


Hippie house to Triangle Lake, OR

Thursday July 17, 2003

     8:28am  It's the 16th, I think. Or that's what it says on my watch. It's been messed up since I got the battery switched out. It changes days at noon, I think. I need to make an awesome update. I can't believe I ran into these hippies. I'm having the time of my life out here. They wouldn't listen to me at first, just like they wouldn't at the Rainbow Gathering. That's alright though, as long as they know the jist of it. Man, I'm like in this hippieville out here.

     8:34am  I just reviewed my tape. Man, this is going to be a great chapter. This was the perfect place for me to go. Everybody thinks almost exactly like me. This morning, I woke up on a comfortable couch. I don't quite remember how I ended up there. I wasn't drinking or anything. I had my poncho on and was all warm. I got up, looked around for my water bottle and Adidas bag and this girl came to the house and asked me if I wanted to smoke a bowl. Ahh, I love to wake-n-bake. We walked over to the travel trailer where her and her girlfriend lived. Her girlfriend has a three year old son. We smoked some weed and I'm all stoned right now. One of the girls told me, "Yeah, last night I was listening to you and it seemed like you thought violence was the solution." I was all surprised and told her, "Not at all. I want to save lives, not take them." She was all, "Oh, because you said you wanted to murder the government. I thought you were kind of crazy when you said that. Do you mean murder the people?" I responded, "No, no. Nobody one needs to die. I meant just take their power away." She said, "Oh, ok. Now I don't think you're crazy."

     9:07am  I'm standing out here over by their garden and I heard this click, click, click. I thought it might be a bug, but it kept going and at exactly the same intervals. I decided to track the sound down. I started following it. I thought it might be in my bag or something. I got to this little corner where the fences meet. I rustled the leaves around thinking it was a bug or something, but it kept clicking. Then I noticed there was a big wire running along the fence and I thought, "Hmm, that sounds like electricity." I touched it and I got quite a shock. It was a live wire. Now I see where it's clicking. There's a little spark going off. Well, I found out what the clicking was. The hard way, hehe.

     10:30am  I was bored and looking for something to do. Now, these hippies had tons of trash scattered all over the place, because they had dogs. I took it upon myself to "vacuum" their lawn by hand. I went inside and asked them, "Hey, I'm bored. I want a project. Do you have a trash bag?" They gave me a trash bag and I started combing the yard putting every scrap I saw in the bag. I just finished the whole left side of it. There's a major difference. I filled up a trash bag and a half full of trash. I really wish I would've taken before-and-after pictures. Fuck yeah. They were quite impressed when they came out and saw. I told them, "Yeah, I couldn't find anything better to do."

     1:45pm  Me and the Johns are on our way to the Rockslide.

     1:55pm  We are at Triangle Lake, where the slides are. 

     2:15pm  The Rockslides is a beautiful place. It's a big rock formation with all this water rushing down it. People get up at the top of the rocks and just slide all the way down. It's like a natural water park. It's awesome. I wish I had some shorts, but I don't. So, I just get to watch. I only have my cargo shorts with a lot of stuff in the pockets. I get to watch and I can always come back someday. Hey, I could even bring somebody. That's what I'll do.

     3:05pm  Chris was gracious enough to hook me up with a cigarette at the Rockslides.

     4:42pm  Be sure to read Future Shock by Alvin Toffler.

     5:04pm  I am really bored here now. About ten minutes ago they passed around a pipe. Some dude with a cowboy hat did. The Johns and everybody else got a hit, except for me. I even asked, "Hey, may I partake?" I know he heard me, but he just ignored me. I was sitting there pretty close to the crowd, but I didn't get a hit. A hit would be perfect right now. That would keep me entertained. But, one of the Johns I came with had this book called Future Shock and he said I could have it. It's a damn excellent book. I've just read the first couple pages, but it's about everything I talk about.
                   It's just funny how this person who has read this entire book still won't listen to me. Damnit, the instructions have been here for a long time. When will we ever learn? I need people to listen to me, man. Or else I'll go crazy.

     5:30pm  Randy has been gracious enough to give me a cigarette.

     6:30pm  Man, I am bored off my ass. I wish we would leave soon. I saw them packing up, I thought we were leaving. I asked them, "Are we takin' off?" and they said no, that they would return shortly. I don't think they would lie to me, but I'm getting some bad vibes. I hope they don't ditch me. It wouldn't be that bad if I had my wristweights, but I need those back. I left them in the restroom at Karen's.

                    Ugh, I can't believe even hippies are this ignorant. Who would've thunk? And all these people here are alcoholics, too. Everybody's breaking out beer and drinking and getting drunk. 

                    These guys don't get it. All the fun they're having, I want everybody else to have. Why am I having to do this all by myself? I make sense, don't I? I hate wasting time. There's so little left.

     6:40pm  I saw some people hitting a pipe and I went over and asked, "Hey, I don't suppose you guys would be gracious enough to spare a hit?" This dickhead dude asked me, "I don't know. Do you have a bowl to match?" I should've told him, "Well, if I did I wouldn't be asking you for a hit, would I? Greedy ass.

     6:50pm  Matt just hooked me up with a cigarette.

     7:10pm  We're finally loading up to go.

Next day..

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