


San Antonio, TX

Wednesday July 10, 2002

                   Dude, today was such a trip. A regular roller-coaster. It had its ups and downs the whole day through. You see, I've already gotten served an eviction-notice because I never paid rent, because I haven't been working. I have to be out in three days, unless I pay in full. With late fees and everything, I need around seven hundred dollars. I only have three days to come up with that cash. I couldn't figure out anything to do, so I went to apply at the telemarketing place where I've worked a shitload of times before. I thought they opened the human resources department at eight. I was there at eight twenty, thinking it would be all dead. To my surprise it was packed, they opened at seven forty five. I filled out the preliminary forms and turned it in at the back desk. I then walked over to the gas station on the corner and bought some breakfast. I returned to in front of HR and ate. I then went inside and sat down and waited to be called.
                   An hour went by and still no word. There were tons of people in front of me. A few hours past and I went outside to bum a cigarette. The dude I bummed one from was really cool. We talked about computers and shit and it turns out he's twenty four also and just happened to live in the condos right next to my apartments. He also knew a hell of a lot about computers, more than me even. I asked him what he was doing afterwards and he told me nothing. I invited him over to my apartment and offered him some free software. He agreed, came over and spotted my old system which I had thought had a bad power-supply. He told me there was nothing he loved more than working on computers and promised me he could get it working. I, of course, doubted him but told him he was more than welcome to try.
                   I could not believe it when I saw my old piece of shit boot up. I had told him how I needed to make seven hundred dollars in three days or else I was getting evicted. Since now I had a spare, working computer he suggested I sell it for some cash. What a great idea! But how was I going to get rid of it that quick? Then i thought, "Hey, the San Antonio chatroom on AOL!" I went in the San Antonio room and copied the phrase, "hi, are you looking for another computer? i desperately need to sell it by tomorrow so i wont get evicted. ill sell it dirt-cheap." I then pasted the phrase to everyone in the room, via IMs. Within five minutes, I had a lady interested. I asked only three hundred for the computer. We agreed to meet.

                   Ahh, I'm tired. I didn't sleep at all last night. To make a long story short, because of my bumming cigarettes I stumbled onto Ivan. Ivan fixed my non-working computer and gave me that suggestion about selling it. That's exactly what I did. I got in the San Antonio room on AOL and started IMing everyone asking them if they wanted to buy my computer. This lady pulled over and...ahh forget this, I'm going to bed, ask me about it later.
                   Afterwards, I went to my mom's house. She had just gotten back from Puerto Rico. I went in and greeted her, then she gave me ten twenty dollar bill! Badass, eh?

Next day..

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