


Truth or Consequences to Elephant Butte to San Antonio, NM

Sunday July 3, 2005

     8:57am Sunday morning. I'm leaving. I just left the house. They didn't wake up at all. Jacob told me he had to work at Domino's at ten. They were still crashed out.

                  Anyway, I'm leaving Jacob and Amy's. I've got a dollar so I'm going to go buy breakfast at the gas station. It's weird, they didn't wake up at all. I cleaned their kitchen real good. I did all the dishes that were piled up and wiped the stove and the countertop. I wish I knew where a broom was. I was just finding stuff to do, hoping they would wake up so I could say goodbye to them. They never did, so I got all my stuff together. I poked my head in their door and said, "Goodbye guys. Thanks for the online session. You'll see me again, I promise." I took off.

     9:15am  I had a little breakfast at the Shell station. I bought an apple pie and a honeybun. I saved the honeybun. I'm walking into town now. From all the way over here. I'm going to go to the police station and ask them if they'll give me a bus ticket.

     9:27am  Oh yeah, Jacob's house is on the end of town, by that gas station I was when I got picked up and taken to that house last year(7-17-04, 9:22pm).

     9:29am  I see these two people crossing the road on horseback. I tried taking a picture, but it probably didn't come out.

     9:39am  I've been walking down the far end of Broadway, passing La Piñata Mexican Restaurant. I'm going to score me some breakfast.

     9:41am  Les pedi en La Piñata y me estan dando. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                   Calling the shots, calling the shots.

     10:10am  Leaving La Piñata with a happy belly. Thank you, Love.

     10:20am  The weirdest thing. After I left La Piñata, before I know it Jacob pulls over for me. He's already late for work. If I would've left that restaurant at any other time, it's crazy how things just works out for me. He brought me over to the Shell, where he works in the Domino's next door. I'm going to walk to the police station and ask them if they'll hook me up with another bus ticket.

     10:45am  I've made my way to the police station. I'm going to go ask for a ticket.

                     Damnit, they're not open. It's Sunday.

     11:00am  I forgot to tell you. I've been here for like five minutes already. I wandered over to Ralph Edwards Park. There's all these kids everywhere. They have a big banner on the gazebo that says Let Freedom Reign. They've got a big climbing wall and moonwalks. All these kids out here having fun today. There's nobody to tell my story to here. I'm bored. It's Sunday.

                     I'm just going to wander back to the Shell station and tell my stories.

     11:16am  I was walking up the street right now from the park. I saw some guy sitting in his lawn-chair and I asked him, "Can I tell you a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen. It's a free story." He tells me, "I'm not interested."

     12:04pm  Ron hooked me up with a cigarette at the Shell. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:17pm  I'm talking to Chris outside the Shell. What's your email?

     12:40pm  Oh yeah, Chris, the little kid on a bike I just told my story to, he told me he was going to go see if his friend had any weed and that he'd be back. He came back with no weed, but he just gave me one hundred pennies. Two fifty cent rolls. Sweet, I've got a dollar. I appreciate it, Chris.

     1:38pm  Let's see, I haven't recorded in a long time. I was at the Shell station and all of a sudden I see this guy with a Hennesse shirt on. I'm going to tell him my story. I hit them up and they agreed to listen. Then Amy walked up and they offered to smoke her out. I went, "Oh, smoke a brother out too?" We drove around in Amy's car and smoked a big fat bowl. We just now came back and I'm telling them my story. I'm almost finished. We're back at their place now.

     2:22pm  That's awesome, I just got smoked out like crazy. I ended up at this trailer and got smoked out by that guy with the Hennesse shirt. After we smoked with Amy, we came back to his apartment and smoked some more.

                   Damnit, I can't remember the sixteen and seventeen year old kids I just smoked out, their names. I'm at 6th and Silver.

                   I walked Gold and turned left on 7th.

     2:32pm  Turned left on Magnolia.

     2:34pm  Right on Sixth.

     2:37pm  Left on Pine.

                   No, I'm going straight. I'm not going to turn left.

     2:38pm  Turning left on Ash.

     2:53pm  I had a good presentation. The guy wouldn't listen to me. I'm back at the Shell. I've been here for a while. I'm going to smoke a cigarette.

     3:01pm  I just got 86'ed from the Shell station by the police. They said they would arrest me next time they saw me there. Maybe that's my sign to leave town. Alright. I'm walking out of town, North. Maybe I'll walk the thirty seven miles to the rest stop again.

     3:13pm  I just had an awesome presentation. These two kids were riding down the street on their bikes. They stopped and listened to me. I even gave them a CD. I'm going to keep walking North.

     3:24pm  I walked North on Ash and it dead-ended at this hill. I climbed the hill, which I shouldn't have because I have to climb down it now. I see the Circle K.

     3:52pm  I am leaving the Circle K. I had a little break there. I bought me two apple pies and some peanuts for $2.62. I used those pennies that kid gave me. I'm going to take off walking to the rest stop and do like I did last year.

                   At the Circle K I had one good presentation. Well, they had to take off, but they told me they were journalists too. I gave them a CD.

                   I've decided I'm going to try and walk the thirty seven miles to the rest stop again.

     4:05pm  I'll walk it, just like last year.

     4:15pm  I came to the KFC right around the corner of the gas station, because I got run out earlier. I went in the KFC and asked to speak to the manager. The guy recognizes me and says, "You're back?"

                   Jeff hooked me up at the KFC again(7-16-04, 12:54pm). I appreciate it, brother.

     4:29pm  I am leaving from the KFC. Oh yeah, the greedy ass at the Phillips 66, straight off the bat I went in and asked permission and she said, "No. I will run you off." I went outside, sat down and smoked a cigarette and that bitch came outside and told me, "I'm giving you five minutes to get off my lot." Whatever, bitch. I went in the KFC and the dude recognized me! He said, "Oh, you're here again?" He hooked me up without me even asking. He just came out and handed me a big meal. I went outside and ate the mashed potatoes and the pasta. I put the two fat chicken breasts in my bag for later. Traveling food. I have an apple pie and peanuts too. I should be alright.

                   I'm all stretching in front of everybody.

     4:57pm  I am walking the highway now. Cool, I want to be on the other side of the highway so I can wave the peace sign at people and right here where I am there is an opening in the fence. Perfect.

                   I'm giving all the cars the peace sign. I hope I can make it all the way to the rest stop alright.

     5:01pm  Elephant Butte 4 miles. Junction 380 East 60 miles. Albuquerque 145.

     5:10pm  Inspection station 1 mile. I don't remember an inspection station.

     5:24pm  I came to mile marker 81 and I'm going to take my first rest. I haven't walked so much, but I have to stop and switch out the ball on my stick.

     5:34pm  I am leaving mile marker 81. I had a good rest.

                   I had jumped back on the Northbound side to rest, hoping a car might pick me up while I sat down and smoked a cigarette.

     5:52pm  I walked to mile marker 82 and there's the inspection station. It's all closed. When I was walking in front of it, I found a drinking water bottle with a nozzle. I grabbed it and I'm going to go see if I can get a refill at the inspection station. They might have a hose or something.

     5:57pm  Officer Jones at the inspection station gave me some water. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   It wasn't that much water. Just the little bit left in a gallon container.

                   It was awesome, I walked in front of the inspection station and found a bottle. I walked back around and saw some guy in front of his truck, Jones. I asked him for water and he said, "We've got some, but it's not potable. You can wash your hands with it, but not drink it." I told him about my mission, marijuana and everything. He did a double take when I said marijuana, "What?! Get marijuana legalized?" I told him, "Not only will I get marijuana legalized, I will get it recommended. You can grow your own." He didn't have time to listen, but he gave me a little bit of water that he had in his car. Cool. He knows who I am. That's all I want.

                   My Nalgene is full, cool.

     6:06pm  Hopped back on the Southbound side.

     6:17pm  Passing sign that says City of Elephant Butte ½ mile. Exit 83. Maybe I'll go to Elephant Butte. I think there's a fireworks show tonight.

     6:24pm  I'm five miles away from T or C. Oh, right now Jones, the border patrol cop from the inspection station, he just drove up and pulled over. He scolded me, "You're walking forty miles and you don't got enough water?" I showed him my bottle and told him, "I think I have enough, and even if I don't, when I run out the universe has its way of providing." Jones handed me a brand new gallon of water. He told me, "If you can carry this you can have it." I'll strap it to my backpack or something.

     6:31pm  I'm taking Exit 33. City of Elephant Butte. Just like I did last year(6-23-04, 12:54pm). It's like 3.7 miles away from the highway. I'm thinking I'll stick around until July 4. I think there's going to be a fireworks show at the lake. Let's see what I can do in Elephant Butte all day.

                   It's 3.7 miles away.

     6:36pm  I'm on 195 and I'm going to walk into Elephant Butte. Hot Springs Landing 4 miles away.

     6:46pm  I just walked to the scenic view. I took a picture.

     6:55pm  I just found me a Zebra F-301 ballpoint pen. A good, quality pen.

                   Passing VFW 1839. Veterans of Foreign Wars.

     7:29pm  I didn't tell you. I walked all the way to the Conoco in town. I sat down on the bench and I'm going to drink some water.

                   I got permission at the Conoco to ask for rides.

     7:52pm  Jeff hooked me up with a cigarette in Elephant Butte. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:09pm  I got my ride in no-time. I walked all the way into Elephant Butte. I thought there were going to be fireworks, but they ended up already doing it yesterday, on the second. The first kid I asked at the Conoco is hooking me up with a ride. He told me he's going all the way to Albuquerque. I don't need to go that far yet. I appreciate it, brother.

                   TK is the brother's name.

     9:16pm  Holy shit, guess where I am. I am in San Antonio! Home away from home sweet home. Victor Antonio from San Antonio in San Antonio, New Mexico. There really is nothing here. I don't even see a gas station anywhere. That sucks. I want to find a place to crash. I've got food. There's not even a gas station open where I can go talk to people at.

                   That was just awesome, how the first two kids I asked, they had these big earrings, they said yeah. At first, I had hit him up for my story. I didn't ask for a ride at first. He couldn't listen to all of it, so I asked him if he was going North on 25 and he said yes.

     9:20pm  I can't believe everything is closed. It's still all early.

                   I came to the closed gas station here and I'm going to look around for some snipes to smoke.

     9:22pm  Here I am in San Antonio, NM. This town is dead. It's just turned off. I am so sick of seeing those Dukatt71 billboards everywhere. I don't like that guy. He's a greedy ass.

     9:35pm  I just went down some random streets and ended up at some church. I found a corner in the back where no one can see me, even though the light is shining right on me. It's in the back of the church. I made my bed. Nobody should mess with San Antonio crashing behind a church in San Antonio. I have a good spot. I'll take a picture of it in the morning.

Next day..

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