


Denver, CO

Tuesday August 2, 2005

     7:04am  I just woke up. I got a lot of sleep.

     7:13am  I left my squat. I'm going to stash my backpack there for the day. Please Love, protect my bag. Don't let anyone go in there and steal it.

     7:15am  I'm on 16th Street Mall.

     8:10am  Greg hooked me up with some change so I can get me some breakfast.

     8:12am  The greedy asses at Philly told me no.

                   I ran into two kids who had seen me last year. One guy said, "Remember, you lost your water bottle(8-1-04, 4:15pm)."

                   I hopped on the free mall ride.


                   I'm going to find a bathroom somewhere and take a shit and brush my teeth.

                   At the bus station where I used the restroom, I asked some guy where Colfax was. He told me it was five blocks away. I think there's a University of Colorado at Denver. I think I went to the community college last year(8-2-04, 9:07am).

     9:30am  I came to the Auroria Libary 

at the community college. Just like last year. They told me I couldn't use the computers without having a Colorado ID.

     9:41pm  Jeff hooked me up with a cigarette at the school.

     10:08pm  I walked back to the mall and these street kids walked by. I asked them if I could tell them my story and one said, "Oh, I met you in Austin. You have a picture of that dead dog, right?"  

     10:20am  I'm talking to Cortney and her friends. What was your email?

     10:33am  I'm talking to Zack and his friends. What was your email?

     11:09am I'm talking to Akito. What was your email?

                    I've been asking people, "Spare change for world peace? I'm hungry." This one older dude came up to me and asked, "Are you hungry?" He walked into McDonald's and bought me a combo.

     11:35am  Mike was the guy I just told you about. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                    Mike got me a combo and inside the bag were two dollars!

                    Thank you, Love. My prayers were answered. Thank you.

     11:47am  Raul hooked me up with a cigarette on the mall. By the hotdog stand. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:6pm  I walked to the bus stop at Broadway and Colfax. I'm going to ride the bus to that same headshop and see if that Q guy still works there(8-1-04, after 12:56pm).

                   Tino hooked me up with a couple hits of weed at the bus stop on Broadway. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:42pm  Bryson hooked me up with a cigarette in what park is this? The one by the bus stop.

     12:47pm  I'm talking to Bryson. What was your email?

     1:07pm  I'm talking to Bryson. He recommends the book Jupiter's Travels by he couldn't remember the author.

     1:24pm  I had a great presentation with that dude.

     1:30pm  These two kids in the park, the girl was more interested than the guy, the guy interrupted me a lot. I just told them they could wait to hear about it when the rest of the world did and walked off. Oh yeah, then I started telling this older black lady my story. That girl came back and asked me for my email address. She told me, "It's really bold what you are doing. Really bold."

     1:40pm  I got on the 15 bus going down Colfax.

                   I got off in front of the Arby's. I'm looking for that Pizza Hut that hooked me up last year. It's not that far from here.

     1:58pm  Here I am, Myxed Up Creations. Let's see if Q still works there.

     2:06pm  That Q guy didn't work there anymore. I put on a presentation for the guy working inside. I didn't tell him the odyssey. I just got to the part with the NOFX song. I'm going to walk all the way back to downtown Denver. I am trusting the universe to keep my bag safe.

                   I went in the Pizza Hut/Taco Bell and stole some lemonade. I don't think it was the same Pizza Hut I went to last year. I'm going to try at Arby's.

     2:17pm  The greedy asses at Arby's told me no. Oh well, it's all a number's game.

     2:20pm  I was walking down Colfax and Matt hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:24pm  I'm coming up on the same Pizza Hut from last year.

                   I went in and asked the manager if they had any mistakes they could hook me up with. He told me, "We don't make mistakes here."

                   I just had a great presentation with this guy walking by. We sat down in the grass and he let me roll a cigarette. He told me, "I know you're not crazy." Cool, a Mexican restaurant!

     2:52pm  Julio en el Mexican Grill, le pedi y me esta dando. Te lo agradezco, Julio. Todo el mundo recibe crédito.

     5:25pm  Hey, guess what. Victor just got laid. This white dude and this black lady got on the bus. I tried telling them my story, but they wouldn't listen to me. The lady's name was Georgia and I forgot the guy's. The guy ended up inviting me over to his house with them to drink some beers. We were all sitting in the living room then he told Georgia to take her shirt off. This almost fifty year old lady. She was sitting there with her tits showing, so I got a hard-on. In my mind I was thinking, "This dude better not try and touch me or anything." The guy said that he just wanted to watch Georgia get laid. I thought, "Hmm, I haven't had sex in like over a year." I asked Georgia, "Can we take a shower first?" I scored a shower! She came in there with me and bent over. I stuck it in her a couple times, then I thought, "Screw this, I don't have a condom on." I pulled out quick. I jerked off in the shower, assuring her that I would last longer now. So we got out of the shower and I put a condom on. We started screwing on the couch. I couldn't come so I asked her if I could get on top of her on the floor. We got on the floor and we boned some more and I came finally. Then all of a sudden the dude tells me to come here. He all grabbed me through my boxers. I told him my gay line, "I might be the happiest man in the world, but I'm not gay. I wear the rainbow colors because I am a beam of light for others to follow. Would you please stop that. I don't feel comfortable."

                   Before he had told me he had just gotten out of prison for killing someone. I was scared shitless when he approached me. I thought I was going to get raped. He eventually backed off and respected me. I told him, "If you want me to leave I can understand." He waved me goodbye. He asked me if I would put in for beer and I gave him the change I had in my pocket. I took off. I hope he doesn't come kill me now, hehe. So Victor got laid. It wasn't that good at all.

                   I did wear a condom.

     5:32pm  Rogelia en Burger King me esta dando comida. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

                    I went to Burger King because I was still hungry. I gave Georgia one of my tacos.

     5:39pm  The 15 driver hooked me up with a courtesy ride back downtown. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Just got off at Broadway and Colfax.

     5:46pm  Michael hooked me up with a cigarette at the bus stop at Colfax and Broadway. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:52pm  I'm talking to Theresa in this little park at Colfax and Broadway. What was your email, Theresa?

                   Theresa gave me a destination. Mercury Cafe on 22nd.

     6:21pm  Dude, oh my god. Guess what happened to me. I'm kind of ashamed of what happened earlier with that slut. Now I'm kind of glad it happened, because if it weren't for that the timing would have been off for me to meet Theresa in the park. When I first walked in the park I saw her and she was reading a book. She looked up at me and smiled at me real big. I smiled back and came over to this tree and sat down to eat my food. I yelled at her, "When I finish eating I'm going to tell you my story." She came over and sat next to me. She told me she had just been sitting in the park smiling at everybody, testing them. Oh yeah, and while I was telling her my story, the part where I say I'm going to try and score a traveling partner/girlfriend, she said, "I'll go with you. I'm couch-hopping right now." Amazed, I went, "Oh shit, you're free?" Well, we came to her friend's house and I'm out here waiting for her. Some good things are happening. This girl is pretty. Real pretty.

                   Theresa's friend suggests I read Henry Miller.

     8:04pm  I think I'm falling in love. This girl is beautiful. She's all about my cause and she believes in me. She wants to travel with me, but she's going to go to West Virginia for a couple weeks and she's supposed to come back. I have her phone number. What a crazy day I've had today. She's going to come traveling with me. She's all about freedom, and she's pretty. Umm, I'm going to go back to the park and tell my story some more.

     8:22pm  Cesar me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     8:56pm  Chelsea gave me some change for my bus ticket. Thank you, Chelsea.

     9:06pm  Isaiah hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:36pm  Ryan hooked me up with a cigarette on the mall. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:57pm  Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. I've decided I'm going back to Boulder and wait for Theresa there. Fuck Denver.

                   It sucks, the only time people have given me change is when I ask for spare change for marijuana.

     10:00pm  Ivan hooked me up with some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:13pm  Danny walked by and gave me some change for my bus ticket. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:29pm  I have to make an update. Let's see, I was asking people for spare change for world peace. I met this other homeless old lady with muscular dystrophy who was in a wheelchair. She came up to me and commented on my stick. I was talking to her and telling her how I was tired and was going to go to my room at the convention center. She said, "Oh, you've got a room at the convention center?" I said screw it and told her she could crash with me. So I wheeled her over to my spot at the center. I jumped up and squeezed through the wall, then I opened the door for her from the inside and wheeled her in. I've got company tonight.

Next day..

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