


Socorro, NM

Sunday July 11, 2004

     1:13pm  I never told you they had the Contact DVD at the house. I've never seen it before. I had to watch it. It was an awesome movie. Just what I needed to watch.

     3:21pm  I got a ride to the library at the school. From Karen, she came home. Oh yeah, the parents of the owner of the house came over. They were asking for Patrick. They had a problem with all the windows being open. They asked me, "Who are you?" I told them my name is Victor and Patrick was letting me crash there. That I was traveling. Anyway, I am itching to get out of Socorro so bad, so I got a ride to the library. I called Gretchen and she wasn't home. She works tomorrow, so maybe I'll wait until then. I really need some tennis balls.

     4:13pm  I just told some kids at the library my story. They were just sitting there.

                   This really sucks. I am so itching to get out of Socorro. I am so bored.

     4:18pm  I stopped by Jerry's. The TV was all loud inside. I knocked and nobody answered. This is really pissing me off. Everybody is ignoring me! Damnit! Damn the ignorance in this world.

                   All you have to do is answer the door, damnit. Grow the balls to tell me to go away, if that's what you want. I can't read your mind. This guy Jerry was cool. He shouldn't be ignoring me like this. Maybe nobody is home and he just leaves the TV on loud while he's gone.

     7:26pm  I am walking. I got bored at "home." I'm going to go to my exercise station and do my pull-ups.

                   Oh yeah, I never mentioned. Remember when I first started doing pull-ups like I could only do about six and my chest would hurt real bad? Well, right now I am up to doing three sets of ten repetitions each. Practice makes perfect, so they say.

                    I finished my pushups. Pushups and pull-ups. I'm not going to do my whole routine.

     7:57pm  I came over to see if Alex was home, but he wasn't. I saw some lady smoking a cigarette across the street. Francis gave me a cigarette at 509 whatever street this is. I appreciate it, Francis.

                   I came to The Capitol Bar. I told myself I was going to ask around for that Ed guy. I went in there and told Will, "I'm looking for Ed." He pulled out his cellphone and dialed his number. Badass. Not only did I get to talk to Ed on the cellphone, but he told my his laptop was broken, so I am free to leave. Will hooked me up with a beer too. Awesome.

     8:10pm  That was cool. I went to the bar and got a free beer. I found out about my laptop I was supposed to be getting, which was the only thing tying me down to Socorro. I am ready to leave. I found out it's broken. He said I could still have it if I wanted it.

Next day..    

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