

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Friday July 27, 2007

     8:37am  I got a good night's sleep. My feet still kind of hurt. I'm not going to walk today. I don't know. I just might. Right now my sister and I are going to get me new glasses. She just took a picture of me with my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt. It's awesome.
     9:13am  I forgot to tell you, about ten minutes ago my sister and I pulled up to where my little brother lives. This frathouse. He's in a fraternity in college. There's a note on the front step that he left. To American Airlines(which just lost some of his luggage on his flight). It says, "Please leave my bag in front of my door. I already went to sleep. Thank you." So he's sleeping. I'm going to bang on the door and ring the doorbell until he wakes up. Laura didn't feel like waiting here, and she's hungry so she left to go get some food. I volunteered to stay here and sit on the bench and smoke while I try to wake Luis up. I'm just sitting here ringing his doorbell every once in a while. Hopefully he'll wake up soon.
                   Oh yeah, I made a friend on IRC. This guy nicked Darwin`. He's from the Netherlands, but he lives here in San Antonio. He's a programmer. I had gone into channel #love on Undernet, for obvious reasons. Him and this other girl Asrai, they're both from San Antonio! What a small world. That in some random channel on a global chat service, there was two people from San Antonio in it. To top it off this Darwin guy lives up the street from me. It's crazy.

     9:17am  I just took two pictures of my chafe scars. First picture is of the right leg and second of my left one. That's proof. I walked forty miles in twelve hours.

     9:22am  Cool, my little brother finally woke up and let me in his house. He lives in a frathouse. I should take pictures of it.

     9:23am  I came into my little brother's house and asked him hey, can I take a picture? He asked me, "How long ago did Laura leave?" I told him ten minutes and he went, "Oh, that's perfect. We've got time to smoke a bowl."

     9:56am  Man, I'm having a good time. Laura eventually got back and she has to run some errands. We came to the Home Depot. Oh yeah, there might be a chance I don't get my glasses today because of the money-situation. Laura has to price some supplies for the roofers because they have a deadline. This is where I find out if I get my glasses or not. I'm wearing my badass shirt, hell yeah.

     10:38am  My beloved sister and I came to the DeZavala Walmart.

     10:52am  I'm out here in front of the optometrist's at Walmart smoking a cigarette. This guy walked by and read my shirt and he said, "That's what's up, man." I'm loving wearing this shirt. I can't wait to go downtown with it. Maybe tomorrow. It all depends on how my feet feel and if I get some biker shorts or something, to cover my painful chafe scars.
     11:36am  I came to the optometrist here at the Walmart. I did an eye exam and he tells me I have a cholesterol problem. What's going on? Optometrist: "You need to get what's called a full lipid profile. It's a breakdown of all your cholesterols. I see changes in your eyes that basically comes from A, old age or B, cholesterol. You ain't old and nah, it's not from wearing the wrong glasses. It can only be cholesterol or old age. What I want you to do is get a full lipid profile which is a breakdown of all your cholesterols. What I tell people is if you have a cholesterol problem and you ignore it, you could have a stroke. If you have a stroke the best that that could happen to you is you drop dead. The worst thing that could happen to you is you live through it. You relearn how to walk and talk, how to go to sleep, how to go to the bathroom, blah, blah. What I tell people is that I would rather make an err on the side of caution versus neglect. Because if I say nothing to you that is neglect. I would rather tell you go get a full lipid profile. If it comes back normal, beautiful, but if it doesn't you have a cholesterol problem and you are at risk for a stroke."

                     He told me I'm not burning blood oil in all my walking. I'm burning blood sugar.

     11:46am  Hell yeah, I told my story to the kid working the desk at the optometrist's. Oh yeah, and the optometrist told me I had a deficiency or something. My sister said she's going to make me an appointment at the doctor's and stuff. I might have a stroke, hehe. Oh yeah, I didn't tell the doctor my story, but I gave him my webpage. He looked at it and said, "Oh, is that a take-off of Abbie Hoffman?"

     1:28pm  We came to the other Walmart on Summit Parkway. The one by the dollar movies, where Heather works. I hope she's here. I'd like her to meet my twin sister. She should be. She lives at Walmart. I'm coming to pick up some film.

     2:29pm  I forgot to tell you, I got glasses! We went back to the DeZavala Walmart. We had gone to the one on Summit Parkway to get my pictures. I had dropped off four, but I only got three. The camera I wanted prints on I put in the two-day processing thing, so they're not ready yet. I got some pictures from Truth or Consequences and Boulder and shit. Just these random cameras I grabbed out of my mission box. Right now we came to the Jack in the Box on Bandera and 1604. Laura dropped me off here so I could get something to eat. She said she would be back in fifteen minutes.

     2:58pm  I was waiting at Jack in the Box. My sister said she would return in fifteen minutes, but she never showed up. Then all of a sudden I see a bus. Hey, it's the 608 that goes straight to my mom's house! I jumped on it quick. I'm going to ride the bus home. I'll call my sister when I get home. It's so awesome I got new glasses today. I got me a pair of sturdy Caterpillar brand glasses. They were ninety seven dollars.

     3:10pm  I just got off the bus by my mom's house. I bet you Laura is looking for me, hehe. I'm going to call her up.

     3:12pm  Ha, my sister just pulled up. She said that she was all worried. That she didn't know where I was(even though she didn't spend too much time looking, because she just came home). I got here before her. That's funny.

     4:06pm  I am happy. I just got out of the hot shower. I washed my hair because my sister told me it stunk. Conditioned it too. My dreads look good. It's all soft. I feel like a girl, hehe. I'm walking to Katt's house to say hi to her. It seems like I'll get there right on time too.

     6:01pm  Hell yeah, I just went to the Church's. I drove my mom's car again because my feet still hurt. I ordered two chicken sandwiches and they only charged me for one, hell yeah. The kid saw my shirt and he let out a big smile.

Next day..


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