


Socorro, NM

Saturday July 16, 2005

     9:45am  I am about to leave home. Please Love, let me have a good day today. I'm really hungry. Can you give me some breakfast, please? I'm thinking about going to Tina's and asking them again. I was supposed to call Joe at nine. See, I don't have that Winrar program, stupid me, I forgot to save it to disk. Joe doesn't have the Internet, so I have to wait until noon for the library to open, then I can make a copy of Winrar which I can take over to his house. If he lets me come over after twelve.

     10:03am  I just walked up to the plaza and got recognized by all these kids in a car. They're the kids who gave me pizza and let me hit their bowl that one night(7-8-05, 10:49pm). They told me they've seen me walking around. They said, "Light it, light it." I told them the batteries died.

                     I'm going to try and score breakfast again at Don Juan's.

                     Shit, Don Juan's is closed. That sucks. Where else can I eat breakfast at?

                     Oh yeah, Armijo's.

     10:15am  I went to Armijo's and went inside. I thought it was the same girl so I asked her, "Will you guys hook me up again?" It ended up being a different girl, so I gave her my line. She came up with some shit like, "My cook isn't here right now."

     10:21am  I'm going to go hit up Arby's.

     10:32am  They're hooking me up at Arby's. Awesome. Brandon hooked me up.

                     Oh yeah, I called Joe from the Arby's and he's home . . . and he's got the Internet! I'm going straight to his house.

     11:13am  I walked all the way over to Joe's. I see him outside talking to a neighbor.

     2:24pm  After a long time I got the CD burner to work. I've already burned five CD's so far. Joe didn't have a burning program, so I had to hunt one down on an IRC FTP. I wonder how long Joe will let me stay here burning.

     4:48pm  I got a lot of work done at Joe's. I only have like fifteen CD's left to burn. I'm walking into town now. I am starving. I only ate those French toasts I scored this morning at Arby's. I'm hungry as hell.

                   Oh yeah, I got to score a shower too.

     5:00pm  I stopped at the Alto Marino Apartments and smoked a couple snipes from the ashtray.

     5:30pm  Samantha at Burrito Tyme hooked me up again. I appreciate it, Samantha.

                   Scored at the burrito place. That's like the third day in a row I've scored there. I got hooked up on the 9th, 10:14am, the 12th, 3:10pm, the 15th, 4:31pm and today too. 

     5:44pm  I ran into Gina Martinez, Mama-G(6-28-05, 10:05am)in front of the bank. What did you want me to mention in my book? Gina, "Gina Martinez does not sell ass!"

     5:52pm  I'm talking to Erica, Mama-G's newly adopted sixteen year old daughter. What was your email?

     6:29pm  I ran into Mama-G and her newly adopted sixteen year old daughter who wants to be a porn star. I'm going to go to the Premier gas station and refill my lemonade. Shit, John's not working. It's Saturday. He only works Mon-Fri.

     7:07pm  Trish gave me a cigarette at the Capitol Bar. I appreciate it, Trish.

                    I am telling Trish my story. What's your email?

     7:33pm  James, at the Premier gas station hooked me up with some lemonade. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:09pm  I walked to the Smith's craving a cigarette bad. I saw that cool dude Will who works at the Pizza Hut and hit him up for a smoke. He gave me two! I appreciate it, brother.

     9:42pm  I was just standing in front of the Circle K and this eleven year old kid just volunteered me a dollar, just like that. I appreciate it, little brother.


                   I've got to make an update. These kids I just told my story to, they're going to Albuquerque right now! They're going to some gas station to fix a tire and get some gas. They said they'd come back around 10:30 to leave. If they don't come, then I guess they were lying and I'll walk home.

                   Oh, and Will, from the Capitol Bar, he just drove up and I told him how I might've already gotten my ride to Albuquerque maybe. He asked me, "Do you want a pack of smokes for the road?" He's going to buy me a pack.

     10:38pm  Well, I guess those guys aren't showing up.

     10:46pm  I was just standing here in front of the Circle K trying to tell people my free story and Clarice just volunteered me a dollar. I appreciate it, Clarice. Everybody gets credit, thanks. Whoa, another one. Lauricita gave me one too. I really appreciate it.

     11:03pm  I'm out here telling Melinda my story and she just volunteered me five bucks! I appreciate it, Melinda. Everybody gets credit.

                     That was an older lady who gave me the five. When I hit her up I told her I wasn't asking for anything. That it was a free story. She said she just wanted me to have it. At first she had said all she had was a couple bucks, but then she hands me a five. I told her, "Didn't I tell you this was a free story?"

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I ran into King Georgie at the bar. He let me scrape his pipe in the bathroom. I had me a good harvest. Even enough for tomorrow. This other guy who I had hit up for my story earlier at the Circle K, he came up to me and said, "Hey, do you have that story ready?" I told him it and gave him a CD and everything.

                     Call Maggie's phone tomorrow night around ten. Kareem is going to smoke me out and Maggie's giving me a ride to Albuquerque Monday morning.

                     Do you see how I was meant not to get that ride earlier tonight? Do you see how I was meant to go to the Capitol Bar and hang out there? I had a good time. Georgie let me scrape resin and I got high. We played a game of pool and I told people my story outside. This kid just walked up to me and told me his friend Jared had told him to talk to me. Jared, the guy who doubts me and was proud he knew what FTP meant(7-13-05, 11:45pm). He had told his friend Kareem to talk to me. So Kareem came up to me and we shot the shit. He told me his girlfriend would give me a ride to Albuquerque on Monday! Perfect.

     2:05am  I'm home. I can't believe it's been like nine or ten days now that I've been able to call this place home.

Next day..

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