


Socorro, NM

Monday July 5, 2004

     11:52am  I am leaving The Black Hole. I had a pretty uneventful morning. I took a shit and went back to sleep. I woke up around ten or something. I just scraped me a up a resin hit and I'm going to walk to that exercise station 

that's really close to the house.

     12:07pm  I stopped at the exercise station. I did some good pull ups. The standing pull up hurt my chest too much, so I did the inclined pull ups. When I was done with the pull ups I thought I'd just take off walking. Then I realized there was other stuff to do. Other exercises. I did the step-ups. I did fifty step-ups on the taller one. I'm tired. I am walking. I feel great. I took two shots of MuscleBlast.

     12:30pm  I ran into Josh again. Same guy I ran into yesterday, but I didn't know his name. In front of Smith's grocery store.

     12:57pm  I asked Jason for twenty cents, so I could buy a cigarette at the liquor store. Jason hooked me up with a whole pocketful of change. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:00pm  I stopped and sat down in front of the bank off California Street. This guy passed me riding a bike. I hit him up for a story real quick and he agreed to listen. I got my platform out and paused to give him a chance to respond. He agreed with everything I said. Just like everybody else does.

     1:28pm  Josh and I ran into this guy named Thomas. We came over to Thomas' house and I am here telling him and his mother my story. His mom thinks I'm full of shit. Thomas just gave me a soda.

     2:13pm  I had a great presentation at Thomas' house. His mom didn't agree with me. It's not so much that I want people to agree with me, just to talk about me, hehe.

     3:26pm  See, I had run into Josh right in front of Smith's. We walked up to the liquor store and bought a cigarette for a quarter. I got the money out of the have-a-penny-take-a-penny thing. We were going to see if we could get smoked out somewhere. So we walked to the plaza and then went to one of his friend's house. I had told Thomas and his mom my story and things were cool. Then, we walked over to Alex's. Oh, at the plaza earlier, I was about to tell Josh my story for the first time. There was this guy riding his bike around the plaza. I was just about to start my story with Josh when I asked the guy riding the bike if he wanted to hear it too. I called him over and asked him. I asked him if I could tell him a really interesting story and he says, "Does it have to do with legalizing weed? I am looking for some." I told him it has everything to do with that. He drives a truck and had stopped in Socorro and was just cruising around on his mountain bike. I got my platform out and gave it a good pause, just to see if he had to go. Sure enough, he was in a hurry to get somewhere. He had told us that he would probably see us again.
                   Well, not too long after that, we see him driving his truck and he honks at us and comes over. He turned his truck around and told us he was going to take it back to his motel room. He told us to meet him pretty soon, that he'd be on his mountain bike. We met him and then we went over to Alex's. We were toking it up. We eventually got some weed. Alex only had nine dollars and he went and bought a pack of cigarettes. The truck driver dude had some money, though. It turns out we got the weed delivered here. Everything is cool.

     3:38pm  Jason, the trucker that we ran into earlier, we ran into him again and found him some weed. Anyway, I asked him if he could spare a nug and he said sure. I appreciate it, brother. It's for the cause.

     4:20pm  We are at Alex's jamming out to some Primus. Jason came back. Jason asked us all if we were hungry. He went to his truck and got all these pot-pies and macaroni and brought them back. We are hanging out here with him and everything is cool. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Okay, Jason saw me making that last entry on my recorder and he asked me, "Hey, can I sing a rap into your recorder?" I told him sure. So here's Jason's rap. It's called The Skinny Little Crackheads.

     The Skinny Little Crackheads,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, in the alley smoking crack,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, steal my shit, so I snap,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, get poked in the belly with the big knife that I pulled out of my back,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, steal cash and steal checks,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, have plans that are wrecks,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, get tossed down the steps of my complex when they caught with my effects,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, drug-zombies and thieves,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, I break them off with ease,
     The Skinny Little Crackheads, I drag them through the trees and I cover them with dirt and I cover them with leaves. Ahhh.

     4:29pm  I have some alias modifications here. Umm, Josh wants me to put him in my stuff as Rave. Alex wants to be known as Monster. Alex is a Navajo too. Cool.

     4:42pm  Holy shit! I just asked Jason if he could spare any change towards a camera and he said he had a camera he could give me! Badass! I need a camera so bad. The universe provides. Thank you, thank you. Man, that's great that I ended up where I ended up today. It was totally an accident that I told Jason my story this morning in the plaza. Things happen for a reason.

     4:48pm  We've been planning this trip to the river for a while now. I got tired and asked, "So when are we going to go?" They all got motivated and we decided to leave. Jason and Thomas took off on their bikes and we are going to meet them somewhere.

     4:55pm  We came over to Thomas' house to get some water for my bottle. He hooked me up with like three or four cookies. I appreciate it, Thomas. Gasoline for the stomach. Everybody gets credit.

     4:57pm  Okay, message from Josh: "Alright people. Just a message to the world. Keep 420 alive. Never quit smoking pot and . . . just keep on smoking that pot."

     5:18pm  We are walking towards the river. Past Hope Farms Road. Oh yeah, we met up with the trucker guy, Jason again. Which is cool, because the whole free camera thing was up in the air. When he left earlier we didn't specify a time/location to meet again.

     5:30pm  Plot thickens. Jason drove ahead to the river and came back way before we got there. He told us the river was closed. He remembered about the camera too, but then he couldn't find it. He was parked in the street and had to move his truck. He told me he was at the Motel 6 on the Southside of town. He told me to go by later and that he'd find it for me. I almost had it.

     5:38pm  Pabst, Thomas' dog ran out into the field and played with these cows. Wish I had a camera.

     5:54pm  I am leaving Thomas' house. We walked all the way back to his house. I'm going to go find the Motel 6 so I can go get my camera.

                   I came up to the Motel 6 and I ran into Jason at the pool. Where he said he was going to be. Cool.

     6:29pm  I got my camera! A brand new disposable camera. I got hooked up. He also gave me nine dollars and asked me to walk to the store and buy him a sixpack of Natural Ice. Sixpack cans and a pack of cigarettes.

     6:54pm  I'm hanging out with Jason at the Motel 6 pool outside. Josh showed up too. Josh is seventeen, I think. Jason gave me a lager beer to drink and hooked me up with a cigarette. Oh yeah, he gave me a camera! That's awesome. Oh yeah, I lost my one-hitter. I left it at Alex's. I'm going to go see if I can find his house again, retrieve my pipe and come back to the Motel 6.

     6:56pm  I'm going to stop in Armijos Family Restaurant and try to score some food. I'm hungry.

     6:58pm  The manager wasn't there and the girl told me I'd have to talk to her.

     7:12pm  I am leaving Alex's. I did leave my pipe there. I got it back, whew.

     7:18pm  I am headed back to The Black Hole and I just took a picture of the gazebo in the plaza. 


                    Where I hung out with Claudia.

     7:21pm  I am walking around the plaza right now wondering which way is home. I found a cigarette on the ground. A brand new Marlboro Light.

     8:37pm  I went to The Black Hole. Phil was home. I got restless and told him I was going to go for a walk and he said he wanted to come along. Right now we just walked up to the Walmart they're building here. We are damning it straight to hell. Once again, fuck Sam Walton. It'll be Walmart #5492-00 700 North 6th Street Socorro, NM 87081.

     8:48pm  Blake's Lotaburger told me no. That's the first place where I have been denied in Socorro so far.

Next day..

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