



San Antonio, TX

IM with Tyler

Friday September 13, 2002

          I woke up around eight thirty at Chasity's. Chasity had already left for work at six. I had the whole apartment to myself. I took a shower, got out and dried off and came over and jumped on my computer. I was checking and writing emails and talking to people on my buddy list all morning long.
                   At around two I checked the bus schedule to see when I would have to leave for work. To get to work before four I would have to leave at three thirteen to arrive at work at three thirty four. The next one I would have to catch at three forty four and get to work at 4:05pm. Chasity's apartment was in the back of the complex, right next to a pet-trail that connects her apartments to a sister-property. That would be the quickest way to get to the bus stop, through that trail. I figured the five minute walk to the bus stop and decided I'd have to leave at 3:08pm to make it before four.
                   I had a whole hour to kill which I could've done easily playing on my computer, but I thought it would be nice to do something for Chasity, just to show some appreciation for her letting me stay at her place. I noticed that the dishwasher that she only uses as a drying rack, was full so I put away all the dishes and washed any that were in the sink for her. I then took out the trash and tidied up a bit. When 3:08pm came around, I was still cleaning and decided I'd go ahead and catch the next one, even though I'd be due at work five minutes late. I was hoping they wouldn't care and let it slide, since I was still in training. I didn't have a key to Chasity's apartment, but she had told me to just leave the door unlocked because she was getting off at four. So I grabbed my walking stick and water bottle and headed to the bus stop.
                   Oh yeah, I have to tell you about my water bottle. Before I left in the U-Haul I had made friends with a fifty year old lady in Bracken, Texas. Bracken is this little hick town on the outskirts of San Antonio, where I had walked to just to learn a new town. Her name was Lucy and she was all into walking and staying fit, like me. She had let me borrow this badass Nikken water bottle. What made it so badass was that the sleeve the bottle was in was magnetic. It energizes the water. She's involved in this business called Nikken, and Nikken is harnessing and implementing the natural power of magnets to help purify life. This bottle also had a built-in filter so you could refill it from any tap and be assured clean water. Right before I left in the U-Haul, Lucy had asked for her bottle back, and in moving all my stuff out of the apartment I had misplaced it. She said she had paid one hundred dollars for it and I promised her I would pay her back as soon as possible, if I didn't find it. It never turned up and I ended up taking off in the U-Haul and going to jail and a state hospital, which I talked my way out of.
                   Anyway, while I was putting Chasity's dishes up today, I found the missing bottle! Apparently, I had left it at Chasity's before I left. I was like, "Badass, won't Lucy be surprised when I return it to her?!"

                   Before I left to catch the bus, I realized I didn't have any bus fare. Chasity has a little metal chest where she keeps pennies, but there weren't that many left. I had used it for bus fare before. I emptied out the contents into my pockets, hoping I had the eighty cents I needed for the fare. I then walked out the door, through the pet-trail and the other apartments and up to the bus stop. I waited for about five minutes until the bus came. I boarded it and started slowly emptying out my pocket full of pennies into the thing where you put the fare. In the end, I had exactly eighty cents in pennies! Dude, you can't beat that.
                   I rode the bus to work and arrived at about four ten. I got off the bus and bummed a cigarette off of someone that was waiting for the bus I got off of. I walked up to the training room where we had been yesterday but it was empty. I could've sworn the trainer had told us to meet in the same place today, but I kind of remembered her saying that we were going to be in the building across the street. I walked across the street and started going up to the other building when I saw the trainer, some dude who I worked with before, coming out. I asked him where the class was supposed to be today and he told me across the street. It was okay that I was late because the trainer was too.
                   Work is a big joke. We're supposed to be selling DSL but even the trainer doesn't know shit about computers.  Here is my old DSL script.  Helpful tips I suggested to my manager and he taught to new hires.

Like I said before, I plan to kick this project's ass when I get on the phones. I made friends with this hot, young girl named Sarah. She had given me a ride the night before, which was cool, so I wouldn't have to walk. She is very pretty and drives a big Pontiac Firebird which didn't impress me at all. When she saw me today, she told me hi and gave me a warm smile. We all sat in the training room for about an hour not really doing anything besides shooting the shit. We then walked across the street to the other building, everyone swiped their badge at the entrance and we all rode the elevator to the fourth floor.
                   Again, training was a easy as pie, boring even. We went over the script and practiced on the system which is web-enabled. About halfway through I used to the phone to call Chasity. I told her that I hadn't found a place to stay tonight. She told me that she was going to spend the night at her mom's house tonight and that she had taken Stuart our dog. I was like, "Shit, I guess I'm just going to have to stay up all night and go to work at nine in the morning tomorrow." Just then I asked her, "Hey, could you leave the sliding door to the balcony unlocked, so I can climb in and sleep there tonight?" Surprisingly, she told me, "I already did." She must've been reading my mind.
                   Here I am typing up this next chapter of my true story, comfortably, in the air conditioned privacy of an apartment. I wonder how long Chasity is going to let me stay. Hopefully by the time she wants me to leave I'll have another safe haven to go to.

                   Okay, I'm finished for tonight, I'm going to sleep.

- Victor

Next day..

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