


Olympia to Tacoma, WA

Wednesday July 29, 2009

     11:02am  I am switching out tapes because I have to ride the bus back to lunch and hopefully get there on time.
                     I'm stupid, I didn't put my batteries to charge before I left. I had a lot of trouble finding the spot in my recordings. Hopefully the bus will be here before noon and I can go eat lunch at the mission. Then I'll go to Media Island and type there.

     11:54am  I am back in Olympia at the transfer center. I'm going to walk to lunch.

     12:30pm  Leaving from the rescue mission. I ate lunch. I'm going to walk to Media Island and see if I can do some typing.

     5:35pm  I had a great lengthy session typing on the computer. I am only about ten days away from being caught up. Then I'll figure out how to get the pictures off it. The update is coming along.

     6:03pm  The greedy ass people at the Quality Burrito won't let me have ice. Damn, it costs you nothing. Nobody wants world peace!

                   I walked in the QP because the nice girl there gave me a plastic bag with ice so I could refill my water bag. When I tried again today a different girl was all, "Did they charge you last time?" I told her no and she said she should probably charge me now. I told her the Thai place across the street wasn't greedy and was sure I could get what I wanted there. I was just testing you!

     7:31pm  I gotta do a recap. After Media Island I went over to the transfer center to find out when the next bus to Tacoma passed, an hour later. I thought oh well, I have to manifest me $2.50 for bus fare. Dude, the only guy I asked for change, I asked him, "Can you spare any change for bus fare? I'm skipping town never to return." He told me sorry, he had just given his change to somebody else. I told him, "Check out my website, anyway. It's free." He ended up pulling out a ten dollar bill and handing it to me. I was excited thinking I was skipping town for sure today. But wait, I can't leave without saying goodbye to Molly. I'm going to miss Molly. All of a sudden I see Molly walking down the street with this big glum look on her face. I asked her why the long face, Molly? She told me, "I want to leave." I smiled real big and told her, "Do you want to go to Tacoma? I just got bus fare for both of us." Molly turned her frown upside down. Do you see how everything works out?

                   Oh yeah, I had a ten dollar bill and I needed to get change. I went to the inconvenience store close to the transfer center and the Asian guy wouldn't break a ten dollar bill without a purchase. I thought, "Hmm, what can I buy?" I'll get an orange juice for Molly and a chocolate milk for me.

     8:20pm  Molly and I are in Tacoma now.

     8:38pm  179tacoma.JPG

     10:14pm  Molly and I found a place to crash real quick. We zigzagged on the streets and found a Christian Science Church. Redundant? I'll take pictures in the morning.

Next day..

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