

                                                                                                             Salem, OR

Thursday July 2, 2009

     8:02am  I haven't made an entry this morning. Last night I followed Toni and DP to their camp in Wallace Park. I had me a cuddle-buddy last night. Me and Toni got it on.

                   Actually, I should be a little more descriptive. Last night I met these homeless people. I met Toni and she couldn't stop talking about never having sex with a Puertorican before. Last night we had some good sex. I came real quick at first, but then round two lasted for a long time. I wore a condom. She was pleased.

     12:08pm  We came to the park I met Toni at last night. Before we left Toni and I left camp to look around for a place to screw. We finally settled for this random spot and she sucked me off. It was great. She got her protein. Right after I suited up and we were about to start round two, this random hiker guy walked up and Stormy started barking.

     3:30pm  I got bored hanging out in the park with all the homebums. I came downtown to spread my word, hook a brother up/smoke a brother out and Quail hooked me up with some change for the cause. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:50pm  I had a good presentation with Jeremy and Tim. Tim had volunteered me a cigarette earlier.

     4:14pm  Peanut and her friend Debbie hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks.

     4:20pm  Annie just gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Annie. Everybody gets credit.

     5:18pm  I'm on the corner of Liberty and Court Street, by the railing. I was yelling at people hardcore when they ignored me. When they just walk by and ignore me and stand there and wait at the stoplight I for sure jump down their throats. "Damn, have you always been that ignorant? Be afraid, you good little slave. I guess you like war!" I just yelled a lot at this mom with four kids. "Nobody wants world peace! Poor kids!" I am headed back to the park.  Free food there.

     5:32pm  The nice people from Morning Star Community Church are out here feeding the homeless under the bridge. I appreciate it, thanks a lot.

     6:57pm  I was flying my sign more downtown, but I came back to the park. I don't know if I'm going to camp and have sex with this girl again tonight. She's a tweaker. There are so much drugs in this park. There's no room for that in my organization.

     7:03pm  Matt hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit.

     7:08pm  McKenzie gave me the two dollars I needed for my pipe. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit. It's for a good cause.

                   See, my one-hitter came up missing at camp and that's mission-critical. So I was trying to manifest a new one all day. First I went to the T-Zone headshop for a price-check and was glad to see they were only five dollars. I had only gotten like three dollars. I had the idea to go stand by the shop and ask stoners coming in and out. We were at the park and I asked them where the headshop was again. TZone? DP asked me. I said yeah and he told me he knew where it was, to follow him. Me, him and somebody else started walking down Commercial. He said that it was over by the Fred Meyer. We walked for like ten minutes and I told him I was sure it wasn't this far, that there was a TZone downtown. So we walked all the way back and I split up with them and found the shop downtown. Right when I walked up this couple was going to their car and I hit them up for a couple bucks for a pipe. Mckenzie said, "That's all you need?" She hooked me up.

     7:28pm  Right now I was taking a hit of weed over by the headshop. I coughed my ass off and was spitting and these dumbass guys at the bar next door, one of them told me. "Do you mind? You could have some consideration." I told him, "Whateva, I do what I want."

                   Right afterwards this one guy came up to me and told me, "I think I've been had." He told me this girl had told him she would get him some weed. He gave her fifty bucks and she even let him hold onto his wallet and she still hadn't come back. It'd been more than half an hour. Anyway, this dude asked me if I wanted a glass pipe. He had just bought a new one because he had chipped the hole in the bowl a little while he was cleaning it. I told him sure. I got two new pieces now! Now I'm going to walk to Marion Square Park to see if Toni is there and I can ride with her to the camp at Wallace Park. I'm going to camp with her tonight. I don't think I'll have sex with her again. Maybe, I might.

     12:32am  I should make an update. First, we went to Roth's, the grocery store so she could charge her phone battery. These underage kids walked up and asked me if I could buy them some alcohol. I told them, "Sure, fuck the system. Are you guys going to give me a tip though?" I have to do my laundry tomorrow. I made six bucks off of them. It was seven, but I gave this girl a dollar at the register because she didn't have enough for her beer. I gave her my website. Her friend in their car saw my shirt and stuck her head out saying, "World peace through marijuana? That's awesome." We came back to go to camp, but we have to cut through the soccer field to get to the woods and there's a big party going on right now. The lights are on. We hung out in the neighborhood close to where she parks, by this big brown free couch. There were some other homeless people who were going to camp right there. They were all drinking. Janice was one of them. She came to check us out. Toni said as soon as the lights go off we are going to walk across the field to camp. They're not going to go out all night, I bet. I said fuck it, I'm tired. I'm going to find a place to camp nearby. I found this little pocket in the thorns and I made my bed. It's right before the fields on the trail. I hope I don't get woken up tomorrow morning. Anyone walking down the trail can see me.

     1:22am  I never mentioned. I crashed out for a little bit, then someone walking by woke me up and I bummed a cigarette of off him, some other homeless guy. The lights had gone out, so I packed up and walked across the street and went in the woods and found the camp I was at last night with Toni and everybody else. I'm going to make my bed.

     2:00am  Toni and I had a good little session and I am going to bed now.

Next day..

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