


Eugene, OR

Monday July 14, 2003

Email with LovelyAngel1182

     10:56am  Last night was the night I went out to look for the mission. I ran into this 38 year old lady sitting on her front porch and told her my stories.

     11:00am  Roland and I are going to the mission. We're on a mission to the mission. Things got a little tense at the camp. Brian and Casey were talkin' shit and dropping hints. Roland said they're going to fuck like pigs. So, we took our cue and we left. So right now we are walking and we're by 2nd and Van Buren. We are walking to the mission. We're going to get some free food and shower and laundry. Then we'll decide what we are going to do from there. Maybe I'll skip town. I don't know. I got a lot of work to do here. I have to go put on my show on that little stage downtown.

     3:15pm  We showed up at the mission around 11am. We waited around. There's all these bums there. They have all these stupid rules. Like they wouldn't let me sit on the floor with my bags. When we showed up, we were the last guys to get in to do showers and laundry. We took a shower, we're clean. Once again, I lucked out. They told us we were the last ones. We just squeezed in right on time and got everything done. Afterwards, we went outside, bummed and smoked some cigarettes. It kind of sucks with all these bums and stupid gay ass rules. We got ours, though. And we didn't pay, hehe. So, I'm all clean. I got my uniform on again, my blue shirt.

     3:47pm  I came to the Dairy Mart. Roland had given me some change and asked me to buy a 20oz beer. He told me, "I'll buy if you fly."

     4:11pm  Roland and I are out under the highway at some park. There's people playing basketball. We are drinking the beer I bought at the Dairy Mart. It's all good. We're chilling out, maxin', relaxin' all cool.

     4:20pm  Erin has been gracious enough to give me a cigarette. Too bad I can't celebrate what time it is.

     5:27pm  This guy just hooked me up with some food without me askin' or anything. I got some macaroni and cheese, some instant rice, some candy corn and some tomato basil black bean soup. Badass, food.

     5:37pm  Dustin was gracious enough to hook me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Dustin.

     6:10pm  Man, I lost Roland, he took off. I was walking around trying to figure out where the hell I was. I walked the wrong way like three times. Oh shit, I'm going to walk downtown.

     8:42pm  Earlier I was walking around trying to find the Hitching-Post Plaza. I found it. Things sucked. The policemen came. It didn't really suck. I walked over to the Hitching-Post Plaza which they call the ghetto. I'm just sitting here in the grass. I haven't smoked weed all day long. I'm just sitting here now seeing what's going to happen. Not much has happened. I had the idea of setting up my stage in the empty plaza and putting on my show and telling my stories. But, I'm getting the urge to skip this town already. I'm having this big dilemma. See, this is my very last microcassette, even thought I just started on it and it'll probably last me a couple days. They have this EFN place here where you get free Internet access, so I'm thinking I'll probably crash another night, wake up early and come type up a lot of shit so I can record over a tape. Or, I'll go hit up the Radio Shack and see if I can get some free tapes. I don't know. I want to get out of town already.

     9:44pm  David was generous enough to hook me up with his last cigarette. I appreciate it, David.

     10:25pm  I had a big conversation with Jay. I told him most of my shit.

     10:40pm  I was walking down the sidewalk really wanting a cigarette. I was thinking I shouldn't have given my last dollar to Roland, but that was for laundry. All of a sudden I see this girl walking down the sidewalk smoking a cigarette. I ask her if she can spare one and she hooks me up.

     10:56pm  I got this great idea while I was walking. There's people everywhere and it's not even the weekend. I'm going to fly my sign on my stage in that empty square. I'm just going to listen to my headphones right now. I'm all clean and I'm not hungry. So, I'm going to play air-guitar with my stick while I listen to my headphones until people come and read my sign. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Hehe, people are going to think I'm crazy.
                     Oh yeah, I need to tell you about that one guy I saw. He's riding around on a bike playing a guitar. He's like riding with no hands. It makes me feel not so crazy. That's awesome.

                      Actually now I'm looking for a good piece of cardboard.

     11:18pm  I just went to the back of this building and finally found a dumpster that didn't have a padlock on it and was open. I found a good box and pulled out my pocket knife. I cut out this big panel of cardboard. Some guys walked past and probably thought I was a bum digging through the trash.

                     I was walking down the street and a car just past me. This girl on the passenger side just rolled down the window and said, "Hi." The guy in the driver's seat told her, "Oh, you're going to pay for that now," and they drove off. Ha, that's funny. Okay, I'm going to go fly my sign in the plaza.

     12:15am  I just ran into Pete who was randomly getting cans out of the trash. He's recycling like a good man. I asked him if he had any tobacco and he gave me three cigarettes. Badass. Pete, I just wrote my sign up. Will you read it? I'm not asking for money or nothin'.

     12:32am  Dude, I just finished making my sign. It's fuckin' late and no one is out here anymore. But, I just spotted these people loading up all this music equipment in a van. I went up to them and asked them, "Hey, will you guys read my sign? I just want you to read it. It's really important." They read my mission-objectives and told them I would be more than happy to tell them how if they were willing to listen. They were all, "Yeah, tell us!" I told them how and before I had to ask them, they offered their email addresses. Cool.

     12:48am  Cade hooked me up with a cigarette. Awesome.

     1:43am  Daniel just came up to me and asked me, "Hey, do you smoke". I told him yeah and he said, "Do you want some cigarettes? A lot of them?" I said, "Sure, if you can spare some." He just hooked me up with five or six Dorals!

     3:07am  Man, I've had a great time at the Chevron. The guy Daniel who works there was all, "Wow, you're great. You're a messenger." I'm going to email him. He was all delighted at my story and said something like, "As long as you're doing that, you're taken care of."
                    I've been talking to people all night. Like, when I first got here I met this guy and asked him where all the kids were. I told him about my mission. He said, "I really appreciate what you're doing, but there's always going to be a choice." I told him, "I know. I'm just going to make some mere suggestions." He doubts me, but I guess it'll just be a surprise, hehe. Man, Eugene has gotten a lot better. I'm not wanting to skip this town just yet. Tomorrow is going to be an awesome day. I'm going to fly my sign in that little plaza.

Next day..

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