


San Antonio to Socorro, back to Ruidoso, NM

Monday July 4, 2005

     6:17am  I'm up and at 'em. Woke up.

     6:33am  I am leaving the church on Main Street. Main and Fourth. I'm going to look for a bathroom.

                   I walked to the San Antonio General Store. It's still closed. I see a sign that says Acosta's Mexican Restaurant Bed and Breakfast. I'm going to follow that. Maybe they have a restroom I can borrow.

                   Oh yeah, today is Independence Day. Fourth of July.

     7:01am  I wandered off in this little field, found a concealed spot and took a shit. I had toilet paper so I was able to wipe.

     7:31am  Lupe at Acosta's is giving me breakfast. I appreciate it, Lupe. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:02am  I scored at Acosta's. A big breakfast burrito. The gas station still isn't open and I want a cigarette. I'm just going to walk to Socorro. It's only ten miles away.

     8:17am  Oh yeah, at Acosta's, I talked to this old couple in there. They were from here, San Antonio. I had heard there was some wildlife refuge here and I just saw a sign for Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge 8 miles away. They told me it's not worth seeing this time of the year because the birds aren't there. They said it's best to go see them in the winter. I'm not going to walk the eight miles.

     8:23am  I'm talking to Don Wade, this sixteen year old at the general store in San Antonio. I'm telling him my story. What was your email?

     8:42am  I am talking to Anna from Denmark, who works at the San Antonio General Store. What was your email?

     8:45am  I had some good presentations here at the store in San Antonio. I gave out a couple CD's. On my way to save the world.

                   I'm going to get me a ride to Socorro, just you watch.

     9:50am  Norma hooked me up with a cigarette at the store here in San Antonio. I appreciate it, Norma. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:11am  Colleen just gave me her last cigarette at the store in San Antonio. I appreciate it, Colleen.

                     Oh yeah, earlier I went into the Owl Bar and Cafe and tagged Victor the Liberator and a peace sign on the bathroom wall.

     10:20am  Doug hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the store here in San Antonio. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.    10:25am  Honus is hooking me up with a ride to Socorro. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:36am  Guess where I am. I'm in Socorro. He dropped me off on the highway. That dude had California plates and I knew he was going to give me a ride before I even asked him. I'm going to go see if everything is still here. The Black Hole(7-1-04, 4:55pm) and stuff.

                     I'll go see if Gretchen still works at the library.

                     Turned right on Bullock. I'm going to go scan the public tennis courts like I did last year.

     10:46am  No tennis balls at the courts. I asked these two people in a car sitting there watching a baseball game if I could tell them my story. They didn't listen. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

     11:11am  I found the library at New Mexico Tech. It's closed on the Fourth of July. I don't know if Gretchen still works here or not. I came and sat down in the grass in the shade and smoked a cigarette. There's some kids over there. Maybe I'll tell them my story. I don't know.

                     Joseph R. Skeen Library.

     11:23am  I went up to some guy in his truck. It looked like he lived in it. I asked him, "Hey, can you point me to School of Mines?" He told me, "Well, you're back again, aren't you." He remembered me. His name is Ralph. Remember, he was all ignorant last year at the bench when I was telling Steve my story(6-24-04, 12:20am). I'm going to go to School of Mines.

     11:26am  Walking down School of Mines Street.

     11:33am  I was walking up School of Mines and I saw this old dude sitting outside, who had always been out before last year. He recognized me. I stopped and showed him my list and everything. I'm walking to The Black Hole right now. Let's see if anybody is still there.

     11:35am  I stopped at The Black Hole and looked through the windows. It's all cleaned out. I don't think anybody is there or lives there anymore. That sucks. I'm going to walk downtown now.

     11:52am  I'm in the plaza.

     11:56am  I stopped and I talked to these regulars and they wouldn't listen to my story one bit. I wasn't even able to get my mission objectives out. They were all, "We don't like your story." I don't know what I'm going to do now.

     12:03pm  I got my bottle refilled at the Capitol Bar. I forgot to log the generosity. He didn't have time to listen to my story though. That's why I asked.

     12:05pm  I walked over to some gas station and JR hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:25pm  I'm talking to Lee in front of the gas station, the Food Mart. What's your email?

     12:46pm  I had a great presentation here at the gas station. Lee even said he was going to go unload his car and come back. He told me, "I can give you a place to crash tonight." He's this hippie kid and he listened to my whole odyssey.

     1:15pm  Badass, Lee did come back. I had thought he might not, but sure enough, he did. He's moving out so I offered to help. Oh yeah, he hooked me up with a hit of weed. The last he had.

     2:00pm  Pat, across the street from Lee's is giving me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Pat. Everybody gets credit.

     2:03pm  Oh yeah, I have to make an update. Guess where I'm going. I'm going back to Ruidoso. I'll go say hi to Raymond and everybody. I was there like not that long ago. Like less than a week ago. We'll be back to Socorro soon. Lee's on a mission for marijuana.

     4:12pm  We're already in Ruidoso. We came to Alto's, to Lee's friend, who I met in Socorro.

     5:27pm  We switched out one of Lee's tires on his Civic Del Sol. He's got the donut on. He called up one of his friends from Ruidoso and told him, "Yeah, I met this crazy dude. He's a long-distance walker from San Antonio, TX." The kid on the other line says, "Does he have a walking stick with a tennis ball on the end?" He's one of the kids I told my story to at the Magic Mushroom that one day(6-23-05, 2:06pm). Lee told me, "I am impressed now. You have your seed planted everywhere."

     5:31pm  We came to a different house where Lee used to live. Some dog-grooming business. Oh yeah, we just went to his friend Bobby's. Bobby is one of the kid who I tried telling my story to last time(6-23-05, 1:40pm). He didn't listen to me. He was this kid with the NOFX sticker on his skateboard.

                   It's cool, I've been telling Lee all my stuff and he agrees with me.

                   Hondo Valley Kennels is where we went.

     6:03pm  I forgot to tell you, Lee is treating me to Disco Taco. Where I've been before(6-21-05, 6:51pm).

     8:23pm  Lee and I came up to Raymond's trailer. Some lights were on inside and the windows are still wide open. Nobody answered the door though. Lee's going to drive me up to the Blockbuster and I'm going to ask around there.

     8:31pm  That's awesome how I am back in Ruidoso. I'm going to see if Raymond's dad is working tonight at the Walgreen's.

                   Lee took off and told me to meet him at the Chevron in front of the Burger Trolley at ten. I told him we would have a cool place to crash, at Raymond's.

     9:18pm  Claralyn gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Claralyn. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:22pm  I just the most magical presentation in front of the Walgreen's. I had four kids sitting down on the ground listening to my story. A cop had pulled up and everything and he was just sitting there in his car. I wasn't doing anything wrong. These kids sat down and listened to my whole odyssey. Then Claralyn walked up and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Claralyn.

     9:40pm  I was telling these other two kids my story at the Walgreen's and all of a sudden the cop in the police car calls them over to him. I hate being interrupted. Especially by cops. Then I got this great idea. It's pretty safe to say that I've been wearing my magnetic marijuana strobe on me during my storytelling. I was just standing there waiting for the cop to finish talking to my listeners. I turned on my strobe right there. My marijuana light. I've got the biggest balls of them all, hehe. I'm supposed to leave tomorrow anyway.

     9:47pm  Guess where I am. I'm in the back of a police car. I had been telling these two kids my story in front of the Walgreen's.

                   The cop: "Yeah, I saw you over there and I was pretty curious what you were telling those guys because they were really attentive."

                   I looked at my watch and figured I would be late in getting to the Chevron to meet Lee at ten. I went to the payphone to see if his phone was on(which it never is). Then I got the idea to go ask the cop for a courtesy ride to the Chevron. I walked up, with my marijuana strobe flashing brightly and asked the cop for a courtesy ride.

                   Officer Chambers? It was awesome what just happened right now. Officer Chambers and his partner brought me to the Chevron before ten. What's-his-face never showed up. I got out of the cop car and told the two officers my whole entire odyssey in front of the Chevron. They wanted to hear it. It was around 10:15 or so and Lee hadn't shown up. After I told my story I asked if they could give me a ride back to the Walgreen's to use the phone. If not, I can always crash at Raymond's. Damnit, I've got my backpack in Lee's car.

     10:32pm  I had an awesome presentation with the cops. Oh yeah, when they had pulled up and took the two kids from me, interrupting my legend, I turned my marijuana light on. I had it flashing all the way until I got in the backseat of the cop car. I got a ride to and fro. I'm going to go say hi to Raymond now. I called his parents from the Walgreen's and his mom said she had taken him home. I am really worried about my backpack.

     10:52pm  I'm talking to Brandon in front of the Blockbuster. What's your email?

     11:08pm  I had some great presentations at the Walgreen's. These girls just walked by and I asked them if I could tell them a really interesting story. This girl handed me some change, and I told her no. She said, "I feel bad for not listening to your story."

     11:45pm  I didn't even ask. I went in and told the kids working in the Blockbuster my story. Justin and Charlotte. Justin just volunteered my five bucks. I wasn't asking for anything. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Yet another great presentation. I got five bucks for that.

Next day..

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