


Socorro, NM

Wednesday July 13, 2004

     10:49am  I just woke up. I'm going to go take my morning shit, like I have been almost every day I've been at this house.

                     I hope this gay dude shows up tonight at the Capitol Bar. Matthew, I think his name is. I'm going to go to the bar and meet Dave, a bartender. He's going to take me to his house to use his CD burner.

                     Oh, did I tell you that gay dude gave me a broken bowl of a glass pipe. It's way harvestable. I scraped a lot out this morning and now I'm all stoned. Off resin. That will be my morning wake-and-bake for a while. Until it runs out. There's a lot in there though. I am the Resin Master!

                     I'm walking down California right now. Did I tell you I saw Mama-G from T or C last night? Gina. She told me she had a miscarriage. She was pregnant before. I'll put a link to that morning I first got to Socorro and talked to her(6-28-05, 9:21am).

     12:15pm  I ran into Ted in front of the Wells Fargo bank. I was trying to get change out of my pocket and was holding my walking stick under my left arm. He walked by and asked me, "How's the pilgrimage going?" I told him, "Every day is a new chapter, man. I'm the happiest man in the world." Ted, his name is.

     12:19pm  I was walking down California Street and Darlene gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Darlene. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Oh yeah, in this month's Weekly World News it says, "Moon to explode in six months. U.S. government covering up shocking truth."

     12:38pm  I've had a pretty good morning so far. I walked all the way to the Smith's. I had some change in my pocket, so I bought a couple donuts. I bought the last two cinnamon rolls. I ate one and was all full. I smoked a cigarette I got right before I got here. I'm walking to the school now. I've got a cinnamon roll in tow for my lunch break.

     12:50pm  Did I tell you? I'm already at the school. Oh yeah, and last night I forgot who told me, but they have a CD burner at the rec-room here at the school South of the pool. Where I hung out last year. They had a pool table there. I'm going to go check. I think they open around one or two, so I'm going to go check right now.

     12:55pm  I checked at that place and they weren't open. I'm going to go to the library and get back to proofreading.

     1:05pm  I had a smoke break in front of the library. I'm going to go in and type. Not type, proofread.

     2:57pm  I am taking a lunch break. There were like three people waiting for a computer, so I decided to get off. I'm already on March 22nd or 24th.

                   Oh, I didn't tell you. I'm out of the library. I proofread a lot. I filled up my 3½ floppy, so I can't proofread anymore. I'm on the 27th of March. I guess that's where I'm going to stop and I'll make a note of that in my logs. Wait, I just did, hehe. I'm going to walk up to the Capitol Bar right now. I'm supposed to meet what's-his-face, Dave, who gets off at seven.

     4:52pm  I'm walking up to the Capitol Bar now.

     5:03pm  I came to the Capitol Bar and Georgie hooked me up with a bagel. He went and bought it for me. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:29pm  I went to the Capitol Bar and talked to Dave. We're still on for tonight. I'm going to get some CD's burned tonight. Right now I'm going to go home and scrape some resin. I'll get resinated before I come back at seven.

                   Wait, I have to go back to the bar and get some ice for my water and see if I can get me a cigarette for when I smoke resin at home.

     5:33pm  I went back and got me ice and a cigarette. I didn't log the guy's generosity, but he knows who he is.

     5:49pm  I am at my house. I'm home. I'm going to scrape resin and get high.

     6:41pm  I'm back at the Capitol Bar.

     7:11pm  I have to make an update. Dave got off work and we just drove over to his house. I'm going to burn my CD's.

     7:25pm  Oh, we're having a little dilemma at Dave's house with the computer. The one with the burner on it doesn't have an A: drive, which is what I need to include all the updates and proofreading I've done at the school. Dave is frantically trying to get it to work. He's got a big huge network at his house. Like six terminals. He's going to figure something out. We are eliminating some options.

     7:35pm  Shot down at Dave's. No working A: drives anywhere.

     7:38pm  Back at the Capitol Bar. That sucked. I wonder where I'm going to get my CD's burned.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to hit John up at the Premier gas station. See if he'll hook me up with a hotdog.

     7:42pm  Arturo me dio un cigaro alfrente del Premier gas station. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     7:45pm  I came to the gas station, but there were no more hotdogs. John was nice enough to offer me some fruit instead.

                   Oh yeah, and he gave me some literature about Peak Oil. I'll be sure to type that up and put a link to it.

                   I gave him the usual, "Tell your friends. Water my seed. The kids are taking over soon. Babylon shall fall! ¡Viva la revolucion!" He told me he would spread my word.

                   He gave me a banana and two kiwi fruits.

     8:05pm  I walked to the thrift store. The Desert Dollar. The one I came to last year. There's a sign on the door that says they'll be closed July 12th and 13th for family emergency. Dr. D. Cox. They're open from eight to six. Saturday nine to two, and Sunday closed.

                   I hung out at the Capitol Bar for a bit. I'm bored. I had fruit to eat, so I went to the plaza and sat down and ate it. I guess I have nothing else to do but to wait for that gay dude to show up at the bar tonight.

                   I'm going to go hit up Domino's and see if they have any mistakes they could hook me up with.

                   The guy said he didn't have any mistakes. Oh well.

     9:00pm  I came to the Phillips 66 and tried telling the cashier my story. She was willing to listen, but she had to work in the end. I didn't get too far. I asked her to do me the couple favors and everything. I'm going to take off walking back to the Capitol Bar. Hopefully that gay dude will be there.

                   I'm going to go hit up the Pizza Hut.

                   Ahh, they didn't have any mistakes, but the girl told me I could have something off the salad bar if I wanted. The salad didn't look too appealing. I'm not that hungry, I guess.

     9:20pm  I'm in front of the Capitol Bar now.

     9:27pm  Terry walked out and she gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Terry. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Matthew Garcia is the gay dude's name. I rewound and looked it up.

     9:46pm  I came to the Smith's grocery store. I'm going to check if they have any candles. Then I can spare change for it. Damnit, they're only open for fifteen minutes.

     9:53pm  I went into Smith's and I shoplifted a small pack of birthday candles. The only ones I could find. Actually, they found me. I went to the aisle where the lady said candles were, but I could only find those anti-mosquito Citronella ones. I turned around and started walking back to the front to leave. All of a sudden, right when I turned around I spotted these birthday candles just sitting there. Like they didn't belong there. They weren't on a hook or anything. They were just there for me to find.

                   The reason I need light is because I want to scrape some more resin when I get home. I want to smoke some weed tonight.

     10:08pm  I am trying to make a mad-dash for the Arby's. Hopefully they won't close at ten, like everywhere else did. I'm going to see if they can hook me up with some dinner. I am hungry.

     10:16pm  Walking up on the Arby's.

                   Damn, they closed at ten. That sucks. I see a couple people in there. There's a couple cars in the parking lot.

                   I was standing in front and some guy saw me from inside. I yelled, "Can you guys hook me up? Please?" He motioned, "Hold on, hold on."

     10:24pm  I made it to the Arby's and Travis hooked me up with some chicken. I appreciate it, bro.

                     Score! And Travis said he's leaving for Colorado on the 20th. I was playing with the idea of getting a ride all the way there. See, I was able to fix the strap on my mission bag, and that's all I was going to Albuquerque for. Hmm, screw Albuquerque. I'll go all the way to Colorado if I have a ride already.

     10:38pm  Back at the Capitol Bar.

     11:31pm  John hooked me up with a cigarette at the Capitol Bar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:43pm  The Capitol Bar is packed tonight.

     11:45pm  I got some damn good publicity at the bar. That place was crowded. I was walking in and out of there with my marijuana light flashing. Everybody was staring at me. I was turning heads all night. That Jared guy, the guy who was all proud of knowing what FTP stood for, he was all throwing me hardballs trying to argue with me. I told him as much as I could. He doesn't think I can do it. Just like I want him not to. He doubts me. He doesn't think I'm doing anything. I really wish I could've given him a CD. Anyway, I'm going to walk home. I've have a cigarette and some candles to burn so I can scrape that broken pipe. I got birthday candles, hehe. I'm going to walk home now. I have a cigarette to smoke and some weed to smoke. I even have some food to eat in my bag from Arby's.

                     Oh yeah, and I ran into Joe again. He told me this weekend I could burn my CD's at his house. Perfect. Saturday at nine in the morning, I think he said. I got his phone number too. I'm going to walk home now.

     12:15am  I had a great presentation with these two Mexican kids hanging out with their bikes. I told them all of my stuff. Odyssey and all. I'm going to walk home and eat my dinner now.

     12:48am  I've already been home for like ten of fifteen minutes. Those candles work perfectly. It's so awesome how I went into Smith's and those candles just fell into my pocket, hehe. I've got one burning on the tile right in front of the fireplace. I was able to scrape up a real good resin hit, just like I had planned. I'm eating these yummy chicken nuggets from Arby's.

Next day..

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