

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Tuesday July 10, 2007

     7:31am  I haven't been documenting enough. I drove my mom and my nephew like four or five hours last night. I drove them all the way to Houston. We didn't have to have directions to my sister's apartment, because my mom got one of those GPS satellite things that shows you a map of where you are and tells you where to turn. It costs like four hundred dollars. It's got a suction cup and a little monitor that sticks on the windshield. It triangulates exactly where you are and follows you exactly. When we left San Antonio we punched in Diana's address and it told us to get on I10 and turn here, turn there and bam. It's pretty awesome. New fangled gadgets, man. Now, can you imagine the shit Big Brother's got? My mom is all proud of her new toy. So we came to my sister's little apartment here in Houston. It's a nice little pad. Anyway, my mom's plane leaves at eleven. Knowing my mom and her procrastinating I think we should leave now. I was thinking I really hope I see a hitchhiker on the way home. We'd stop at every rest area and smoke weed.

     8:43am  We are finally leaving Diana's apartment.

     9:36am  I just dropped my mom off at the airport. It's badass that I get to use this GPS thing to go back to San Antonio. It even tells you how many miles you have left.

     9:52am  I stopped right before I jumped on 59. I took a little smokebreak in front of this Aero Mexico building. 3663 North Sam Houston Pkwy East. It's cool that I can hop on the access road right here and go in the direction I need to be going. I'm all stoned now. I'm not going to smoke in my mom's car. If I pick up a hitchhiker on this trip, we'll only smoke at rest areas. Every single one. We'll stop at each one and smoke some weed. Picnic areas, is what they call them in these here parts.

     10:40am  I'm stopping at a gas station in Katy to buy some cigarettes and take another smokebreak.

                     I haven't seen any hitchhikers. It's Texas, after all.

     10:55am  I stopped at this Love's truckstop I don't know where. I got some stuff. I stole some lemonade out of the fountain. Of course they don't sell rollies here. They don't want people smoking cigarettes for only two dollars. I bought me a pack of Marlboro Reds for five fifty. Fuck that, man.

                     I should get food, but ahh, I had some leftover breakfast from last night. Last night we stopped at some Whataburger. I had some egg and pancake and stuff. I'm just going to wait until I get hungry, then I'll stop. I've got maybe a little bit more than a quarter tank of gas. I'll get gas when I run out too. I'm thinking about buying a five gallon gas tank and spanging for money. So I can keep money so I can develop some cameras when I get home.

     11:57am  I'm stopping in Flatonia to fuel up. I'm hungry too.

     12:05pm  I came to the Flatonia Country store here. The Shell station. I bought me a couple taquitos and I put ten dollars of gas in the car. I'm going to sit down and eat a taquito and have a smokebreak.

     12:14pm  All fueled up and stoned. I've got gas in the car. I'm going to get on the road again.

     1:02pm  Stopping in Seguin for a lunchbreak. I'm hungry. I ate my second taquito.

     1:10pm  All fueled up. I'm leaving.

     2:04pm  The eagle has landed.

                    Kickass, I got fifty bucks in the end. I'm going to develop some pictures.

     2:20pm  Just had a little smokebreak out in the backyard. First thing I'm going to do, it's cool, we have a fence and the dogs can't run away now. First thing I'm going to do is take a shower. I'm going to clean up this house.

     5:11pm  I just woke up from a big nap. I'm going to clean, my ass, hehe.

     5:52pm  I'm going to do some typing. I'm bored and stoned. I'm thinking about taking the car to Walmart, but I'm going to walk to Walmart tomorrow morning. I don't need a car.

     8:08pm  I'm off. First I was going to go play tennis with my sister, but her unorganized ass couldn't find another racket. I had taken a shot of that Riovida stuff, because I thought I was going to go play tennis. Since I took that stuff I'm not going to let it go to waste. I'm going to walk to Walmart and develop like four cameras. I have like fifty bucks after that little jaunt with my mom to Houston. I've got my Woodstock shirt on. I need to take a picture of myself.

     8:30pm  I walked Wickersham to Braun Road and I just dropped off two worn tennis balls I had in my cargo pockets, at my little drop-off spot. Now there's three there.

     8:50pm  I just got to the platform. I'm going to take a little lunchbreak. I know that by the time I get to Walmart the photo place will be closed. At least I get a walk out of it. I'll ride the bus home. Ugh, I was sitting down in a car for like eight hours straight. Well, four there and four back.

                   I think it's so hilarious how I smoke weed right under my mom's nose. With my little fake cigarette. Every single time we stopped on the way to Houston I was partaking. She has even told me that I've changed a lot, for the better since I came back home. She thinks I'm a lot more loving. It's the marijuana, mom. When will you ever learn? You should smoke some.

     9:42pm  I am making a dash for Walmart. The photo place might close at ten. I was going to take the woods all the way to the Walmart, but it would be after ten when I got there and these woods are all dark. I have this awesome keychain light I borrowed from my little nephew. I'm going to ask him if I can have it. Anyway, I cut through French Creek Village, I think. On John Barnett Drive. I don't think I'll get to the Walmart on time. I might have to wait until tomorrow.

     9:45pm  Damn, there's no outlet on this street. I have to double-back. I should just walk home.

     9:54pm  I just came out on Bresnahan. I'm not going to make it to the Walmart on time. I'm speedwalking.

     10:00pm  I'm not at the Walmart yet. Be sure to mention on my websites how Mexicans have my back. They know the rules. Most of them.

     10:06pm  Just got to the Walmart. I'm just going to see what their hours are.

                     I'm not sure what I'm going to do. If there's any buses left I'll get on whichever one and take it to where it drops me off. Maybe I'll stay up all night telling my story.

     10:40pm  Oh yeah, I never told you, when I was at OP Schnabel earlier I got all resinated on my platform. There were these kids at the lookout point and I hit them up for my story. They weren't listening too well, so I just gave them my webpage and excused myself, telling them that I was going to walk to the Walmart. Sure enough, when I was leaving the Walmart they saw me. "Hey, Victor." I went to the McDonald's and bought me a couple burgers. I'm going to hike home now.

     11:35pm  I am home. I had a good walk today.

     12:19am  I am going to crash out.

Next day..

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