

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Monday July 30, 2007

     8:39pm  Today I walked downtown. I had run out of Triple A batteries, so I used my backup digital voice recorder. Two times today, after I had already logged like thirty entries, it reset! It went back to zero. I recapped it as well as I could when I got home. It was like a big five minute recap, and then I lost that! Ugh, I hate that. I had another good adventure today. I got downtown quick today. It only took me five hours. I got downtown like at ten thirty today, dude. Hell yeah. Right now I'm in the bathroom. I think I'm going to go to sleep. I'm tired. I walked like thirty miles today. I caught the bus from Travis Park to the Walmart on Mainland and took a big nature hike to Braun Road then walked up Braun back home. Anyway, I'm going to go to sleep. I'll get up early tomorrow and have a big typing day.

From my digital voice recorder:

                  Holy shit, this thing keeps erasing all my messages.  Damn, that sucks!  All my entries.  That sucks!  I had a great day today, man.  I woke up at four-fifty and hiked all the way downtown.  It was such a great walk.  I got hooked up with food at some place right after I10.  I have the card in my wallet.  But I just lost all my entries today I made on my digital voice recorder.  It was the second time it happened today.  I need to get batteries for my cassette recorder bad.  I walked all the way downtown today, dude.  I went to The Riverwalk and everything.  I walked like thirty miles today.  I went to the Walgreen's downtown and got a couple more copies of the picture of me holding my sign which I use telling my story.  I also got me a new copy of the picture of Saint Anthony that I show people after I tell them I am San Antonio.  I had a crazy-great day today, dude.  This sucks.  Technical difficulties, man.  I need to stick to my tape recorder.  Oldie but goody.  Anyway, I rode the bus to the Mainland Walmart and hiked the nature trail all the way back home, like I used to.  Like five or seven miles.  It was a bitch in OP Schnabel.  I had to go around all the water.  It was like a river rushing through it.  Leon Creek.  I came home and I took a cold shower and got dressed.  I did my laundry.  Tomorrow is a typing day for me.  I'm going to go to my beautiful friend Katt's and bask in her presence.  We'll smoke some marijuana.  I'm still smoking off that twenty sack I bought that my sister helped me get, hehe.  Okay, I'm walking.  It sucks that I lost all my shit today, dude.  It pisses me off.  I had such a great day today. 

     4:14pm  Man, that pisses me off so much!  I am so frustrated.  I had such an excellent day today, dude.  I walked a hell of a lot, quick.  I got to Travis Park today around ten thirty today.  I left at five forty.  In five hours I made it downtown today!  I usually do it in six.  I was just hauling.  I had a great pace.  I wasn't hungry, I wasn't tired.   For breakfast I had a big bowl of some Cinnamon Harvest Kashi and some Walmart Multigrain flakes.  Half and half.  I took off walking good this morning, dude.  I had a good stretch this morning.  I walked Old Tezel to Guilbeau, Guilbeau to Bandera and Bandera all the way downtown.  At first I was considering doing something different today like walking around Loop 410 or something.  I thought nah, that can be Wednesdays walk.  Like halfway downtown I realized that I wasn't tired at all.  The whole time I was lit up on weed.  I was even considering walking back.  My feet felt alright.  I got hooked up at some Hermanos Ayala taqueria right on the other side of I10 on Culebra.  This lady Susanna, some lady sitting down volunteered me one of her tacos that she wasn't going to eat.  It was awesome, not to mention the breakfast taco I got from the taqueria.  I put it in my bag and ate it at Travis Park.  I ate and then walked around on The Riverwalk.  Oh yeah, I had gone to the Walgreen's.  That was one of my mission-objectives for the day.  Replace my visual aids I had lost.  I walked in and put in my order on the little machine.  It was ready in half an hour but I was out walking The Riverwalk for a while.  When I went to get them this cool-lookin' dude was working at the photo place.  He saw me and handed my pictures right to me in front of all the other people waiting.  I'm betting he looked at the picture and recognized me.  I walked out of the Walgreen's and thought shit, I should give him my webpage.  It has in the picture.  I don't check that anymore.  I went back to look for him but he wasn't there so I just left a little piece of paper with my site on the counter.  Hopefully he'll get it.  He'll know what it's about.  Anyway, I had like five or six dollars in change Laura let me take out of her purse this morning.  Right when I got there the 88 came to Travis Park and I got on and paid my fare.  No, that's right.  I went to go get food at the daycenter.  It was the last sandwich they had.  I got the 88 to Mainland and though screw it, today's my walking day.  I decided I'd take the nature hike again, like I did yesterday.  Or the other day.  It really is kind of difficult in places because it's rained so much.  I had to walk through a lot of brush and I was scared I was going to get chiggers.  I walked all the way home.  Everything's cool.  Man, it sucks I lost all my entries.  I'm probably going to lose this too.  Hehe, I shouldn't jinx it.  I should type it up already.  It's only two entries.  When I first lost it all was over when I got hooked up at that taqueria by I10.  It just erased all the files I had recorded already.  Like twenty nine of them.  So I collected another thirty or so by the time I got home.  When I started walking to Katt's a minute ago I noticed the files were at 00/00.  Shit!  It should have like thirty files!  Man, fuck this digital recorder.  I need to go back to my cassette one.  Oh yeah, I called my sister and she's going to bring me home some batteries and some food.  I'm going to get on the computer now.  That's right, I groundscored two cigarettes right before I got home on Wickersham.  That's right!  When I popped out of OP Schnabel I went to the Exxon across the street.  I wanted to get some cold water.  They don't have water on their soda fountain so I asked the cashier, "How much will you charge me to fill up my bottle with Gatorade?"  She told me, "Don't worry about it."  She hooked me up!  I was wearing my Make It Happen shirt today.   I wasn't wearing a controversial one.  Make it happen.  Now people will know I am trying to make something happen because they've been seeing me every day almost.  When I got home I called my sister and she told me that all of hr coworkers had seen me walking.  Okay, well that was a five minute recap.  I hope I covered all of today.

Next day..



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