

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Monday July 23, 2007

     7:22am  I just took a shit right now. I woke up and I'm taking a shit in the bathroom.

     8:36am  I just got dropped off, today's my walking day, so I'm going to walk downtown again. I just got dropped off at Loop 1604 and Bandera by my sister. She had to go somewhere. Oh yeah, she's going to make me an appointment with the eye doctor pretty soon. I'm going to get new glasses, hell yeah. She brought me to Chick-Fil-A for breakfast. I'm going to eat and then take off walking downtown. All the way from Loop 1604 and Bandera. I'm going to walk Bandera all the way to Culebra, this time. I'm going to walk that way. Not Fredericksburg.

                   Oh yeah, I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt. Pretty soon I'm going to find a place to sit down and eat.

     8:54am  I am off. Let's see how long it takes me today.

     8:55am  Vance just drove by and yelled, "Victor!" Hell yeah, I am everywhere. Everybody knows me.

     8:59am  Oh yeah, I'm wearing my boots today. Not my sandals. I didn't treat them with ShoeGoo after my walk on Saturday. The ShoeGoo is coming off, but I don't care. My mom said she'd buy me new boots when she got back, so I'll let these die if they will. I doubt they will. Not to mention, these are a whole lot more comfortable than my sandals with no socks. I've got my little tote that I wear on my back. In it I have my raincoat and mission pouch with lots of little papers. Flyers to give people. Havethisbook.coms. I have a whole breakfast burrito for my lunchbreak.

     9:04am  Just passed Bandera and Tezel/Prue.

     9:20am  I'm about to pass Braun Road. Right in front of OP Schnabel Park.

     9:38am  Just walked over Guilbeau.

                    I was thinking about going and chilling at the vent at the front door at the Walmart and cool off. Ah, I can keep going. Fuck Walmart. I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt, today. Hell yeah.

     9:54am  Just walked over Eckhert. I've been going non-stop since Loop 1604. I'm thinking about going non-stop until Loop 410. I don't know when I'll stop. I feel great.

     10:03am  Just crossed over Huebner. I'm going to walk from loop to loop without resting. I'm going to walk all the way downtown. I feel pretty good right now.

                     I feel a stomach cramp coming on, so I'm doing some breathing exercises and it's going away. Inhale deep and slow and exhale deep and slow.

     10:16am  Crossing over Huebner Creek, almost to Seneca.

     10:34am  I just walked to Loop 410. I'm waiting for the light to turn green so I can keep going. I'm not going to stop and rest. I'm going to keep going.

     10:37am  I changed my mind. I just walked under 410 and I'm going to sit under this tree and rest and eat. Well, I'm not so much going to rest, but eat and keep walking. I'm a little hungry. I came over here in the shady spot under a tree. Over here by where the bus transfer center used to be. In front of where the Target used to be. I'm going to sit down and eat.

     10:46am  I am up from my break. I'm going to walk to the HEB Marketplace and get some cold water.

                     I went in the HEB and got some really cold water. I feel great now. I'm going to keep walking downtown non-stop from here.

     11:08am  Passing Evers and Bandera.

     11:15am  Just passed Broadview. I used to live by here when I was younger.

                     I can see the Tower of the Americas in the distance, beckoning me. Calling me. Drawing me in.

     11:30am  I walked by this place and I saw a Gatorade on the ground. An almost full Gatorade. I saw some guys getting in a car and I walked up and picked it up. They didn't say anything, so I got me a Gatorade, that's badass. I'm going to walk in the store right here and get a cup of ice, since the Gatorade is all hot. I'm going to chug it down and then walk downtown with these electrolytes I just found. Thank you, Love. That was a perfect blessing for my walking.

                     I'm not waving at cars as much as Saturday because I'm hauling ass with my walking stick and waving the peace sign gets in the way of my rhythm. But they're seeing my Fuck Bush shirt, so I'm getting some reaction. I came to the Speedy Stop to get a cup of ice. Did I tell you I found some Mickey Mouse ears over on Bandera earlier?

     11:46am  I am leaving from my little break at the Speedy Stop. Heck yeah, I had a good little recharge with that Gatorade. I'm doing grrrreat!

     11:54am  Passing Cheryl. Right by the Texas Department of Human Services.

     12:01pm  Passing Woodlawn.

     12:05pm  Passing General McMullen.

     12:09pm  Passing Cincinnati Street.

     12:18pm  Hitting Culebra. Turning left on Culebra. Bandera tee's right here. Turning left.

     12:32pm  Walking over Alazan Creek. I'm almost downtown. I'm not going to walk back. I'll walk back on my next walking day. Umm, I'm not tired or anything. I should just walk back. I don't know. I'm going to go sit down at Travis Park. No, I'm going to go to The Riverwalk and walk down there. That's where I'll get some more walking.

     12:33pm  Passing Elmendorf Street. I'm going to go inside Mi Guadalajara Restaurant and get some water.

     12:36pm  Leaving La Guadalajara. I got some water.

     12:48pm  Walking underneath I10. I'm going to keep walking on Culebra.

     12:58pm  I just hit Fredericksburg.

     1:06pm  San Pedro. The tower's getting closer.

     1:13pm  Just walked underneath I35. I am looking at the public library right now.

     1:19pm  I was walking right next to the library. All of a sudden I see this bus stop and this girl runs across the street to me. It's Allie! It's my friend Allie. I'll show you her MySpace and the part of my story where I met her years ago and we hiked in Devil's Den one night years ago:

"May 4, 2004:

# I had a great presentation with this girl Allie.

I should ask her if she wants to go hiking.

That girl Allie is awesome. She told me she'd go hiking with me. I heard her tell the guy next to her that she had a boyfriend.

May 5, 2004

# Let me recap. My recorder was all messed up. Like sometimes it would record and sometimes not. I met Allie last night at Travis Park. This dude with long hair was all trying to hit on her. Because she's really attractive. All the guys were saying, "She looks like she's got money." I was telling her my story and she was captivated. This dude came up to her and tried to introduce himself. He all told her, "I'm going to be over there if you want to talk to me." She nodded her head. When he left I told her, "Man, that guy's a regular Casanova. Regular Don Juan. Hey, do you come here often? What's your sign?" She laughed. Anyway, she caught the 82 after she listened to my story. I told her lots of stories. When the bus came I told her, "I'm going to jump on the bus and tell you the rest of my stories." She said cool. I told her I could get off on Ingram and walk to my mom's house from there. She was cool with that. Dude, she listened to every single story I had. I told her all of them. When we got to Ingram I asked her how much more she had to go. She said, "Oh, I'm thinking about walking." She walked with me! On her accord she got off and walked from Ingram Park Mall to Piper's Creek. Close to there by the Taco Cabana on Culebra. Halfway there we passed by The Devil's Den, some really good hiking. The car's were going by and I couldn't talked to her, so she asked me, "Would you rather find somewhere to sit down over there?" I said, "Yeah, sure!" So, we went in the woods. I put down two boards of wood and we sat down and I told her my stories. Then it got to the point where she said she'd better go. She listened to my whole thing. She said, "It's been a really crazy night, but really good." After that I walked all the way home."

Okay, back to today:

                   Right now she's going to the thriftstore and I'm going to follow her, cool.

     1:32pm  I just came to Travis Park with my friend Allie. She had to go. She had some prior engagements. I'm going to go to The Riverwalk, ha. Fuck Bush!
                   Oh yeah, at the park I ate the rest of the breakfast burrito I had. It was damn good.

     1:57pm  I forgot to tell you I stopped at the Five and Dime for a smokebreak.

     2:20pm  These ignorant old men tourists, they're probably from the East Coast. They're all yelling at me right now. Haha, the whole world is going to read this, you dinosaurs. Thanks for making my story so interesting, you old farts.

                   What a spectacle! Haha, the waitress came up so I just walked off laughing at the ignorant old men. They were all, "Why don't you go to Afghanistan?! Go live there!" They were all going off on my Fuck Bush shirt. Damn the ignorance in this world! I offered them my webpage and they told me to shove it up my ass. Damn, have you always been that ignorant?

                   This is a magic, shirt. They were all yelling, "Little kids can see that!" I told them, "They're who I am wearing it for! I want them to. The kids are taking over soon, grandpa. Babylon shall fall!"

     2:31pm  This beautiful girl named Kiki just listened to my story and took my webpage. Everybody's loving my shirt today. Well, except for those two old men, hehe. Kiki even asked me for an extra little paper for her boyfriend. Hell yeah.

     3:00pm  I just left Rivercenter Mall. Great reaction, once again. I got my picture taken and everything. This is a magic shirt.

     3:13pm  I am back in Travis Park. I'm going to get me a hotdog.

     3:26pm  E.J. Luna hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, brother. I am hanging out with my friend Allie again. She came back to the park. She's really beautiful.

     4:18pm  I just got to the hospital and I'm going to celebrate. It seems like on the way here someone just turned on the tap in the sky full-blast. It's pouring! I could keep riding the bus, but today is my walking day. I'm going to walk home in this downpour! It's going to be so much fun. Great crazy-publicity for me. People are never going to forget me.

     4:28pm  I just celebrated at the transfer center. It's pouring hard! I'm going to walk home in this shit. I can't wait, dude.

     4:53pm  I walked Babcock to Lamb Road and now I'm on Oakdell Way. I'm going to end up on Eckhert. I'll walk to the Walmart on Mainland from there. Hell, I'm going all the way home. What fun today has been.

     5:05pm  I was walking down Eckhert in the downpour. I go to cross the street and I look behind me and I see some guy following behind me in the rain waving at me. I didn't recognize him at first. I just gave the peace sign and started walking back to where he was. It was Vance!

     5:10pm  Vance and I came to Plaza de Ville where his girlfriend Andrea lives. Andrea is hot. My sister used to live here. I used to deliver pizza here.

     7:19pm  I had such an awesome presentation at this apartment. I ended up at walking home in the rain. That's why I started walking. Because it was raining. I could've ridden the bus all the way home. I've got my raincoat. Misty and Andrea listened to my story beautifully and Misty gave me a cigarette at the end. I appreciate it, Misty. Misty: "I'm going to give you some dry socks and some food before you go too." Wow! Sweet! Thanks for feeding the peace machine! Misty is a fairy too. I've been seeing fairies all day long. Well, after I decided I was going to walk home, they were going to give me a ride and everything, Misty made me up a care-package with all this food. It was awesome. The blessings have been everywhere today. Screw it, I'm walking home. Today is a walking day.

                   That was the second time I saw Vance today. Remember this morning? At 8:55am.

     9:42pm  Hell yeah, what a night I've had. After I left that apartment at Plaza de Ville, Eric was at the apartment too, He listened to my story good also. Anyway, they told me that right next to the apartments was a hooka bar. I went over there and there were people sitting at tables outside smoking their hookas. I sparked up a cigarette and just stood there at first. Then I spotted two girls sitting there and I walked over and calmly hit them up for my story. They immediately agreed to listen. I sat down for like twenty minutes and laid it all out for them. Odyssey and everything. They didn't interrupt one time. Great listeners.

     10:13pm  I'm walking down Eckhert and I just passed Marshall High School.

     10:25pm  I just stopped at the Citgo on Bandera and Eckhert. I'm going to sit down and rest. I'm almost out of weed. I loaded a bowl at Vance's. That sucks.

     10:49pm  Just walked to the Walmart. I'm going to go use the courtesy phone and call my mom's house. Hopefully my sister will be there and she comes picks me up. Hopefully the phone will be hooked up. If not, I'm going to walk all the way home. Maybe I'll go to the HEB and ask for a ride like I did last time.

     10:54pm  I called home from Walmart with the courtesy phone. Nobody answered so I'm walking home.

     11:06pm  I just got to the HEB.

     11:19pm  Sweet, these two kids walked up to me and complimented my shirt. They said it was badass. I told them, "Hey man, do you think you can give me a ride up the street? I walked all the way downtown from 1604 today."

                   One of the kids said, "Hey, is your name Anthony? I think I met you a while back at the Walmart with some guy named Drew(12-27-04, 11:42pm)."

     11:24pm  It's Jacob and John, the kids who are giving me a ride home from the HEB. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

     11:30pm  The eagle has landed. I'm at my mom's house. My sister isn't home. I wonder where she is.

Next day..

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