


Vancouver, WA

Thursday July 23, 2009

     10:31am  I woke up this morning with like seven hours of sleep, I think. I got to sleep on my best friend linoleum. On the dining room floor.
                     Some dude: "Mingus, about a hundred miles north of Phoenix. Do some research on the local floras and faunas."

     1:37pm  I haven't been too descriptive. I got smoked out like crazy right now. I ended up at this house in this ghetto. Earlier when me and Jake walked around the corner to take a resin hit this dude outside saw my shirt and complimented it. I gave him my website. Right now I'm bored and I have half the mind to go knock on their door and solicit my story to them. I did just that. A different dude answered the door, but I hit him up for my story anyway, and he agreed to listen. I told him the note from the rich and everything.

                   I'm going to go for a walk now. Let me note some landmarks to be sure I find my way back. I'm close to 31st Street by the land for sale sign. Blue house, mailbox. I'll come back later and get all my stuff and find someplcae else to camp tonight.

     1:41pm  Turning left on Fourthplain Boulevard.

     1:48pm  Badass, I walked by a gas station and I only had fifty five cents. I picked out a oatmeal pie and I came outside to eat it. This Mexican who I had seen inside walks out and asks me, "Do you want this?" He gave me a big breast of fried chicken, sweet! Thanks for feeding the peace machine. He wouldn't take my website, but I hope he's looking at the back of my shirt. He had probably noticed me scrutinizing the calories on the snacks.

     2:10pm  This guy Ben who asked me for gas money. He was all smiling. He saw my shirt and said cool. He was all smiling at first because he was trying to bum change for gas. I hit him up for my story. The first time I asked him if he was willing to listen he told me, "Well, I'm trying to get out of here." I told him to just check out the website then. He tells me, "Oh, you're not going to tell me your spiel?" I told him sure I will, if he was willing to listen to it. I started but he cut me off soon afterwards. Then I asked him if I could tell him something else and he said yeah. I got through most of the note from the rich, I had him hypnotized, but he broke loose and told me he had to go to work. I am having lots of fun at the Shell station here. 4th Plain Boulevard and Fruit Valley Road.

                   I've decided I'm going to walk back to the house and get my bags and split. Before I had left for my walk I asked Gina if I was welcome to crash there again tonight, or it not I could easily find another spot. She told me I couldn't stay again tonight, but allowed me to leave my bags while I went for a walk. Oh yeah, this morning I got to score a shower. I am truly grateful. I shaved and everything. I'm going to go back and get my stuff.

     2:24pm  Hell yeah, right now I saw these three Mormon kids, elders, from like Europe or something. Czechoslovakia, or something. They didn't agree to listen to my story, but then they asked, "What about marijuana?" I busted out with the marijuana part and they were all laughing and agreeing with it. In the end they tried to hand me their Mormon bullshit. "We took something of yours, take something of ours." I told them no thanks, that it was nothing new, thanks anyway.

                   Man, I just got all lost trying to find Gina's house again. I walked all the way down Fruit Valley Road to the park and all. It's not that far from the Shell Station at all. The house with the sunflowers. I walked back to the gas station to smoke a cigarette. I've gotten different directions to the library. Oh yeah, Gina invited me back for Saturday if I was still in town. It's supposed to be blazing hot. Nice of her to offer.

     4:20pm  Library.

                   Welcome to Vancouver

     5:48pm  I had a long break in front of the library. I am tired from all the walking I've done. The library is hella far. I think I'm going to skip town, I'm bored. I don't know where I'm going to crash tonight.

     6:03pm  Holy shit, I am walking down the street right now. This kid by the gas station asked me if I wanted to buy some flowers. I told him no thanks, but just then a lady in a white F250 yells, "Hook a brother up!" Surprised I asked, "Hey, how do you know about that? Did you guys see me on 82nd and Powell in Portland?" She nods and tells me, "You get around." She asked me how I got there and I told her I got a courtesy ride on the bus. That's hilarious. Recognized!

     6:21pm  The nice 105 driver is giving me a courtesy ride, getting out of town.

     6:40pm  I just got dropped off at Salmon Creek Transfer Center. I'll take a picture, and then I'll go thumb it on the onramp.

                   I Came to the 5 onramp. DO UNTO OTHERS

     6:55pm  This greedy ass driver won't give me a transfer.


Next day..

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