

 Boulder to Longmont to Paonia, CO

Tuesday July 4, 2006

                    I've got an update to make. I haven't made an entry in a while. I got the bail money real quick at the gathering yesterday. I got a ride straight back to Boulder and bailed Carol out of jail. We met up with Scotty in Longmont and he gave us a ride back to the farm. We got all of our shit in Scotty's car. The only things we left are our bikes.

     1:31pm  We had this big ordeal at the farm. Carol: "See, when we first got to the farm they had told us that we could achieve this higher enlightenment, and ever since then it's been all this deception. I feel a little betrayed. Like when you got back from your trip to Boulder to get Kent, you were a day late getting back and you asked for an additional day off to rest because you had blisters all over your feet. Wayne pretty much got really upset with us and told us that we were out of focus with the farm. He said that everyone else was working and we were causing problems on the farm. They weren't even really willing to talk to us about it. We went over there and kind of forced them to talk to us. Wayne just blew up and told us we were Babylonians and that we didn't know what we were doing. He just wouldn't listen to us. He got real upset. His face turned bright red. He just walked out of the room. Then Cara proceeded to tell us how they don't owe us anything. That they gave us housing and food. I was kind of upset because where we had been in Boulder we had our food stamps all set up. We had a house and everything. We didn't need to leave that, and come out to the farm. We packed all of our shit and came to the farm to give. I think we busted our asses making contributions. Me, especially. I wasw hoping to have this older spiritual leader who could somehow show me the way. I felt like we got shit on. Then they went off on Phil and kicked him out of the circle. That didn't seem too spiritual. He got all pissed off at Scott. Pretty much everybody is not too happy with Wayne. Now Cara is being all vindictive. She had tried to break Victor and I up. She said a bunch of stuff about me. She accused me of scavenging through the farm. Please, everything here is like thirty years old and covered in cat piss and rat shit. They thought we went through their shit and took something of theirs. They didn't say any particular thing, because they don't know what they're talking about. They just made it up. I'm upset, being accused of stealing. So anyways, we just left our bikes there. We left the tent and the generator and some other stuff."

                    I made a funny joke. Cara, from the farm, she's only got one eye. One is fake. I think we should mail her an eye-patch!

     3:28pm  We are bringing SueƱo the cat with us traveling.

     4:30pm  Around three forty five we left Hotchkiss. We are now on our way to I70 to go East to Boulder. Carol has all this stuff strapped to the top of Scott's car.

     4:43pm  We are stopping at the City Market.

     6:06pm  We stopped in Gypsum to spange for gas. The first guy Carol asked gave her five bucks! We'll be out of here in no-time.

     8:56pm  Nivan hooked us up with some food. Everybody gets credit.

     9:05pm  I didn't mention when we got back to Boulder, but we are here and Shoefly just hooked us up with some PB and J's.

Next day..


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