


    Santa Fe to Española to Chimayo, NM

Sunday July 25, 2004

     6:11am  I just woke up behind the bushes. I crashed out behind the Santa Maria El Mirador, whatever that is.

                   This place is Babylon, hardcore.

     6:15am  I went to the Allsup's and Michael hooked me up with some food. I told him what I was doing and he told me to look up The Urantia Revelation.

     6:30am  Michael hooked me up with a cigarette. His last cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:34am  Oh my lard, you won't believe what just happened. I had told myself I was just going to go back to that same gas station. When I went there the guy who had I had seen last night when I got off the bus was still there. I asked him if I could use the restroom and the first thing he asked me was, "Do you want some food. Are you hungry?" I got all this stuff. A big bag full of burritos and tacos that he couldn't sell anymore. He hooked it up. I pulled out my tape recorder and gave him credit. I went to the bathroom and came back and asked him, "I don't suppose you'd have a spare cigarette for an after-meal smoke?" He said, "Yeah, I do," and gave me his last cigarette. And, he asked me, "Do you want a doobie?" He gave me some weed too! I'm in the back right now. I'm going to roll it and eat and smoke. I ate one burrito already. It was damn good. Good 'ol Santa Fe. Oh yeah, and Mike told me about that Mantra thing. He told me, "It was really nice meeting you, Victor."

                   Man, I am so psyched about the blessings this morning. I went back to the Allsup's and Mike hooked me up. He kicked it down, a lot. I told him what I was doing.

     7:27am  I just got dropped off in Old Towne. Mike gave me a ride from the Allsup's. Dude, that guy wouldn't listen to me one bit. He was all driving up to the people selling newspapers on the street and giving them food. He smoked me out too.

                   Mike was spaced out the whole time though. He couldn't concentrate on one thing at all. It took me forever just to tell him the spirits part.

     7:32am  I'm in the plaza 

and I just took a picture. Let me read the thing here, "To the heroes of the Federal army who fell at the Battle of Valverde, fought with the rebels." Umm, that kind of doesn't make sense. It should be and fought with the rebels. February 21, 1862.

     7:37am  I'm walking. I am at the corner of Water and Gaspar Avenue. I'm walking around. This place is total Babylon.

     7:45am  I haven't been to church for a long time. There's a Sunday mass going on at the cathedral here. Let me go in there just so people can see me and my peace tattoo.

     8:31am  Ugh, I got trapped in church, man. I thought since I hadn't gone to mass in years I would go. Not soon after I sat down, I was reminded of why I had stopped going. It sucks. It's all boring. When I first walked in I sat down on the left side, next to the wall. I didn't know it was going to fill up like it did. The place got all packed. I was freaking thinking I was trapped. I noticed that there were only two people sitting in the row behind me. Since I'm so tall I just stepped over the pew. I had to sit and wait for the song to end so the people could sit down. I excused myself and escaped that dungeon. I'm going to take a picture of the church now.

                    The church was St. Francis Cathedral.  

     8:48am  Man, you can just swim through the ignorance inside that church. I need to get out of there. I just jumped over the seat. Oh cool, there's a restroom here.

     8:57am  I went in and talked to the girl in the Subway. She listened wide-eyed to the whole thing. Well, not the whole thing. I stopped at the email address. The marijuana part. After, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing." I told her I didn't want to waste her time and shut up. She told me thank you. I told her I appreciated her listening and to tell her friends. Water my seed.

     9:05am  I'm walking in Santa Fe. I don't know what street this is. Anyway, I asked for directions to the library. I'm going to go check my email.

                   Oh yeah, I'm going to go catch the bus to Española. Screw this place.

     9:13am  I asked this guy where I would catch the bus to Española. He told me I should just hitchhike. He gave me directions to the highway. That's where I'm going. I'm going to hitchhike.

     9:30am  I changed my mind about hitchhiking. I went back into town and this guy McKenna gave me a cigarette. I told him, "I'll smoke you out if you can spare some tobacco." He told me he didn't toke, but his friend Bruce would appreciate it and he gave me a cigarette. We came over to this creek, over by where they sleep under the bridge. There's a cool homeless scene here. They spange and stuff. Since you can get put in jail for spanging they usually have one guy asking and the other guy looking for cops. They told me the cops are real dumb here, though. Anyway, he brought me over to this creek. There's a cool little hangout.


                     I took a picture of it. Oh yeah, this one girl. I started telling them my story, which I wasn't able to all the way, because this town is pretty ignorant. Even the homeless people. The girl said, "Hey, were you here last year?" She recognized me. That's awesome. I am known.

     10:57am  I was walking along the creek and I told this Native American guy my story. He works at Native Sounds Instrument and Art. I got a lot of it out, but he had to go.

     11:17am  I just took off walking. I'm going to walk back to Alameda and find the street kids. I'll ask them where the free lunch is in like half an hour.

     11:32am  I walked all the way down on Guadalupe and I'm at some park. I see a lot of home-bums here, so this is probably where they're serving the lunch. I'm going to read the official scenic historic marker. It says, "Santa Fe, the oldest capital city in the United States, was established in 1610 as a seat of Spanish Colonial Government as a province of New Mexico. The Palace of the Governors, used by Spanish, Mexican and territorial governors has flanked the historic plaza since its construction in 1610, and now comprises part of the Museum of New Mexico. Population 58,000 Elevation 7,045."

     11:48am  Oh yeah, that turned out being the wrong park. I have to go to the other one like two miles away. I walked my ass off.

                      I'm walking down Serrillos. Two r's, two l's.

     12:00pm  I am already late. Just passed a Conoco that says, "Coming soon, biofuel. Biodiesel B20, Ethanol E10, Ethanol E85. Something for everyone's car, truck or van."

     12:11pm  I'm coming up to this place and I see lots of home-bums. I hope that's the park they're feeding at. Damn, I walked a lot. I hauled ass.

                     Ashbaugh Park. I'm going to get in line.

     12:54pm  Oh man, what a feast I had at this park. A full-course meal. When I first got in line they handed me a bag lunch. Then they had this long table with everything. It was delicious. BBQ chicken and stuff. I can't remember it all. There was plenty for seconds, too. They even had dessert and everything.

     12:55pm  Ray, after I finished that delicious meal, he gave me two American Spirits. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:07pm  I was telling Ray my platform and he invites me over to a little smoking session at his house. A safety meeting. I got to tell my story to two of his friends. These older guys who live for money. One guy told me it was a really amazing story and that he wished he had it to read. He didn't have a computer.

     2:11pm  I'm going to the Vargas Mall. I'm going to walk Serrillos all the way to to Guadalupe. Guadalupe to the street that goes to the mall. I'm going to hitchhike to Española.

     2:19pm  I stopped next to Santa Fe Country Furniture. In the shade. I'm going to take off my layers. I'll take my army pants off.

     2:44pm  I am walking down Serrillos Road again.

                   Man, it's weird. Absolutely nobody waves back in this town. It's all ignorant.

     2:52pm  I was walking by these railroad tracks at some park. Then I notice this lady pointing a camera at me. I just got documented here in Santa Fe.

     3:03pm  Amelia, Megan and Jen hooked me up with a cigarette. Everybody gets credit.

     3:48pm  I had a great presentation at the Allsup's. These girls in a car. They listened to my whole story. I should have asked them for two dollars for bus fare. I forgot though. I'm going to walk to Española. Somebody will pick me up.

                   Santa Fe isn't that bad. It's kind of cool actually. Some cool shit has happened to me so far. Magical stuff. This whole state is the land of enchantment. I'm going to walk to the mall and hitchhike to Española.

                   That park I had walked to earlier, the wrong one was called W.D.E. Vargas Park.

                   Okay, I'm going to walk Guadalupe all the way to Alameda and turn left. Some guy told me.

     4:02pm  I am passing in front of the Salvation Army right now. Alameda Street.

     4:20pm  I'm at the Vargas Mall. I wonder if this is the same mall I came to last year. Let me see if they have a Ritz Camera place.

     4:36pm  I went into Albertsons. It was a blast from the past. I went in there to use the restroom and get some water. Albertsons was my first job. From when I was sixteen until I was eighteen. They went out of business in San Antonio.

     4:37pm  I came over to the hitchhiking spot by the cemetery I was at before. Right when I walked up, I had taken off my bags so I could brush my teeth, all of a sudden this car had pulled over. This lady Lotte was just making sure she was on the right highway. I told her she was and asked her if she could take me to Española. She hesitated in answering and I turned around and pointed to my peace tattoo and told her, "Please, I'm harmless." She told me she didn't usually pick up hitchhikers, but that she has empathy for them.

     5:15pm  I just got dropped off in Española. An angel helped me, Lotte. I told her my story and she believes in me. She even told me, "Thank you for everything you are doing for us." Perfection.

     5:41pm  I just had a great presentation with this one guy at a gas station. Anyway, I'm going to walk to 76. That's the highway I need to walk to. I'm aiming for Chimayo. Some place Jeff from T or C(7-14-04, 9:15pm) told me about.

     5:46pm  Jessica here at the Little Caesar's hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit.

     5:53pm  Oh yeah, I came to the Little Caesar's. I'm telling the girls here my story. They had to go to work and gave me a cigarette. One girl told me she would be right back. Hmm, I should ask them if they have a garage or a back yard I can sleep in.

     6:03pm  Jessica took a picture of me 

with my camera for the webpage. Thank you.

     6:21pm  I just took a picture of Laura and Jessica.  

     6:45pm  I am walking down 76 aiming for Chimayo.

     6:48pm  This lady Candy pulled over real quick while I was walking. She's going to give me a mile jump to Santa Cruz Church. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit.

                   We pulled up to the church and Candy asked me if I wanted to go inside. I told her, "Ahh, no that's ok. I have a world to save." She told me, "Well, you can save it from there." I told her, "Talk is cheap. I have to do stuff." So I'm walking down 76. Candy told me there was a gas station, Orley's nearby and I might get a ride from there.

     7:06am  I am at Orley's. It's closed down. I'm just going to stand here and stick my thumb out.

                   I am on my way to Chimayo. Thanks a lot Rupert. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:25am  I just got dropped off in Chimayo. Here, let me read the official scenic historic marker. "In 1816 Ignaldo Albeyta and the other residents of El Potrero, then a separate community, finished this massive adobe chapel honoring Nuestro Señor de Esquipulas. It is noted for its six foot crucifix and a tradition of healing the sick. The Santuario 

remained in the Albeyta family until the 1920's."

     7:35am  I came back behind the chapel.


                   There are shrines  

 and all these benches.


                    I took pictures. Like three of them. I want to talk with somebody who works here.

     7:56am  I talked to some people and they didn't want to listen to me. They told me, "Oh, we came here to pray." I told them, "Oh well, you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. Ignorance is bliss, I guess. Thanks for proving me right."

                   Haha, I offended somebody. I do it like this because it is that important. I didn't come here on accident. The girl told me, "You have to be careful with what you say. That whole ignorance is bliss. You don't know me." I told her, "What I have to say is really important. I'm trying to bring world peace, damnit." Hehe, she all got offended.

                   Good, good. I don't care if people agree with me or not. As long as I make an impression on them.

                   Oh yeah, I should've told that girl, "I guess the truth hurts, huh?"

                   When she came up and told me I had to be careful with what I say, I should have told her, "You should feel lucky that I didn't just come out and ask you if you have always been this ignorant."

     8:45pm  I got bored, so I walked down the street to some fancy restaurant, Rancho de Chimayo. Bridgette hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, Bridgette.

     9:05pm  I've decided I am just going to sit here in front of this restaurant and let all these Babylonians go home. I want to talk to the employees at the restaurant. Not that I want anything, I just want them to listen. I am hoping they will because they are Hispanic people working for the Babylonians. This one girl came out and I hit her up for my story. I gave her my introduction and she had to go. She told me she'd be back.

     9:38pm  I snuck around the corner and put my thermal and army pants on.

     9:40pm  Peggy hooked me up with two cigarettes outside the restaurant. I appreciate it, Peggy. Everybody gets credit.

     9:56pm  I finally waited for the employees to come out. They came out and they wouldn't listen to me. Damn the ignorance in this world. Damnit, there is a reason why I am in Chimayo. They told me I had to leave the premises.

                   Welp, I guess I'll go back to the Santuario. They don't call it a sanctuary for nothing.

     10:05pm  I'm walking down the road towards the church. I spot four people walking by in the dark. I asked them, "Excuse me. Can I tell you guys a really interesting story? I'm not asking for anything. I just want you to listen." They told me, "Oh, maybe some other time."

Next day..

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