

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Saturday July 28, 2007

     4:57am  I had first woken up real early around twelve thirty because I went to bed like at six last night. I am all rested up. I am ready for another walk downtown. It's Saturday, just like last week. The tourists are going to be taking my picture down on The Riverwalk. I've got my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt on again.

     5:21am  I sat down and wrote out sixty five more havethisbook.coms. I have lots to give out on The Riverwalk when I get there.

     5:53am  I had a good stretch and I am walking downtown once again. I am leaving kind of early this morning. I woke up at four twenty, that's awesome. I was considering walking to OP Schnabel and taking the nature hike to the Walmart, but I only had a banana for breakfast. I don't know, maybe I'll just walk the street. My feet are alright. I am wearing my boots. They are all ShoeGoo'd good. Yeah, I'm going to walk the road. I didn't have a good breakfast so I'm not up for a hike. I am wearing my rainbow beanie today until it gets hotter. I love my hair. I shampooed and conditioned it yesterday because Laura told me it stunk, hehe. Anyway, I'm walking down Old Tezel right now headed to Guilbeau. I had a good stretch before I left. I'm wearing my PEACE THROUGH WEED shirt, hehehe.

     6:09am  Hell yeah! El Tropiko(3-22-04-3:26pm, 1-13-05-8:30am) is open! I've been hooked up there before, but I'm going to pay this time. I'm going to tell them that I am walking to El Centro.

     6:12am  I went inside the Tropiko place and the guy inside immediately recognized me. I'm ready to pay for it and everything, but I don't think he's going to charge me. There's a couple police officers in here.

     6:37am  This nice guy at Tropiko hooked me up with breakfast. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I can save the money for lunch.
     6:38am  Hell yeah, I got treated like royalty at that place. I was telling the guy my story and everything. Aww, there's a dead deer here. That's so sad. Death machines, man. Awww.

                   One of his antlers got broken off. Poor guy. I should take a picture.

     6:53am  I was walking by Guilbeau, almost to Wickersham and Vance drove by again! He saw me and honked. He always sees me out walking. Him and Bobby turned around and said hi and asked me if I needed a ride. I told them, "Well, today is my walking day. I should really be walking. Well, hmm, I guess I can always walk from where you guys are going." So, we're going to go smoke a blunt somewhere and I'll walk from there. It's a little backtracking but I don't care. I woke up a little early this morning at four twenty and there's no cars out to see me, so now they will. Everything happens for a reason.

     7:00pm  We were backtracking to this park close to my mom's house. When we hit Braun Road I got the idea to go to OP Schnabel and smoke up on the platform up in the tree on this cliff. My boots are all ShoeGoo'd up and in good working condition.

                   Bobby is telling me he saw a show on The Travel Channel(58) about a ghost in OP Schnabel Park. I'll look that up.

                   Couldn't find anything.

     7:40am  I got baked up in the platform with Vance and Bobby. It was awesome how I ended up here. Remember how I was considering going on a nature hike to OP earlier? I am and I got food in my stomach now. How more perfect can it get? They brought me over to OP Schnabel Park and we smoked weed on the platform. They already took off. I'm going to take the nature hike to the Walmart. Hmm, maybe I won't go that way. Maybe I'll walk up Prue Road and walk Frederisckburg all the way downtown. Maybe I'll do that. I don't know.

                   I think that's what I'm going to do. It'll be a shorter nature hike until I pop out on Prue Road but I'm sure I will have fun. Maybe I should go exploring on the other side of Prue Road, hmm. Yeah, I'm going to walk Fredericksburg Road downtown today. All of it. All the way from Huebner.

     8:01am  Red alert, red alert. I just took a strenuous and challenging hike down the face of the cliff. I didn't think there was any way to get to the other side of the creek. I forgot to take water levels into account since it's been raining so much. I just hiked down the cliff and made my way down at an angle. I got to the bottom and I don't have my rainbow beanie on my head anymore. It probably got snagged off my head on that hike down here. I have to go back.

                   Cool, I see it. It's hanging off a twig over there.

     8:08am  Done backtracking. Glad I didn't lose my hat. There's a part where I can get to Prue Road from here. Damn. I should have grabbed an extra tennis ball. I wonder if I'll get another somehow. I always try to carry spares in my bag.

     8:11am  That was a great warm-up for my walk downtown. It was awesome. Just behold how I was deposited here this morning. I was just walking down Guilbeau and Vance sees me again. Good 'ol Vance and Bobby picked me up. He was driving Bobby's truck.

                   It's awesome I am hiking on this really long dry creek-bed. I'm scanning the rocks for fossils as I walk over them. This is a perfect fossil-bed to find them in.

     8:20am  I just popped out in some neighborhood. I had to go through this marshy part and my boots got a little wet. It's alright. I'll walk it off. I just came up in some neighborhood. I'll tell you the street when I pass a sign.

                   Elizabeth Court. There's Prue Road over there. It's in one of these new neighborhoods they raped the woods with.

     8:21am  I am on Prue Road now.

     8:42am  Just walked over Babcock. I'm still walking on Prue.

     8:46am  Shit, I'm walking down Prue and it's all blocked off. I forgot there was a low water crossing down here that floods all the time. All these cars are turning around, but I'm going to walk straight through it. My boots will be soaked for my walk downtown, but screw it, they'll dry off. I'll have some wet cushions again.

                   I was thinking I should have worn my sandals this morning, but then I couldn't have gone on that nature hike. That was a great way to start my day. And it was so rad how I got delivered to OP this morning. We smoked a big blunt up on the platform. Vance kicked me down the blunt roach and the rest of the weed they had. Hell yeah, I'm walking.

                   Oh, it's not flooded. The road is just taken apart over here. They're doing construction. I took a picture. That's cool, I'm going to walk through it. The road is closed to cars, not me.

     8:56am  I just passed Oakland/Woodridge Bluff.

     9:00am  Everybody is waving back today.

     9:06am  Passing Network Boulevard. I'm playing around with this idea. I'm going to go to The Cracker Barrel for breakfast! I've got seven bucks. That should be enough.

                   I'm about to walk right through West Telemarketing.

     9:10am  I stopped and took a smokebreak at the smoking cabana at West. There's nobody out there, but I'm going to smoke anyway. I'm kind of hungry. I should wait to smoke until after I eat, but screw it. I'm going to smoke now.

     9:15am  Finished my smokebreak and I'm walking to The Cracker Barrel to have breakfast.

     9:21am  Here I am at The Cracker Barrel. People are all staring at my shirt.

     9:45am  Theresa, my waitress at The Cracker Barrel. At first I told her, "I only have seven eighty five. I am walking downtown. Just get me the best breakfast I can get for seven eighty five. Just surprise me.  Try and make it high-calorie, please." She ended up hooking me up with biscuits and gravy for only three fifty six and I can have as many as I want. Awesome. Fuel me up for my walk downtown. I appreciate it, Theresa. Everybody gets credit.

                   While I was waiting Theresa came up to me and said, "Okay, here's what I did.." I cut her off and told her, "Don't tell me." She smiled and went away.

     10:04am  I am leaving The Cracker Barrel with a full stomach, hell yeah. Everybody's looking at me, hehehe.

                     Theresa V. Thank you, Theresa. I told her, "I've got seven eighty five. Give me the best breakfast you can." She gave me one for three fifty six, hell yeah! I gave her two eighty five for a tip. She's going to read my website for sure. I gave her that too.

                     It was biscuits and gravy with a couple sausage patties too. I took it all apart in a bowl and mixed it all up.

                     Just hit Fredericksburg at Huebner. I am going to walk the whole length of USAA. My arch evil nemesis, hehe.

                     I had taken a hit of weed outside while I waited for my table right in front of everybody else. After I ate too. I had taken a hit of weed in the smoking cabana at West too right when somebody walked by.

     10:24am  I just passed Cinnamon Creek. I walked the whole length of USAA. I'm giving everybody the peace sign.

                     9400 Fredericksburg had yet another name-change. These apartments.  They had changed the name of it after some cop got killed there years ago.

     10:35am  I just passed Wurzbach. I already know where my next smokebreak is going to be at. At the Broadway Bank. They have a picnic table outside.

     10:41am  I just walked to Datapoint. I'm going to sit at the bench and smoke some weed.

                     What a jip! The bench is gone. I'm going to keep walking then.

     10:44am  I just crossed Medical.

     10:46am  I came to the front of Oak Hills Tavern. They don't open until four. 7920 Fredericksburg. I'm going to sit and smoke in the shade.

     10:55am  Leaving from my smokebreak. I'm walking down Fredericksburg giving everybody the peace sign. The sun's up. I'm going to get hot.

     11:13am  I'm about to pass Oaklawn. I didn't tell you when I crossed Callaghan. Loop 410 coming up.

     11:15am  I am passing Grand Central Station. I had seen these guys here a couple days ago. These old people driving around in circles on motorcycles in the parking lot. I took a picture. Don't they look like they're having so much fun, hehe. Note the sarcasm.

                     Oh, I didn't tell you. Earlier on Fredericksburg I think I saw my little brother drive by. I don't know if it was him. I'll ask him when I see him next time. Whoever it was, they were driving a truck. I don't know.

     11:19am  I'm about to cross Loop 410. I'm here at the light. I'm going to turn around and let the cars at the light see my shirt and watch me while I talk into my recorder, hehe. They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing, hehe.

     11:21am  Just walked over Loop 410.

     11:28am  Passing Crossroads Boulevard.

     11:35am  Passing Balcones Heights Road. I'm going to stop in the Valero and take a piss.

     11:38am  Just came out of the Valero. I'm going to keep walking now. When I walked out of the Valero this guy walked by me and said, "Hey, I like your shirt." Check out my website, then. It's free, hehe. There was a cop right there too. Right in front of his face. Actually, it was behind his back, hehe.

                     I'm going to stop at Tejas Tacos where Bruno used to work back when it was Cristan's. I'm going to see if I can get some water. Oh, it's closed, again.

     11:59am  Guess who just hopped off the bus and ran up to me. David! I'll put tons of links(4-7-054-9-054-12-05-after 2:41pm, 5-10-05-12:48pm, 5-13-055-15-05). I had walked like a block past Vance Jackson and he got off the bus. He was on his way to go "donate" plasma. I'm going to smoke him out. We'll find a nice little shady spot to smoke in.

                     Cool, David's going to walk all the way downtown with me.

     1:06pm  We had a good little smokebreak. We rested real close to Las Pichanchas. After we smoked David went to the restaurant to get some water. I felt the change in my pockets and didn't have that much. I went in there and asked the beautiful Mexican girl if she would give me a lemonade for not that much change. I asked her in Spanish. She smiled and told me she'd be right back. She went to the back and came back with this huge Styrofoam cup of lemonade. I gave her forty three cents for it. Followed through on that shit. Presto-manifesto. I got me some lemonade. Second time I get lemonade today at a taqueria. I got some at El Tropiko this morning too.

                     I got another great idea. I asked David if we could take a detour before going downtown. He said he had to work later on. I told him I wanted to go to the McFarlin Tennis Center and find some tennis balls for my walking stick. I want to see if I still have that resource available. Remember how the balls would get stuck up on the practice wall and I would climb up there and extract them(3-18-05-3:10pm, 4-5-05-after 1:40pm, 5-7-05-after 11:26am, 5-17-05-3:19pm, 5-18-05-8:43pm, 5-20-05-12:21pm, 5-24-05-9:10pm)? Just like the good old times, hehe.

     1:19pm  We came to the practice wall and dude, there was like twenty of them up there. I only grabbed five. David has to get to Travis Park in time to get to work.

     1:35pm  We walked to Euclid, over by the Valero. We're about to cross underneath 35.

     1:40pm  David got some water and I smoked a cigarette at the Valero. We're going to keep walking now.

     1:44pm  I just took a picture of Ziggy with the #3 bus behind him. The red building is the library. The Tower of Americas is in the background. This is my personal Emerald City.

     1:55pm  Just got to Travis Park. I'm going to try to spange me up a hotdog.

     2:04pm  I mistakenly split up with Ziggy. He wanted me to walk with him to Market Square to meet his girlfriend. Market Square was a good walk and I was very eager to get to The Riverwalk to show off my shirt to the tourists. I told him I could meet his girlfriend another day. That I was going to go to The Riverwalk. That duty called. We split up and a couple minutes later I thought, "Hmm, there are plenty of tourists at Market Square. What am I doing?" Right now I am trying to catch back up with Ziggy. I'm going to surprise him. Hope he wasn't offended because I chose not to go meet his girlfriend.

     2:40pm  I had ended up hunting David down and going with him to Market Square. Man, the tourists were everywhere. I should have gone there to begin with. I met his girlfriend. She was there with her kids watching some show on the stage inside. David and I walked to Milam Park where Food Not Bombs feeds and smoked a bowl with his awesome dolphin pipe. Right now we came to the Goodwill to take a piss. There's a sign in the bathroom that says, "Please dispose of toilet paper in the trash can. Do not put tissue in the toilet. - Mgr." Somebody wrote with a pen, "Fuck you! We're not in Mexico. Fix your fucking toilet, Mgr." Haha, that's hilarious.

                     Oh yeah, there was a big show going on inside at the Market Square. I was all dancing with my walking stick to the live music. It was fun. I took a picture of the stage.

     2:49pm  I split up with David and hit The Riverwalk. There's tourists everywhere. It's Saturday.

     3:00pm  I am walking around on The Riverwalk giving my webpage away. These kids commented on my shirt. I took they're picture and I took mine.

     3:37pm  Paul, the manager at Sbarro's in Rivercenter Mall is hooking me up with a slice of pizza. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:09pm  Man, that's so rad I scored at Sbarro's at Rivercenter Mall! I talked to the manager. I told him, "I've been walking downtown every other day." He said, "Yeah, I saw you the other day." He hooked me up with a slice of pepperoni pizza real quick. Hell yeah! Nice. Presto-manifesto. I am everywhere.

     4:41pm  Earlier on The Riverwalk I told these kids my story. They sat down and listened to a lot of it. I told them the important part and asked them to do me the two favors. They weren't tourist kids. They live in a hotel room off of San Pedro and Oblate. Well anyway, this thirty year old named James loved my story and asked me if he could follow me around while I walked through the mall and witness the reaction I got from tourists. I said sure. His friends walked with me to the mall. I showed them my statue right before we got here. They stayed outside smoking cigarettes and I told them, "Hold on. I'm going to go try and score some free food in the food court, but I have to go alone." I walked back with a slice of pizza. Proof-positive. We left the mall and we walked to Travis Park and I hypnotized a couple squirrels for him. Just like good 'ol times. Awesome.

     4:55pm  Perez, driving the number four bus hooked me up with a transfer. I appreciate it, sir. Everybody gets credit, thanks. I got on and told him, "I walked downtown today. Like twenty miles. Don't suppose you could hook me up with a transfer?" He asked me, "Why do you walk?" I'm sure he had seen me already. I pointed to my shirt and said, "I walk for peace." He hooked me up.

     5:55pm  I just got to the Walmart on Mainland. I rode the 88. I'm going to go inside and get some water. Either the 606 or 608 will take me home. I'm pretty beat.

                     It was awesome, on the way to the Walmart I found me two different crossword puzzles on the floor on the bus. What a rare find. Two different puzzles. One was Thursday's and one was Friday's. Just the crossword puzzle page. To find both of those on a bus on Saturday, that's crazy. I got to do crossword puzzles all the way to the Walmart. I almost finished one.

     6:19pm  7523, driving the 608 won't give me a ride. That's a good little slave.

                     I got off the bus and asked the people outside for a buck for bus fare. I was hoping to just get back on and pay. Nobody had a dollar they could spare, then I realized I had a dollar in my back pocket! I was saving it for a chicken sandwich at Church's. I said screw it and just got back on the bus and paid with a dollar. When the bus came to my stop by my mom's I told the driver, "I appreciate the ride, drive carefully. And I apologize for earlier. I'm writing a book." Whoa, I just realized I don't have my keychain on me. I really hope the backdoor is open. I hope I find my keychain. It's got a couple flashlights I want on there.

     6:46pm  The eagle has landed. I'm home.

                     Cool, the back door is open. I am in the house. I'm going to look for my keychain. I'll take a shower right after that.

     6:49pm  Cool, Laura left me a note. She's got my keychain. It says: "Vic, I'm at the river(Landa Park) with James(210-378-4984). I wanted to invite you, but you were gone. You left the keys in the lock again. I love you. Call me. If my phone is dead call James - Laura." Cool, she left the backdoor open for me on purpose. Love you, sis. Thanks a lot.

Next day..

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