

                                                                                                             Salem, OR

Saturday July 4, 2009

     5:56am  After a long relaxing morning smoking weed, ahh, I am getting used to long relaxing mornings smoking weed. I am all stoned off this medical stuff Toni got for me. We're walking to Toni's car now on the other side of the field. I left my bag bag at camp, so I am freer today. Scout and his pregnant girlfriend let me stash my pack in their tent. Please LOVE, protect my stuff. I am taking my backpack with all my mission-critical stuff. I'm going to go to the public library and check my email. I am itching to check my guestbook. It's been a while. I am sure more people have signed it.

     10:46am  I just had a big spectacle at the 7-11. See, I don't have my cup with me to get ice. I asked the Middle Eastern guy how much a cup was and he said a dollar. I told him I would pay the dollar then I started filling my bag with ice. I wasn't even getting iced coffee but I was going to pay for the cup. He was busy checking out some customers when he tells me, "You didn't ask for ice. We have big bags for sale." I told him, "Screw that, your machine makes ice for free all day long and I am paying for an iced coffee which I am not even getting." I kept filling my bag with ice. He kept telling me to stop but I kept on. When my bag was full I walked up to the counter to pay for the cup and he still bitches at me, "I warned you and you kept filling it." I told him, "To hell with you then, I won't even pay for the cup," and walked out. He yelled, "I'm going to call the police!" I told him, "Do what you can. Talk is cheap. Is that all you can do?" He started writing down Toni's license plate. I got in the car and told Toni, "Let's go. He's calling the cops." Toni went inside and tried to pay for the ice. She doesn't want to get pulled over. Fuck it, let the cops some and see how much of their time they'd be willing to waste for me stealing ice. I pulled out my camera and took the cashier's picture right before we left. Sucker.

     10:57am  Yet another display of ignorance right in front of my face. Nobody wants world peace! Thanks for proving me right.
     11:18am  I'm having a good time. We came by Marion Square Park where they're having the bum-feed under the bridge.

                     I just had a great presentation with Leslie. I tried taking her picture but it came out blurry because my camera was vibrating.

     1:07pm  Will and Megan, not only accepted my website but she gave me a cigarette too. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     1:12pm  I just had an awesome presentation with these girls walking down the street. These lesbian girls with a stroller, I think. When I first asked if they were willing to listen they said they were busy, so I closed it out and then hit them up for the note from the rich and they loved it. I'm going to walk back to the park and see if I can meet up with Toni. We're supposed to go to this Urgent Care place to get my tooth pulled.

     1:22pm  I'm at the park and the police are out here. I don't have any weed on me. I'm out.

     4:49pm  Devin just volunteered me fifty cents out of the blue walking down the sidewalk. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Look up Utah Phillips. Suggestion by Kristie and Ryan. I forgot to tell you. I had a badass presentation with one guy who just volunteered me fifty cents out of the blue. I saw this couple who I had seen before crossing the street. When they got within earshot I hit them up for my story and they listened great to it.

     5:46pm  I am wearing my clown wig. This little girl on the sidewalk smiled when I walked close to her so I offered her my website. Her dad or something flipped his lid and started yelling at me from inside his truck, threatening me and shit. "Get away or I'll bash your head in!!" That's right, be afraid of the clown! Nobody wants world peace! Poor kids!

                   Oh yeah, Kristie and Ryan told me there was going to be thousands of people at the riverfront park for the fireworks show. That's where I have to be.

     6:35pm  We came to ROCC. Recovery Outreach Community Center. 1144 Madison Ste C. I'll take a picture of the front.

     7:03pm  We went to ROCC and took showers.

     8:26pm  I am having so much fun at this huge gathering of people. I am passing out my website like candy. Everybody is staring at my shirt. I am getting it out.

     8:58pm  I pulled out my free hugs sign and I have gotten tons of them already.

                   I ran out of papers about five minutes ago. I can still tell people, "Look it up on Google."

                   Right now this stupid ass bible thumper came up to me. I thought she was going to give me a hug but she backed away when I spread my arms. "No hugs, but here, take this pamphlet." What bullshit. I told her it was an old story and times change. We need an update. Shocked, she asked, "You don't believe in the bible?" I told her, "That's right, I don't believe everything I read. You've been tricked. The bible says we are born bad and that's just a big fat lie."

                   Told my story to them

                   Her too

     9:04pm  Ahh, I'm not being entertained by the fireworks at all, especially since they are celebrating our evil country. This is stolen land to begin with. That's right, you sheep. Just look at the pretty fireworks. Nothing at all to worry about. Everything is under control. What a grand distraction.


     10:25pm  We are already back at camp. Toni was nice enough to drive me all the way to Carl's Jr. so I could get three bacon ranch burgers. I'm going to eat and then I'm going to bed. I am so tired.

                   I had the best exposure at that party tonight. Everybody saw me. I was all professional

Next day..

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