


Taos, NM

Thursday July 29, 2004

     7:10am  I just woke up. I crashed out in this soft patch of grass in this field close to the temple. All they do is sit there and chant all this stuff. I don't know. They're kind of freaking me out. I don't understand them. I tried to tell my story to Marisol, but she wouldn't listen. It's cold.

     9:34am  I don't want to be here anymore. They have all these pictures of some guy who's part monkey. They seem to worship him because they have pictures of him all over the place. I think his name is Neem Karoli Baba Ashram. Telephone 505-758-3025.

     10:45am  In all my frustration at the ignorance here, I decided to write this temple a long letter. I wrote it with my left hand so it's pretty legible. I am going to leave. It says:

     "Dear Temple,
                     Thank you dearly for all of your hospitality. I am left a bit frustrated at the ignorance I've encountered at your temple. My story is of utmost importance. It takes precedence over anything else you have to do. I am bringing peace to this world. I have received confirmation on my claim. Not only by everything going my way, but also what I was told by a Medicine Woman/Healer in Oregon. Her name was Fawn Journeyhawk. She conducts healing-lodges, channels spirits and heals people. Before I even told her my plan she came up to me and told me the spirits had said that I was a beam of light for others to follow, that I was the one who would bring balance to this world and that I was a child of love. What more do I need to motivate me?
                     With the Internet I am going to bring the truth out of hiding and educate the masses. With today's technology just sit back and watch one person make a global difference.
                     Since I will not be heard at your temple I must take my leave. I detest wasting time. I must move on. I have a world to save. You can all just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.

                     Peace to all,
                     - Victor Antonio"

     10:55am  I am leaving this house of ignorance. I handed Chooch the note. The temple is down Geronimo Lane. Close to Valverde Street.

                     People at the temple kind of sucked. Nobody smiled at me or gave me eye contact. People would just walk right past me without saying hello. What is up these people's asses?

                     Well, at least they saw me and know who I am.

     11:09am  I came out onto Camino de la Placita. Turning left.

     11:40am  Francisco me esta dando gasolina para el estomago.

     11:42am  I scored me a bigass burrito at this other Mexican restaurant.

                     Oh yeah, the restaurant I scored at was the Guadalajara Grill.

     12:03pm  Dumbass me, walked the wrong way again and ended up in El Prado. I remember that. Last time I walked out there and turned around too(7-1-03, 8:39am).

     12:18pm  Found me a cigarette on the side of the road. I smoked it and I am doubling back. That sucks.

                     Umm, I am done with Taos. I got this idea. I'm going to go to that Raley's supermarket and fly my On My Way to Save the World sign. Let's see if I can get some money for bus fare and get out of here. This sucks, my left heel hurts really bad.

     12:53pm  I am here at the casino. I saw a sign that said, "Taos Pueblo." I thought it was Downtown Taos, but it ended being an Indian reservation. I went in the casino and told the security guard my mission-objectives and the spirits part. He told me they probably wouldn't accept me too well on the reservation. That it wasn't an open one. I asked him if he knew of a shaman. He said he knew a medicine man who lived not that far away. He even drew me out a map. My course is set.

                     That security guy came out and told me, "Just keep in mind that there is a Stage 4 warning for a terrorist attack in California and New Mexico." Oh shit. I told him I would keep that in mind.

     1:43pm  I had a great presentation with Sue and Marty. The medicine man wasn't home, but there were these two ladies outside and they listened to me. I went out there for a reason. They told me the medicine man probably wouldn't understand me anyway, that he lives in another world. They believed me, they believed me.

     1:48pm  Neil gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:02pm  I walked by this tattoo shop and told the guy there my story. This guy is giving me a ride to the plaza where I wanted to go, because my heel hurts. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:48pm  I walked all the way to the Raley's. I'm going to fly my sign here.

     3:07pm  Andrea hooked me up with a cigarette. She offered to take me to the road that goes to Raton, but I told her no thanks.

     3:14pm  Billy hooked me up with two dollars. He pulled up and asked me if I was spanging. I told him not really, but I accepted donations.

     3:20pm  Sarah hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, Sarah.

     3:44pm  Bridgette gave me a dollar. I appreciate it, Bridgette. Everybody gets credit.

     3:45pm  Darren, a ten year old kid just handed me a dollar in quarters. I appreciate it, Darren. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Little kids know it's their world I'm trying to save.

     4:05pm  John hooked me up with a dollar for the cause.

     4:10pm  This lady just drove up and asked me, "Who's saving the world?" I told her I was with the Internet. She said, "Jesus Christ already did that." So I asked her, "Well then why are we still at war? Why are you still driving your lazy death machine?"

     4:24pm  More bible thumpers came up and preached at me. One of the guys gave me a dollar.

     4:34pm  Antonio gave me a dollar for the cause.

     4:37pm  Brandon hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     4:40pm  Anthony hooked me up with some change.

     4:42pm  Marsha hooked me up with two dollars. For the cause. Everybody gets credit.

     4:48pm  This dude just pulled up and asked me if I wanted to work for a couple hours. I told him, "Sure! Give me a project." I am in the back of his truck right now on the way to his house. I'm going to clean up some stuff.

     5:50pm  I was out in front of Raley's flying my On My Way to Save the World sign. Not so much for the money, but for publicity. I did got donations. Manuel pulled up and asked me if I wanted to work. I told him sure, to give me a project. We drove to his house and Manuel owns a garage door company. I am helping him move all these supplies on a trailer. Good, hard work. I appreciate it, brother.

                   I asked Manuel if he smoked and he gave me a whole pack of cigarettes.

     6:40pm  What a magical day this turned into. What was your name again? We took a break and smoked a joint with his wife. I told them both my story. I told Manuel I was going to Raton. He told me that he had to meet some guy at eight tomorrow morning and that he was going that way and I could get a ride there. Look where I ended up. I am glad I went to go fly my sign.

     7:07pm  I just took a picture of Manuel and his family. We are out on the bridge in front of his house. His beautiful wife Romaine and they're daughters Ashley and Aspen. Ashley even has her own motorcycle. A six year old with a motorcycle. Manuel said he always wanted one when he was six.

                   I think she should wear a helmet though.

     8:10pm  Wow, today has been such a magical day. I was so meant to meet this guy. We had a big productive day loading stuff on a trailer and cleaning up his yard. Sweet! and he's giving me thirty dollars! That's bus fare! The universe provides.

     9:00pm  Man, what a magical day I've had today. I left the Hindu temple this morning. I was so glad to leave that house of ignorance. I came to spange up money for bus fare. I was standing there with my sign. On my way to save the world. Not asking for money or anything. I got like six or seven dollars in contributions, then Manual pulls up and asks me if I wanted to do a couple hours of work. I'm always glad to be of service. We came over to his house and cleaned up his yard. Piled all these supplies on a trailer. He installs garage doors for people. He was telling me, "Thank you so much for your help." I told him, "No, thank you so much for your help, man." We smoked a joint at break-time and I got to tell my story. What a great night. Then, we drove to Sonic and he asked me what I wanted. Supersonic Cheeseburger Combo! I even got tater tots with cheese instead of fries and a banana split. I am all full. Now, I'm going to go ask him if a warm shower would be within the realm of possibility.

                   Oh yeah, Manuel has two girls. A six year old and I'm not sure how old the younger one is. The six year old has a motorcycle. Romaine, his girlfriend is forty years old and Manuel is twenty six, like me. I am really glad I ended up here. And tomorrow, I'm getting a ride halfway to Raton. I'm going to be there in no time. And, he gave me thirty dollars! I hope he lets me take a shower.

     9:55pm  Man, what a wonderful day this turned into. Manuel and I are out here smoking a cigarette by the trampoline. We cleaned up his property real good. I am quite proud of myself. The full moon is just plain beautiful right now. I should take a picture. I kind of wasted a picture taking a picture of his daughter on her bike, then I took a picture of all of them and she had her bike too. Well, I'm sure you can take my word on how beautiful the moon looks now. I told Manuel, "Ever look at the craters in the moon and see how it looks like a yin-yang?" He said he never noticed that and that's probably how they came up with it. He said, "The yin-yang means balance, right?" What a great sign. Oh yeah, and he's even going to let me crash inside. Originally, he said I could crash on the trampoline outside. Now I don't have to sleep in the cold. He laid out this futon he has in a room. That's so rad. He put a sheet on it and I'm getting a mattress to sleep on tonight. I am so happy right now.

                   He's got a huge house. It's a trailer but it has a permanent foundation on it. It's a mansion inside.

                   I was even able to do my laundry and score a shower too. Icing on the cake.

                   And I'm getting a ride to Eagle Nest tomorrow. Halfway to Raton.

                   He gave me some money and now I have about forty dollars.

Next day..

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