


Socorro, NM

Tuesday July 6, 2004

     7:54am  The next morning. I'm having a good day so far. I went to bed and woke up early. I just took two shots of MuscleBlast. Andrew woke up and so did Steve. Steve is crazy.

                    Umm, I'm not sure what happened to the whole day. I think I had thought my tape recorder was lost. Anyway, the next entry I have is at 12:30am. Oh yeah, I think it was today, but Josh brought this dude Justin over and introduced me. I told him my story and we hung out for most of the day. We finally, after all day long trying to score some weed, finally scored. Thanks to Justin's grandma. She gave him some money for bills, hehe.
     We came over to Andrew's. Some guy who lives in the apartments right next to The Black Hole. We scored some weed at Alex's, umm, Monster's.

                    Damnit, I lost track again and the next entry I'm at the exercise station.


I just did fifty steps on the higher step. I'm tired. I got my walking stick with tennis ball. I'm going to go get seen.

                    I had an alright breakfast, I guess. I had two shots of MuscleBlast and Steve made some oatmeal. I feel great.

     8:02am  Danita hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Ambercare Home Health. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:19am  This guy walked by listening to his headphones. I got his attention and got him to listen to me. He said he agreed with me.

                   Oh yeah, I had met that guy in front of the Well's Fargo Bank. Which is kind of reminiscent of the Broadway Bank in Medical Center San Antonio where I sit and smoke cigarettes in the shade.

     8:29am  Julie gave my two things of matches at the Circle K. She didn't even charge me for them. I appreciate it, Julie.

     8:37am  Not only is Julie listening to my story, she's giving me a cigarette too.

     8:45am  I am having a good morning. I went in the Circle K and asked the girl there if she would listen to my story. I told her I would tell her in between customers. She agreed and I asked her if she had a spare cigarette. She opened a pack and gave me one. I took a hit of weed and I'm going to go back inside and tell Julie my story in between customers.

     9:13am  That was awesome! I had a badass presentation in there with Julie. She had her elbow on the counter listening to me all wide-eyed. I got a believa. She hooked me up with a hotdog too. She gave me a total of four cigarettes.

                   Good morning in Socorro.

     9:30am  I passed by this place. I'm over by where the tennis courts are that I stumbled onto the first day I was here. I'm going to go scan for a tennis ball. There's never one there. There was only one there once.

     9:34am  I think I see a ball! What a blessing.

                   I don't know if I told you I had gone over to where I found the tennis ball. There were kids practicing baseball. I went and smoked a cigarette and watched them for a bit. I'm walking all the way back to the house now. I'm on School of Mines already.

     10:21am  When I first got here I remember when walking down School of Mines I would pass by this house and there'd be some old people hanging out on the porch. They would always wave to me. I came over and talked to Charles Del Curto. He's a Socorro native.

                      That dude I just told my story to told me, "I'm sure you'll make lots of money."

     11:41am  I have undertaken the chore of cleaning up as much as I can so I can take a picture. Phil just hooked me up with a badass tofu sandwich. It was good.

     12:45pm  Oh yeah, I cleaned up the whole living room.


                     The den too. I swept the carpet in both rooms, since the vacuum isn't working right. I swept it all into a big pile and used the hose attachment on the vacuum. That still worked alright. Hmm, maybe I'll walk all the way over to Alex's and see if he'll smoke me out.

     12:57pm  I was thinking about walking over to the South side of town, to Alex's. I was walking down School of Mines and I finally located the apartment I was looking for. That night when I hung out with Claudia, that guy Ed had promised me a laptop. I never got his email or anything, but that night Claudia brought me to this apartment where I am at. I'm going to knock on the door. Oh yeah, all of a sudden guess who I see walking down the street. Alex! I asked him if he'd smoke me out and he said sure, that we just had to find a place to smoke at. I told him we would go back to The Black Hole.

     2:02pm  I walked up to the plaza. I was hoping I could get a cigarette off somebody, but nobody had any. I'm going to go see if that thrift store is open.

     2:05pm  Badass, they're open. I'm going to see if I can get me some cargo shorts.

     2:10pm  They had some khaki shorts in my size, which I just found out was 32 waist. I told the kid working there, "Hi, I am on a mission to save the world with the Internet. My cargo shorts are dying and I really need new ones. I don't suppose you could let me have these for free? I know you guys don't pay for any of this stuff to begin with." Dustin hooked me up. Everybody gets credit.

     2:12pm  I scored me some shorts at the thrift store for free! Just like I knew I would. I called that from the beginning. I didn't even tell him my story or anything. Damn, I'm going to miss having cargo pockets. Maybe I'll sew some on.

                   Oh yeah, I told that kid my mission-objectives. He was all, "I am against all drugs. I am drug free. I've taken my DARE classes." I busted out with my, "As far as marijuana goes . . ." part of my script. He didn't stop me. He listened to my whole shpeel on marijuana. Hopefully I infected that kid with some truth.

     2:17pm  I was in the plaza fiending for a cigarette bad. I walked into the Capitol Bar and asked the waitress for a cigarette. Allegra hooked me up. Thanks, sister.

     2:26pm  After my cigarette I went back inside and asked Allegra if I could tell her what I was doing. She said sure. I asked her what the world's greatest problem was and she said apathy. She got called off so she didn't hear the whole thing. Oh yeah, and some other guy working there looks at my water bottle and says, "Oh, you can't have an open container in here." Ahh, I just left.

     2:57pm  I just had a badass presentation in the plaza with these four people who were sitting in the grass. They listened to me. They were pretty receptive.

     3:30pm  I just had a good presentation with this girl Amanda and her friend. Her friend had to leave, but I was able to tell Amanda so much of my stuff. I am having a really productive day today, as far as my mission goes.

     3:37pm  I came back to The Black Hole. Steve cooked up some noodles. Cool, I was hungry.

     4:00pm  Josh came over with some guy named Justin. We were all talking about scoring weed and Justin volunteers a five dollar bill. I appreciate it, brother. For the cause. And I haven't even told him what the cause is yet. That's awesome.

     4:07pm  Justin's got a story: "I was about seventeen, eighteen years old. I decided to play piano just for the fun of it and ended up doing it is a normal thing. The best moment of that whole deal was playing this beautiful piece that lasted about ten minutes. I dedicated it to this lady sitting at the bar who seemed to be having a bad run of luck. She was having a really bad day. Somebody broke up with her or something. So I figured I'd share my music with her and make her feel better. So I started playing this piece and the bartender made sure she knew it was dedicated to her. After I finished the piece she came over to me in tears. It was the most enlightening experience of my life. She said that she just really felt the music. That's when I knew that it was a true gift. That's the moment that I knew I made her day better because I played."

     5:52pm  Let's see, Justin and I are walking around town looking for some weed. Everywhere Josh says there's going to be weed, there isn't. I think Josh tells some tall tales.

     8:55pm  Ryan's hooking me up with a cigarette in front of Dominos.

     11:45pm  Damnit, I'm having a bad night. I was walking around all day trying to score weed with Jason and Josh. Jason and I went over to his grandmas. She gave me a sandwich. We went over to Alex's and hung out and scraped resin hits. The cops showed up at the apartment next door. Everyone at Alex's took that as a cue to leave and we hurried out of his place. I ended up leaving my blue Adidas mission bag at Alex's. I walked all the way back to his house and knocked on the door. I guess his roommate had gone to sleep or something because nobody answered the door. Now I can't find Alex and the gang again. Damnit, I need that bag. The contents of that bag are mission-critical.

     12:30am  We are all hanging out at Andrew's. The guy who lives in the apartments next door. I just messed up and taped over some stuff. I had rewound it to listen to something and forgot to fast forward it back. I don't want to explain it. Here, Justin will.

     12:31am  "Okay, it's 12:31am. What happened today? Well, first off I think it would be really entertaining if you just passed this thing around the room randomly, or be like a reporter and ask them stuff. Umm, I'm too stoned to talk right now. Well, I'm not too stoned to talk, just to understand what I am saying. Alright, the recorder is now being passed to my right. Here Andrew.
     Andrew: "I think I better take the Fifth at this point."
     Josh: "I'm just fucking sitting here drawing. God bless the world."
     Alex/Monster: "No comment."

     12:57am  Alex hooked me up with a little nug. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:02am  Look up RetroMUD. What's MUD an acronym for? Multi-user Dungeon.

Next day..

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