


Socorro, NM

Thursday July 8, 2004

     8:00am  I'm at my little workout station here. 

     8:20am  I had me a good workout session. I have to walk back to the house to get a tennis ball though.

     8:27am  I went back to the house and grabbed my tennis ball and I left right away. I didn't play Unreal or anything. I'm walking to the plaza now and then I'm going to walk down California back to Smith's. I'm going to take the long way around.

                   Awesome. Julie is hooking me up again with a hotdog. Third time in a row.

     8:54am  I walked all the way to the Circle K and got hooked up with a hotdog. Just like I knew I would. I didn't want to ask Julie for a cigarette. I remembered I had seen three quarters of a Misty on the street in front of the Roadrunner Lounge. Let me go find it. Even though it's a shitty Misty. It's all the same nicotine and I didn't want to bum one off Julie.

     9:05am  I had my little smoke brake in the back corner of the Circle K. By the Tasteefreeze. Now I'm going to do my tennis court rounds and search for balls. Actually, I have an extra ball. I'm going to go home and play Unreal. I deserve it. I had a good workout this morning.

     9:17am  I walked all the way over to the tennis courts. Not the school courts, but the public ones. I'm scanning for tennis balls. I don't see any.

     9:22am  I'm at the Joseph R. Skeen library. I'm going to check my email and see if Gretchen is working.

     9:38am  No new email. I'm going back to the house and play Unreal.

     9:48am  I am walking by my exercise station. I didn't do any. I'm tired.

     12:55pm  I walked back to the Circle K to get some water and Julie hooked me up with two cigarettes! I appreciate it, Julie.

     1:13pm  Andrew and I walked up to the Smith's. Andrew is going to the food stamps office and asked me if I could go with him so I could help him carry groceries home. Of course I said sure. I wasn't looking forward to waiting around with dumbass Andrew, so at the Circle K I told him I would wait at Smith's. He seemed disappointed, but left. Oh yeah, earlier Andrew told me how some black girl at The Capitol Bar wanted to have sex with him. Andrew said, "Hell no, I'm not going to have sex with a black girl." I asked him if he was racist and he denied it. I asked him, "Well then why wouldn't you have sex with a black girl?" He said, "I never have before, I just never would." I told him, "Dude, it's pussy. I think you're full of shit."

                   While I was waiting for Andrew this guy Chris who had a Smith's uniform on commented on my walking stick and we struck up a conversation. I told him my mission-objectives and when I mentioned marijuana he said he smoked too. He told me it was his last day working for Smith's and with his last check he was getting tomorrow he was going to buy an ounce of weed. I went, "Cool, smoke a brother out tomorrow?" He said sure. He gave me his phone number and we agreed to meet at Smith's tomorrow morning at ten.

     1:49pm  Sigrid hooked me up with a pen after hearing my story. Thanks, sister. Everybody gets credit.

     1:57pm  Norwood hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the Diamond Shamrock. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:59pm  Oh yeah, I walked over to the Diamond Shamrock to check out the ashtray. I saw some black dude with a cigarette. I bummed one off of him and gave him credit. I started my intro and after I told him I was going to eliminate money and bring world peace he shouted, "Oh! I believe in the almighty God!" When I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized he said, "You're right. I do think you're crazy." "Just like I want you to," I told him. Then I said, "I will tell you exactly how I plan to do this if you are willing to listen." He told me, "Ahh, I think I'll let you smoke your cigarette." I told him ignorance is bliss and thanked him for proving me right.

     2:10pm  Andrew finally showed up again. He got like two hundred and sixty dollars in food stamps. We're going to go shopping.

     3:37pm  We got some groceries and carried them home. On the way home we passed Zimmerly Elementary and I passed this Character Counts 

thing. Red one is Caring, Blue one is Trustworthiness, Yellow one if Respect, Purple one is Citizenship, Green one is responsibility. Last one if Fairness. I like all those words.

     4:52pm  Steve came home and Andrew said he could have some money off his food-stamps card. Steve wanted to walk to Smith's too. We went to the grocery store and ran into Kendra and Chris. We thought we were going to have to walk back with the groceries, but they gave us a ride. Perfect. We appreciate it, guys.

     7:20pm  I went next door to the other Andrew's and who shows up? Justin. Perfect timing. I got smoked out too.

     7:30pm  I came over here to Andrew's and Justin magically appeared. Justin has labeled me as Chong since I talk like him, think like him and generally act like him. I went, "No, I'm Victor!" He said, "Okay, well Victor-Chong then." I said, "No, Victor Antonio Chong!" I asked Justin if he wanted to make an entry and he said yes.

     7:32pm  Justin: "Okay, ladies and gentlemen. I give you the stupendous great, wonderful, awe-inspiring friend The San Antonio Chong. Yes! It has always been a dream of mine to have my own personal Chong. Victor is sort of like a very interesting pot-smoking puppet that only operates when he's stoned. Which is so reminiscent of Chong, which is why I think Chong fits so well. You come up with your best stuff when you're stoned, Victor. And you are very much a peaceful person and that's what Chong is. He does not attack people. He merely just tells them to chill out and lights them up."

     7:30pm  Justin again: "Today is July 8 and I just wanted to make one thing perfectly clear. I shouldn't have said that he was a pot-smoking puppet, because that's not exactly accurate. I'm just saying that Victor becomes most inspired to be as creative as possible and come up with a scheme that has you wandering the earth as you do, that has to be a stoned idea. Which is why I am giving you the credit that you are most creative when you're stoned. This is Victor's showing that weed actually has a positive outcome. You're athletic, you're tan which means you spend a lot of time outside. Very good aspects. But I'm sorry my friend, Chong sticks. It is just too perfect. Okay, enough said."

     8:19pm James here at the Super Mart hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     8:32pm  Me, Justin and Andrew, not Andrew from the house, Andrew next door, we walked up to ALCO and got some food. As we were walking back I decided I'd go to my exercise station and do some pull-ups. I walked all the way over here.

                    I did eight pull-ups. That's all I wanted to do. I'm walking.

Next day..

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