

                                                                                                             Salem, OR

Friday July 3, 2009

     7:15am  All packed up and leaving. I had a nice, relaxing morning at camp. I only got like five and a half hours of sleep. I woke up and smoked the last of my weed and packed up. I've got five bucks, so I can do laundry today. I have to wash my uniform.  Ahh! 

                    I discovered my Ammonite fossil that I have had for years broke!  Ahhhhh!


                   Bones and Art


     9:22am  Toni drove me to a laundromat and I just finished doing my laundry. I saw a Mexican restaurant on the way here. I'm going to walk to it and score hopefully. State Street Wash House.
                   Cool, Muchas Gracias. Another one[6-17-09 : 7:53am]. Let's see if they hook me up.

     9:29am  They gave me the manager is not here bullshit. They told me no.

     10:13am  I've been walking the wrong way the whole time. I'm walking by the capitol. I was walking the wrong way on Center Street. I'm going to double back to a bus stop and wait for it and ask for a courtesy ride. I want to go to the park and take a nap.

     6:32am  Art gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Kids at park

                   Bones playing with his pitbull

                   Downtown streets

     8:15pm  I just had a great presentation with these three girls in front of The Beanery Coffee Shop. Let me get a cast of characters. Anna, Michelle and I couldn't understand the third girl's name on my recording. You guy will be on there when I update it.

     8:25pm  It's dead downtown for being Friday. I thought it would be packed and hopping tonight, but it's dead. I had an awesome presentation with these girls in front of The Beanery.

     8:44pm  The coolest shit happened. I had gone to the park after I did my laundry and took a nap. I woke up and they were having a good bum feed and I was all full afterwards. I was thinking downtown would be busy since it's Friday night. It's dead as hell. I had a good presentation with these girls in front of The Beanery coffee shop. After that I decided to go hang out at the transfer center and took a couple drags off of my special cigarette. These two brother's walked up to me and saw my shirt. Matt and Chuckles. They invited me to come smoke with them. We're getting on the free bus, #25. Let's see where I end up.

     9:20pm  It's awesome. It turns out that on the bus we got on and went to smoke out, was right on the other side of the soccer field from the woods. Over by that free couch. What a coinkidink. At first they wanted to smoke in the thorny bushes but there wasn't enough room for all of us. We went and smoked out on the grass. They sure as hell wouldn't listen to my story though. Ignorant kids.

                   Last night me and my Salem Girl got pretty wild. We've been having sex every night. Good sex too. She's given me the best head I've ever gotten. She's a tweaker though. There are tons of tweakers in this town. I wore a condom. I need to get tested soon.

                   Next time I get interrupted say, "Well, I guess you are not willing to listen, after all. Thanks for wasting my time," and just walk off. "I was just testing you."

                   Did I ever mention when I went to Shadow's he told me that Fawn's trailer wasn't there and that she moved? He said he didn't know where she was. So I have lost total contact with Fawn Journeyhawk. I don't think I ever mentioned that.

                   Oh yeah, remember that I thought I had lost that girl's number in Portland? That I thought I thought it was in the Ziploc bag of stuff I lost? Well, I found it in my wallet after all. I'm thinking about going back North on Monday to Portland and I'll have a place to crash hopefully. I do in Portland anyway on the side of the highway.

                   Oh yeah, I was picking through the ashtray in front of the mall and these two Mexican dudes told me that had seen me in Portland on Powell and 82nd. Hell yeah, recognized.

     9:40pm  I was walking towards the Dairy Queen to fill up my bag with ice and some dude comes up walking up behind me yelling excuse me, sir. He handed me some dollars and told me that his mom had told him to give it to me. Troy was his name. I really appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Diego and Stephanie, thirteen and fourteen. The kids are taking over soon! They loved my story.

     11:14pm  I had a good smoking session. I went in the Burger King and bought a dank steak burger. I am stuffed. I am walking to camp now. I am supposed to meet my Salem Girl at camp, even though she's a tweaker. Tweakers are people too. I need sleep tonight, even though I took a big nap in the park today. All the other homeless people here have my back and kept me safe while I was asleep. Right when I woke up there was a big bum feed. I got a big plate of food. To the Victor go the spoils. Everywhere I go everything goes my way. I truly am the happiest man in the world. Seriously, folks.

Next day..

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