

                                                                                                        San Antonio, TX

Tuesday July 31, 2007
     10:03pm  did have a big typing day. I was typing all day today. I also did a lot of proofreading. I'm still proofreading 2002. It's taking a long ass time. I can't believe I've missed all this stuff I am correcting. I've proofread it before back in Paonia a while back(5-23-06-5:47pm). I should probably proofread it another time after this too. I don't know. I am considering once I finish proofreading 2002 to jump up and proofread 2007, all the stuff I've recently typed up. It'll be more fresh in my memory and I'll be even more detailed. I might not even proofread the stuff in the middle. Anyway, I'm going to crash out early. I am going to remain on this walking-regimen. I'm going to walk downtown and back tomorrow. It's Wednesday. Just like last week.

                     Oh yeah, today I took two naps. One in the morning and one later on. I am wide awake now. I don't know if I'll get to sleep soon or not. It might take me a while, but screw it, I have to get up early tomorrow and walk downtown and back.

Next day..

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