


Socorro, NM

Wednesday July 7, 2004

     11:56am  I woke up pretty early this morning, but I spent a lot of time on the computer. finally wrote me back. I sent me my whole odyssey legend, so hopefully something good will come out of it. Now, I just put my laundry in and I'm going to take a chower. I'm go g to smoke some weed to start off my day.

     1:30pm  I'm here chilling with Kendra, a friend of the house's. I showed Kendra my messed up cargo shorts and asked her if she could hold them up 

for me so I could get a picture of them. Kendra also gave me a whole cigarette and a couple drags of another one.

                   I don't know what time it is, because I don't have my watch. Let me go get it.

     2:48pm  My watch is wrong. I need to set it again. I'm walking to my little exercise station.

     3:04pm  I had a damn good exercise session.

     3:18pm  I came to the Circle K and was hoping Julie was working. I was going to see if I could score another hotdog. I went back to refill my water at the fountain. Man, that cold water is great. I looked at the hotdogs and noticed there was only one left. This nasty looking shriveled up wiener. I just put it in a bun and walked up to Julie. I asked her, "Hey, you wouldn't charge me for this hotdog, would you?" She said, "No, I would not charge you for that hotdog." As long as I'm not hungry anymore. I can't believe I'm going to eat this though.

                   Julie even gave me an after-meal smoke. Having a good morning. Now I have a little gas to walk to Alex's to get my mission bag.

                   I hope he's still there. I was supposed to be there at nine.

     3:22pm  I am walking down California Street. Did I ever tell you about that night that Phil and me went up to the Republican Headquarters and stickered it with lots of Bush Lies stickers? Some of them are still there, haha.

     3:47pm  I am zigzagging around looking for Alex's. I went down Central Street and now I'm back on Southwest. I'm walking down Central. I'm going to wait until I see the old train station. From there I can find Alex's.

     3:56pm  I finally found Alex's house and I got my bag back. I am whole once more. Josh showed up too.

                   Bam, I followed through on that shit. I was walking with Josh, but then I said screw it. I didn't want to walk with Josh. I decided I was going to go to the plaza and see if there was anybody to talk to. If not, I'd go into the coffee shop and talk to the hip-looking girl that works there. That is exactly what I did. I had a great presentation with her. I got to the point where I asked for her email and then she had to go to work. She listened to a lot though.

                   Now, I am waiting for a reply back from

     4:32pm  Man, this mission is so simple. All I have to do is count my blessings.

     4:37pm  Back at The Black Hole.

     6:26pm  I am leaving the house. I played Unreal Tournament 2004. It was awesome. I thought I sucked at UT because of my tremor. I'm not that bad at all. I should play it more. I got sucked into it quick too. Like I used to do years ago.

     6:28pm  I was just thinking about how the name of this town means "help" in Spanish. That's all I've gotten here. I've gotten so much help in Socorro.

     6:55pm  I went into the store by Smith's to see if they had any cargo shorts. The guy told me no, but that I should try the ALCO down the street. He even offered me a ride. His name is Eric. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:57pm  Eric even hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   That was cool as shit. I just walked into that store to see if they had any cargo shorts and bam, I get a ride to the ALCO. Not that I had any money or anything, hehe. This dude just offered me a ride. I told him my story in the car too.

     7:07pm  They didn't have any my size. They had 34s for ten dollars, but I wear 32s. I just wanted to know. Outside of the ALCO, this guy Carlos just randomly gives me a soda. He just got back from fishing and pulled it out of some fishy water. It hadn't been opened yet so I took it. Figured I'd just rinse it off somewhere. I went in the ALCO and asked them where the bathroom was. They told me the back corner. I went and rinsed it off and now I'm going to go smoke the cigarette Eric gave me to the soda Carlos gave me.

                    I walked California almost all the way up the Arby's. I decided I'd go to the school and look for people to tell my story to. I feel a bit tied to Socorro. I have to stay in this area so hopefully Ed will see me again and hook me up with that laptop he promised.

     7:47pm  I walked all the way to the tennis courts at Tech. No tennis balls anywhere. That sucks.

                  Oh wait, there's one on the other side of the fence. I hope they let me in the pool area so I can reach over the wall and snag it. Seems like I've finally found one. I never find them at the school.

     9:24pm  I didn't tell you I had gone to the library. Well, I just left it. I looked up all this prophecy stuff and got some email addresses. I'm back at The Black Hole now.

Next day..

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