


Eugene to Oregon Country Fair in Veneta, OR

Friday July 11, 2003

     6:28am  It's the next day. What day is it? I think it's July 11. Hmm, it doesn't seem like July 4th was that long ago. It's Friday, I think. I woke up at this cool little camp in a hammock. Brian is making some coffee at this perfect campsite they have here. Last night we had a delicious dinner. I ate a lot. Some survival food. It was damn good. Meat, rice, and beans and everything. It was good. I am still in awe at how welcome I was. This place is called Skinner Butte. This guy named Eugene Skinner lived in this town back in the 1800's. I'm sure there is some plaque in town that will elaborate on that. I just camped at some history.

     9:25am  I'm having this big magical adventure out in this camp. I'm even getting a bike to ride. Casey and George moved to the camp in the morning. We're going to leave them sleeping here. They can watch my walking stick, hehe. We're going to jump on the bikes and go to the food bank in Springfield. Going to get some gasoline for our stomachs. Then we can go to the country fair later on.

     9:49am  We just got some directions to Springfield. What bus do we have to take? The #13?

     10:19am  Brian and I are at the Lightbird Clinic. I got their card. Here I got some dental floss, toothbrush/paste, soap, and other shit we need. Tappin' our resources.

     10:50am  Brian and I were riding our bikes and we stopped and rested. I ate some of my MuscleBlast 2000 and I had some of that other shit that guy gave me in Truth or Consequences. That chocolate flavored stuff. So I'm all fueled up. I thought we were going to go up a hill, but we just turned left on some street. Man, I'm on a bike right now. I'm recording myself on a bike. Badass. Brian has mobilized me. We're riding fast. We're going to Springfield.

     11:02am  We rode our bikes to Goofy's Muffler Customs. My front tire was low, so we asked them if we could borrow their air hose. The guy told me they didn't have the valve that would fit on my tube, and to go to the tire shop a couple buildings down. So, that's what I'm going to do. Let me tell Brian.

     11:06am  We came over to the tire shop and the guy warned me, "Hey, I'm going to let you do it because it's a high pressure hose, so be careful with it." I told them that's the only way I know how to be. Brian ended up doing it, so I got some air in my tire. Mission accomplished. Air is always free. Let's not ruin it.

     11:29am  We rode all the way down Mill Street by Centennial here. We're at the Salvation Army. We're going to get some food. Today is 71103.

     11:39am  Dude, we just scored so fat at the Salvation Army. I got this huge bag of groceries. I got powdered donuts, I got a big sandwich, I got all this cold stuff. I've got frozen peaches, I got Wheat Thins, I got cake, I got donuts, I got everything! It's too much to carry on the bikes. We're just going to take the bus.

     12:57pm  We had stopped and scored all that food. We rode down Centennial a bit and stumbled onto a garage sale. I got me a badass Marlboro Unlimited canteen, for free, kind of. The guy wanted a dollar for it and Brian gave me one. Brian got him a down jacket, too.

     1:02pm  Man, it was cool. At this yard sale we found a bike seat. Brian took the seat off my bike and was able to replace it with the other one. I got a new bike seat, just like that. Awesome. Man, I'm going to get sucked into this town. Oh yeah, at the garage sale the guy gave me a hat! A Gilligan hat like my trademark hat I wore for two years that had the cotton logo on it. Chasity, my ex-girlfriend stole me that hat from Macy's, where she worked. This one says, "Natural Balance," on it. That's so awesome. That's what I want to achieve one day. A total natural balance.

     1:38pm  We've come to Fred Myers. This Walmart-like store that has a grocery store inside, too. We are getting some batteries, some beer and I was able to shoplift some insect repellant.

     2:35pm  Brian and I found this little hidden pocket next to these bushes and trees by the highway. It's right next to some apartments. We sat down in the underbrush, smoked some weed and drank some beers. Now, we're taking off. Brian has these two paint buckets hanging over his back tires, so he's weighed down good. Before I left, I left some stuff at the camp to make room in my backpack. We are going to ride to Centennial and wait for the bus. Man, everything's cool. This is like the greatest vacation I have ever had. Awesome. I wonder when it will stop? I'm going to keep going.

                   Oh yeah, at this little alcove we found, I found me this black wool winter cap.

     2:48pm  We rode up to Centennial. We stopped here at the bus stop in the shade. We're waiting for the bus to come. We're waiting for the #13 bus that goes down Centennial. Dude, we're going to go to the Country Fair tonight. Brian told me we could hang out at the campsite in front of the fair. They charge admission for entry, though. Brian just told me I would probably eat some mushrooms tonight. Man, I haven't shroomed in like 2 years. I've only done it once, but there was just absolutely nothing wrong with it. I can't wait to do it again. Maybe tonight. Man, I'm having the time of my life in Eugene. This is awesome!

                    Oh yeah, the garage sale was at 637 Centennial. If you don't believe me, write these people a letter. 637 Centennial.

                    Oh yeah, at the Fred Myer's place Brian said they needed some insect repellant. It was a tad bit expensive, so I offered to just put it in my cargo short pocket and shoplift it. Brian told me cool, as long as I was sure. Ahh, I knew we would be buying other stuff and they wouldn't suspect a thing.

     3:37pm  We just got off the bus. We're going to ride like seven blocks to the camp.

     7:52pm  I took a long ass nap. I don't know how long. I'll figure it out when I type it up. About 3½ hours. Oh yeah, Brian is cooking some salmon we scored today.
                   On the homepage of my website, when it first opens up on the first page it'll have a little tune playing, "I don't care so much for money." Just that little sound clip from that one song Can't Buy Me Love.

     8:48pm  In Berkeley there's a store called REI Sporting Goods store. They have used camping stuff.

     11:05pm  Our camp is over by Lincoln and 2nd Avenue.

                     I'm off. I'm going to walk/get picked up to the Country Fair. They say it's like twenty miles. Someone will pick me up.

     11:20pm  I just got directions from some people to the fair. I turn on Lawrence, I think. I'm going to go all the way down 11th, turn right and keep walking. Someone will pick me up.

     11:42pm  I walked out of the butte all the way to 11th. Brian had told me to go down 13th earlier, but some people suggested against that and told me 11th would get me there. So I walked to 11th and just met Larry at the bus stop.

     11:44pm  Got a courtesy ride on the bus. I'm going to have him drop me off at Burtelson and 11th, much closer to the fair than I was at earlier.

     11:57pm  The #30 driver dropped me off. I'm going to walk like seven miles to the Fair. I thought it was a lot further than that. I gotta walk like five miles to Veneta. Then I have like one other mile.

     12:22am  Just passing the 4900 block of 11th. Elliston street(I think).

     12:40am  I stopped at Terrace street at the light and ate some Wheat Thins. Yeah, I'm going to keep walking now. Speed limit 55, hehe.

     1:00am  Seven miles to Veneta.

     1:30am  Passing Richmond Street. I'm going to stop and rest.

     1:55am  I took a long break, ate some salmon and smoked a cigarette. I'm walking again.

     2:15am  I was walking towards the Country Fair and Forest and Lisa were nice enough to pick me up.

     2:43am  We drove into one of the campsites. Man, it's so commercialized. Just to camp, they're charging $35 a person. They're all about money here. That's all they care about. Capitalist pigs. I swear. Anyway, I don't know what they're going to do, Lisa and Forest. They picked me up, but I don't expect them to pay for me. There's gotta be other people here who don't have money, either. I gotta find these people. Shit, I have no idea. Let's see what happens.

     3:05am  It got a little chilly, so I put my army pants on. I'm going to put my fleece shirt that I bought at the Walmart in Ruidoso on, too. These people are lame. They're playing slow songs by the fire flying a big American flag. There's gotta be some hippies around here somewhere. Hopefully I'll go find some. I don't know. I'm just going to walk.

                   $35 per person to camp out in nature. Fuck that.


Next day..

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