the library's closed. It's the Fourth of July.

     2:42pm  Georgia hooked me up with a cigarette outside of the school. I appreciate it, Georgia.

     2:55pm  I am walking down Bullock. Maybe I'll go to the Subway and see if they hook me up with a sub.

     3:00pm  Angelina hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Denny's. Thanks a lot, Angelina. Everybody gets credit.

                   I walked back up to the Diamond Shamrock, hoping there'd be a snipe in the ashtray. There wasn't, but I then saw a lady smoking a cigarette outside. I hit her up and she gave me a Marlboro Red. I am going to sit outside and wait until the Subway is empty, so I can get hooked up with a sandwich. My odds go up if there are no other customers in the store.

     3:16pm  Patty is hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach at the Subway. I appreciate it, Patty. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:18pm  Man, I called that at the Subway. I was smoking my cigarette in front of the Denny's. I was waiting for all the people to leave before I went to ask. Then I thought, "Wait a minute. I should save half of this cigarette for my after-meal smoke for after I get hooked up at Subway." When all the people left, I went up to the girl and told her my shpeel. She asked me what I wanted and I told her to surprise me. She was all, "What do you like? Do you like chicken? Roast Beef? Ham?" I told her I liked all of that stuff. She hooked me up with a big sandwich with all three of those meats. She even gave me some chips and a soda.

                   Like I said, Socorro has welcomed me with open arms.

     3:40pm  I totally called that at the Subway. I am leaving now. I'm all full. She hooked me up with a badass sandwich, three meats. I am walking down School of Mines towards the plaza. Let's see what happens there.

                   I'm going to stop at the The Black Hole and check my email first.

     4:20pm  I just finished celebrating. I am walking to the plaza now. I stopped at the house. It sucked, the Internet was down. There was some problem. Maybe I am not meant to check my email right now.

     4:30pm  I just got to the plaza.


It's totally dead. Nobody is here. I'm going to sit down and smoke some weed.

     4:44pm  I am reading the historical marker here by the plaza. There is a big fragment of the first nuclear explosion in 1945.

     4:47pm  I came over to the Isidro Baca Park. It's a little park right next to the plaza.

     4:58pm  I walked all the way down California Street to the Conoco, the Chevron. There's a Motel 6 here. I'll just chill out here and get a cigarette.

     5:14pm  Not only did Ruben and his friend Kenneth listen to my story, but they're hooking me up with some gasoline for my stomach here at Arby's. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit.

                   It was cool. I was about to walk past Arby's when I see some kid who works there wearing a marijuana cap. I promptly went inside and told Ruben and Kenneth my story. They agreed with every single point I made. Ruben and Kenneth are cousins.

     5:15pm  That was a badass presentation I just had. Those guys listened to my whole story. Well, I didn't tell them my odyssey story. One of them was all, "I believe the same exact thing." They hooked me up with like four Arby-Melts. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I am not going to eat any of these burgers. Not just yet, though. I'm going to walk all the way to the house and give Andrew one. I felt bad because last night when I got all high, I jokingly dripped some melted wax on Andrew's boots. He was all pissed off. When I went in earlier he asked me if I had gotten any food for free today. I am going to bring Andrew an Arby-Melt. Even though I don't think he deserves it. Ahh, I forgive him. I can't blame him for not knowing better. I can blame the US Government. I didn't pay for the sandwich, so it's not mine to keep.

     8:45pm  I just got up from my nap. I forgot to tell you. I walked back to The Black Hole. I got bored and was tired.

     9:20pm  I walked back to New Mexico Tech and had me a great presentation. I was looking for a half-smoked cigarette in the ashtrays. I ate my two sandwiches from earlier that I had. As I was walking out I saw this girl. I asked her if she would listen to my story and she did.

     9:27pm  DJ here at the fireworks stand hooked me up with a cigarette. I've got a light. Everybody gets credit.

Next day..

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