


Boulder to Denver, CO

Monday August 1, 2005

     6:47am  I just woke up.

     7:03am  I'm all packed up and I'm going to walk to the Conoco and take a shit and brush my teeth.

     7:33am  Chelsea at the Conoco not only looked up directions to a laundromat for me, but she also gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Chelsea. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I'm having a good morning so far. I walked across the street and used the restroom. This beautiful girl Chelsea, the cashier, she gave me a warm smile when I walked in. I stayed in the bathroom a long time.

                   I'm in the middle of telling Chelsea my story. I left off at, "Let me tell you about my army..." Chelsea is such a beautiful girl. When I told her I was going to legalize marijuana she gave me a high five and said, "You rock, man!"

     8:17am  I have arrived at 1785 Folsom. Next to Folsom Street Coffee Company. Evergreen Laundry.

     9:49am  I've got my laundry dry already. I'm going to count my shirts. My black Believe in Your Dreams shirt, my white pocket-t, my yellow pocket-t, my bright green and red tie-dye, my Senior Olympics tie-dye, my Relax - I'm a Professional shirt, my You Have to Look at the Whole Picture one, two thermal pants, about three pairs of socks and five boxers. I'm going to wear my swim trunks and my Senior Olympic shirt while I do laundry.

                   Five pairs of clean socks.

                   I have fourteen tennis balls left.

     10:26am  Coming out of the laundromat.

     10:55am  I just spent my last two bucks at the Diamond Shamrock on Folsom and Walnut. The cashier there Sarah, she saw my marijuana necklace and told me it was badass. She came back and asked me if I wanted to trade anything for it. I told her, "Sorry, it's priceless. Part of the uniform." I tried to tell her my story, but she was too busy. Before I left I told her to be sure to stop me when she sees me on Peal Street Mall and I would tell her my story.

     11:30am  I'm walking in the mall now. I've got work to do.

                   I haven't taken a shower in a some days.

     11:55am  Nobody is listening today. Everybody is ignorant today. This one lady walked by and I gave her a big smile. She came up and listened for a minute, but she ended up being a big bible thumper. She said, "I only believe in one thing, Jesus Christ, blah, blah, blah."

     12:13pm  I'm talking to this girl. I hit her up for my story. She recommends I read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. I'll download it for free. She suggests Tom Robbins, too.

     12:29pm  I'm talking to Aryn. What's your email?

                     I just had a great presentation with Aryn. This girl listened to a lot of my stories. She even let me tell her my head injuries story. She had a scar over her right eye too. Just like me. I even told her, "Your scar mystifies me." She told me, "Yeah, I was looking at yours."

                     Another great presentation.

                     This girl on a cellphone gave me the rest of her cigarette. I couldn't get her name. She was on the phone.

                     I'm talking to these four kids in front of the courthouse. I just need one email.

     1:06pm  Samir gave me a cigarette in front of the courthouse. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     1:17pm  I'm talking to Rachel in front of Alpaca. What's your email?

     1:41pm Dave hooked me up with a rollie right in front of the courthouse. Thanks.

                  Nobody is listening to my story today, so I'm going to take that as my sign to leave and catch the bus to Denver. Like four bucks. Spare change for world peace?

     2:05pm  Paul walked by and hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I'm asking people, "Spare some change for world peace?" When they keep walking I tell them, "Oh, you don't want world peace, huh?"

     2:51pm  Trent gave me some change for world peace. I appreciate it, Trent. Everybody gets credit, thanks. He thanked me for what I was doing. I told him, "Just doing my job. Making people think."

     3:28pm  I'm talking to Neill in front of the courthouse. What was your email, dude?

                   This one guy I asked spare change for world peace. He didn't have any change, but he listened to my whole story. He agreed with all of it. Everything.

     3:59pm  Sam hooked me up with two cigarettes. I just asked for one. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:12pm  I walked to the East End of the mall and this beautiful girl came out of this art gallery they're closing up. She didn't have time to listen to my whole story, but her eyes were locked on mine the whole time. Nothing like telling a pretty girl my story.

     4:33pm  Juan(Diablo) showed up while I was telling that pretty girl my story.

Antonio, Juan and beautiful Alma

     4:48pm  Smiley hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus station. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:00pm  I'm on the bus to Denver. Perfect timing, dude. I only got a quarter from asking people for spare change for world peace. I made a lot of people think, I'm sure. I was telling this beautiful girl my story in front of this closed down art gallery place. All of a sudden, Juan shows up. I hung out with him yesterday. He hooked me up with a five dollar bill. He said he went to go work for somebody moving stuff and he got sixty bucks. He took forty and bought some weed. He handed me the bill and said, "Here, see if you can go find yourself a nugget." I have busfare now! I don't have to spange for it now. It's $3.75 for bus fare, so I bought me a big muffin.

                   On my way to save the world. Boulder was badass this year. I got my signs to leave though. Nobody was listening to me and I magically got my busfare. Perfect.

     5:51pm  We are already in downtown Denver.

     5:55pm  I'm walking downtown. Let me go to the 16th Street Mall.

                   Lawrence and 16th.

     6:28pm  I walked up and down the mall and nobody recognized me. I'm just going to smoke a cigarette and find somebody to tell my story to.

                   This one dude just gave me a cigarette. He wouldn't give me his name though. I was trying to give you credit, but you know who you are.

     6:48pm  Aaron hooked me up with a cigarette on the mall. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:33pm  I'm talking to Nate in the mall. What's your email, brother?

     8:38pm  Cyndi hooked me up with a cigarette on the mall. I appreciate it.

                   I'm telling Cindy my story on the mall. What was your email?

     9:58pm  Guess where I am. I'm in my room at the convention center where I crashed last year(8-01-04, after 8:24pm). I was telling my stories in the mall. I told this cool old lady my story. She believed me. Right now I'm going to lay down and go to sleep. I'm tired. It's so awesome how I am able to crash here again.

Next day..

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