


Socorro to Truth or Consequences, NM

Monday July 12, 2004

     11:25am  I have a big update to make. This morning I woke up. I walked to the school. I am so ready to go. Gretchen is supposed to be working this morning. I thought, "Let me go check the tennis courts." I found me a ball. I had to go around to the pool and jump the little wall to get it. I got two tennis balls now for my trip. Oh yeah, and Gretchen was like, "Alright, let's go right now. I'm getting off." Perfect timing. She's going to take me to the rest stop. She even offered to make me some sandwiches.

     11:37am  I went out to smoke a cigarette and Gretchen came out and told me, "I need to get my battery charged before I go. The light is coming on." I think it's like thirty miles or less. She told me charging the battery would take like five hours. I told her, "Alright, I'll be at the house." She's going to take me there tonight.

     12:52pm  While I was looking through the shelf in the living room I found this Space Case thing. A little screw-on metal container. It has a bag of seeds in there. I picked out all the seeds to leave just the dust in there. I grabbed my Frisbee and knocked the case on it a lot, to knock loose all the weed particles. I got this little film of marijuana. I got a good size tiny hill of weed particles. I thought, "Hmm, how am I going to smoke it now?" I remembered that Karen had made this ceramic one-hitter before she left. I thought I might be able to use that. The hole was too big though. The particles would suck straight through when I hit it. I even considered getting a bottle-cap, putting it on Pat's tobacco pipe, poke a small hole in it and smoke it like that. Then it dawned on me, "I know what I can do." I'll get Karen's one-hitter and go outside and find a little pebble and drop it in there. I got the idea from Alex, when I smoked at his place. He doesn't use a screen on his pipe. I went outside and found the perfect little stone. I got a hit of weed out of the dust. It was a good hit. From those tiny particles. Dust. I'm proud of myself when I pull a hit of weed out of my ass like that. I'm going to go play Unreal Tournament now.

     1:35pm  Since I got high, it made my day so much better. I ate me a good four hundred calories worth of pasta, Spaghettios. A can of that. I'm all full, so I have to walk now. I'm going to go do my exercises. Pull-ups and stuff. Then I'm going to walk around town and see if I can get some traveling weed. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I broke Karen's pipe accidentally. I just threw it away. She won't remember.

     1:37pm  I wasn't paying attention. I was walking towards my exercise station. I just ran into one of the pull-up bars and it hit me in the head. Ouch. It hurt. I'm alright now. I'm going to do my pull-ups.

     2:14pm  Let me tell you what happened. I went to the coffee shop and used the restroom. I was hoping to score a cigarette somewhere. I even thought about asking the girl outside for one. I didn't know if she smoked or not. Right when I walked out after I got a water refill, I saw three fourths of a Marlboro on the ground. I went and smoked a cigarette at the plaza and now I'm going to walk to Alex's house to say goodbye. I'm taking off. Maybe he'll smoke me out. I don't know.

     2:20pm  I walked all the way to Alex's and he's not home. I'm going to walk down California Street.

     2:38pm  I walked past that martial arts place. I opened the door and Abba(7-2-04-3:53pm) was laying down watching TV. I just opened the door and said, "I'm leaving today. Just wanted to say goodbye." He said, "Nice meeting you."

                  Oh yeah, I scored me a cigarette in the ashtray at the Diamond Shamrock. I smoked it in front of Smith's. I'm walking back to The Black Hole now. I'm going to go and take a shower and get ready to leave tonight.

     3:00pm  I showed up again at The Black Hole. I ran into Drew, this guy I met the first night I was here. He hooked me up with a cigarette. Thanks, brother.

     5:52pm  I am taking off. Gretchen came over and she's giving me a ride to the rest stop. What was your name again? Gretchen and her roommate Angie.  Gretchen on the right, driver-side.  Beautiful hair.  

showed up at The Black Hole to give me a ride. We are giving Andrew a ride to Smith's. Andrew just out of the blue hooked me up with a dollar. I appreciate it, Andrew. That's very generous of you, brother.

                   Haha, Andrew asked the girls, "So what are you two doing afterwards? Can I come over? I'm lonely and maybe we can have some fun." I almost laughed out loud. Check out Don Juan. Casanova. Slick Rick I called him.

     6:40pm  Gretchen and Angie just dropped me off at the rest stop. I appreciate it, guys.

     6:49pm  Oh yeah, this place is called Fort Craig Rest Area. I think I have already secured a ride. This family just pulled up in a truck to use the restroom and they're going to let me ride in the back. Oh yeah, Gretchen had given me like five or six sandwiches, so I have excellent traveling food. Oh yeah, she also gave me a little bud. She's quit smoking weed for a while now.

                    I am on my way to Truth or Consequences. That's so awesome how I scored that ride. First people I asked.

     7:20pm  What was your name? ¿El nombre de la familia? The lady told me, "Oh, I can't tell you my name." I told her she could make something up if she wanted to. These nice, generous people gave me a ride to Truth or Consequences. Thanks a lot. Whoever you are.

                    Their license plate it 312-LSA, Arizona plates.

                    Damnit! I left all those sandwiches I got from Gretchen in the back of their truck! That sucks! Argh!

     7:32pm  I am walking down Date Street. I remember this. I'm going to walk to Dukatt71's and see if I can get a replacement shirt.

     8:03pm  I just walked into Truth or Consequences and went up to the A&B Drive-in. I asked Tanya, "Can you give me anything for a dollar? She said, "Umm, you can get a coke." I told her, "No food? I'm hungry." She says, "Well, I guess I could pay for it myself." Tanya hooked me up with a burger! Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Oh yeah, I had one dollar and I went up to the drive-in. I was going to see if I could get anything for a dollar. I asked and the girl said, "Umm, a Coke." I asked her if she could give me any food and she offered to pay for it! I told her, "I really appreciate that." She asked me, "What do you want?" I told her to surprise me. She's was all, "Do you like burgers?" I told her, "I love burgers." She asked me if I wanted everything on it and I said sure.

     8:10pm Man, this place beats Sonic hands-down. This burger is damn good. 

     8:22pm  I sat down and smoked a little pinner I rolled with the weed Gretchen gave me. That's so awesome how I got that burger, just like that.

                   I'm going to try and find that Dukatt71 store. He's probably closed right now, but just to know where it is.

     8:36pm  I found that Dukatt place. It's closed for sure.

     8:43pm  Bobby gave me a cigarette at the Fast Stop in Truth or Consequences. I appreciate it, Bobby.

     9:35pm  Man, I've had the greatest reception here at the Shell station.


The Fast Stop. The cashiers here are really digging my story. Listening with open ears.

     9:40pm  Did I tell you it was storming outside? It's raining hardcore. I won't be walking for now. This store closes at midnight. I don't know what's going to happen. Let's see.

     10:06pm  Bobby is trying to find me a place to crash tonight and he gave me another cigarette. I appreciate it, Bobby.

     10:37pm  Milen hooked me up with an American Spirit. I appreciate it, brother. Have a good night, man.

     11:02pm  Oh yeah, I found out the cops might give me a motel room tonight. This girl Sandy told me that there used to be some bum who came through and the cops paid for his motel room for a whole week. That he was a big alcoholic and stuff. She told me he was able to do some construction work for some guy, Bill Baldwin. That he had made a total of seventy dollars and bought all this hard liquor. He got to stay in a motel room for a week at the cops' expense. Then me, I'm just traveling through. I'm only going to be here for a day. They should give me a motel room for the night, right?

     11:17pm  The cops already showed up and they have my ID and everything. I'm going to get me a motel room! That's awesome! Good 'ol Truth or Consequences.

     11:20pm  Officer Breeding is hooking me up with a room tonight. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:29pm  I'm here at the Trail Motel. I got room #11. They handed me the room key and a remote for the TV.

Next day..

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