


Portland, OR

Saturday July 18, 2009

     6:48am  I just woke up. I don’t know how much sleep I got. About seven hours. I think I crashed out around midnight. I have a perfect little spot here. I’m going to go to 82nd and Powell today and spread my word.

     7:14am  I walked to Burnside to catch the 9 bus to Powell. I’m going to try and get a courtesy ride.

     7:52am  The nice driver is giving me a courtesy ride to Powell. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     8:17am  I am on my corner, 82nd and Powell.

     9:34am  Beautiful Natasha just walked up to me and tried to give me some bible-thumper stuff. I told her thanks anyway. That it was nothing new. I’ve read it before.

                     My corner

     10:05am  Hell yeah, right now I saw a clown in a yellow van. I smiled and thought, hey, I have a clown wig. I put it on real quick and he saw me and laughed. Haha, I’m crazy today. Gotta follow the signs.


     10:13am  I tried giving someone my website and they told me they didn’t have a computer. I told him, “That’s right, be afraid of the clown.” It’s free at the library. Nobody wants world peace! You must like war!"

                     My display

     10:30am  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette at the corner. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Check out my website, bro. I’ve been all over the country for seven years now.

     10:54am  This beautiful hippie girl Lauren came up to me. She’s working with the FREE CAR WASH FOR JESUS girls. She asked me if I had a marker she could use. I told her sorry. I gave her my website and asked if I could tell her my story and she said sure. She didn’t have time to listen to the whole thing, but I asked her if I could take her picture. I’m having fun. I’m all stoned and giving my shit away. My shit is evolving so much. I took my clown wig off. It’s a little loud. Hook a brother up/smoke a brother out.

     10:56am  Jodine hooked me up with a whole five dollars! Way to support the cause.
                     Jodine said, “That’s fantastic.”

     11:02am  Charlotte gave me a fatty Camel Wide. I appreciate it, Charlotte. Charlotte: “I’ve got three or four left.”

                     On my website put somewhere, “Here’s something most of us can agree on.”

     11:37am  About ten minutes ago I decided to take a lunch break. With that five dollar bill I went to the Carl’s Jr. and bought two Bacon Ranches. Arthur is working. I filled my bag with ice too.

                     I just got a nugget! Sweet! Justin recognized me from two years ago, at 4:20. He told me that somebody told him that someone was on the corner with a shirt that said world peace through marijuana.

                     This other girl just hooked me up with dollar bill and some nuggets, sweet! I am loving today!



                     Carl's Jr.



     2:38pm  Man, I am putting so many smiles on people’s faces today. I’ve had a full day of work today.

     2:58pm  I think I have enough money to do my laundry. I want to tell someone my story though.

                   Some other guy just told me I had already given him my website two years ago, at the coffee shop on Alberta Street.

     3:00pm  I’m punching out for the day. I’m going to go do my laundry. Man, today I was out there since eight in the morning. A full day of work, on Saturday too. Hmm, my days aren’t matching up.

     3:44pm  I have to call Melanie at 6:15pm. She’s at work. I called her number and when she answered I told her I was Aaron’s friend. Aaron from Somes Bar. I told her that he had given me her number and told me to call her when I got into town. I’m doing my laundry and I came to the Food 4 Less and I’m using the phone. I’m going to call Toni too and see what she tells me.

     5:16pm  All done at the Laundromat. I’m going to go to the Carl’s Jr. and fill up my bag with ice then ride the bus downtown.

     5:37pm  I’m going to try my luck. Hopefully it’s the same lady driving.

     5:39pm  Scored another courtesy ride. I’ll go downtown and at 6:15pm I’ll call Melanie. I’m all stoned. Today was an awesome day. Welcome back to Portland.

                   I washed my comfortable Volcom shorts. Today is hot as hell. I washed my uniform shirts too. All I need is a shower now.

     5:51pm  I was riding the bus down Powell, by 28th Place. I saw a taco van so I signaled to stop. It’s not that far from 6:15pm and I don’t know where this girl Melanie lives. I got off the bus. I’m going to see if I can score some food. I want to go to Melanie’s on a full stomach. I just want to tell her my story. I already have a camp to crash at. I have to follow my signs.

                   Torres de Morelo’s. My mom’s last name is Torres. I have to follow the signs.

     6:13pm  Called that, got hooked up. I have to call Melanie pretty soon.

     6:19pm  The payphone didn’t work. The phone at McDonald’s is a dollar, screw that. The bus came and the nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. I’m on my way downtown.

     6:28pm  Judy was the nice driver who gave me a courtesy ride downtown. I appreciate it, Judy. Everybody gets credit.

     6:35pm  I got off downtown. I am a little late, but I’m going to call Natalie. I’m looking for a payphone so I can call Natalie.

                   Nobody answered.

     7:36pm  I was walking down the street towards Burnside. This brother was walking behind me and asked me how I was doing. I told him I was the happiest man in the world. He sat down and listened to my story and volunteered me two dollars in the end. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     7:52pm  I just told you about Paul. It’s his turn to talk now. Paul: “I was just walking down the street and I saw you and thought, I don’t get out much. It’s pretty damn cool to run into someone who travels the country and has excellent insight. I totally enjoyed the conversation. It’s windy, it’s a nice day here in Portland. I’m going to turn it back over to Victor now.”

     9:06pm  I had an awesome presentation with DJ, this homeless lady. I saw her reading a book and I always hit up readers for my story. I’m going to go down to Burnside. Saturday Market.

                   I’m going to the rescue mission and see if I can take a shower.

                   Sand sculptures in plaza

     9:38pm  Hell yeah, I walked to Pioneer Plaza. I’m looking for the Carl’s Jr. downtown. I have a dollar and I want to get another bacon ranch burger. I want to get a burger and walk to my camp and eat. Oh yeah, I just ran into those girls I talked to in front of the Fred Meyers.

     9:53pm  The coolest shit. I was going to start walking to my camp, to Davis. Thomas, he drives the Pedicab and he offered me a ride over to where I’m going to camp. I really appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   That’s totally awesome how I scored a ride on the Pedicab. Today has been chocked full of courtesy rides for me. I had walked by Thomas and he told me, “Hey man, where are you going?” I gave him the usual, “On my way to save the world.” He told me, “Do you need a ride there? Hop in.” I wasn’t too sure which way on Davis it was. I told him I kind of remember seeing a place called Deschutes, some bar. He took me there and I am almost at my campsite.

     10:12pm  About ten minutes ago I got back to my camp. I’m going to bed.

                     I need to manifest me a marker somehow. The next sign I’ll fly to traffic will simply say GOOGLE IT.

Next day..

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