


Denver to Boulder, CO

Wednesday August 4, 2004

     8:25am  I woke up around eight this morning. I got all my stuff ready and packed up. I am about to leave my little room, hehe. That's so awesome. Thank you so much for giving me this room, Love. I appreciate it.

     8:32am  I walked up to the burrito place and I told the guy in Spanish, "I don't suppose you could give me breakfast this morning?" He told me, "Umm, tomorrow." I told him I was leaving today and he hooked me up with a tamale. Cool, cool. Breakfast.

     8:43am  Joni gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. After-meal smoke. Thank you so much.

     9:05am  I had an awesome presentation right now. I asked some kid, "Hey, do you know how to get to Boulder?" He told me no, so I asked him, "Well, can I tell you what I am doing?" I told him and his friend my whole story. They were nerdy-lookin' computer kids. They were going to school and stuff. They listened to me. I am having a great morning.

     9:10am  I rode the Free Mall Ride past the bus station. I have to walk back. I'll see how much a ticket to Boulder is. I have to follow my signs.

     9:12am  Jeffrey gave me a cigarette outside the bus station. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:24am  The guy at the hotdog stand told me no. I'll just keep trying.

     9:30am  I came over to Tony's window and asked him how much bus fare to Boulder was. He told me $3.75. I told him what I was doing through the little speaker. He was behind some glass. Security just called him and told him I had to leave. That I couldn't be talking to him. He's hooking me up with a ticket to Boulder! For the cause, brother.

                  Score! Tony hooked it up! All I had to do was tell him my story. I didn't even ask him.

     9:37am  I am on the bus on the way to Boulder. Alex not only listened to my story. He gave me a chunk of banana bread too. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:03am  Alex told me he worked at a TV station in Boulder. It's called Free Speech TV. The web address is I'll look them up and send them my stuff.

     10:26am  I just got off the bus. I am in Boulder. Boulder, Colorado. I am at the University of Colorado at Boulder. I'm going to go check my email.

     10:32am  I just got off the bus at the college and Travis hooked me up with a cigarette.

     10:48am  I just had a great presentation with the guy I got the cigarette from. In front of some architecture building.

     12:45pm  I am leaving the library. I got most of a day typed up. I'm going to go exploring.

     12:55pm  I am walking downtown, I think. I'm going to find me some food somewhere. I'm hungry.

     1:00pm  I see a Subway. I'm going to try my luck at the Subway.

     1:17pm  I thought I had walked into Subway, but it turned out being some donut shop. I told the kid working there my story and he hooked me up with a damn good donut. 

                   When I say that donut was damn good, I mean it was the best donut I have ever eaten.

                   The place was called Tastefully Toasted." The guy came out and gave me a cup of water. He told me, "I hope you say something about Tastefully Toasted in your book." I told him, "Man, I already did. I said that was the best donut I have ever eaten."

                   Tastefully Toasted is on Folsom and Arapahoe Avenue.

     1:32pm  I am walking down some street. I came up to a pole that says, "May peace prevail on earth." I should take a picture of it. I only have one or two pictures left, though. You guys will have to take my word on it.

                   Another sign that says, "May peace be in our homes and communities."

     1:38pm  I am going to go try my luck at the Wendy's here. Man, there's Babylonians everywhere.

     1:40pm  Steve failed the test at the Wendy's. I told him my line and he went, "Not at the moment."

     1:48pm  I came outside and smoked a cigarette. I noticed this guy who was sitting at a table. He was on break. He works at Wendy's. I noticed he was talking Spanish with some coworkers, so I told him my gasoline for the stomach line in Spanish. I told him how Steve had already told me no. He said he was going to go ask the other manager and that he would bring it out to me if she said yes.

     1:55pm  I gave up at the Wendy's. I'm going to keep walking. I'm hungry.

     1:58pm  Toma at Jin Chen hooked me up with a bowl of rice. I appreciate it. It's some gasoline for my stomach.

     2:17pm  I am standing here at Walnut Street. I'm giving all the cars driving by the peace sign. I'm waiting for the bus. I am going to see if I can get a courtesy ride. They should hook me up. I am doing some good work today.

     2:38pm  I smoked a snipe and now I'm walking down Pearl Street.

     3:22pm  I am telling these kids my story out at the Pearl Street Mall. They're listening to me. Oh yeah, Dustin gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     4:00pm  I was telling Jedi Mike my story and he hooked me up with some stuff. He gave me five blank CD's. Now I can make backups. He even gave me a pen.

     4:58pm  I asked some girl for a cigarette and she told me the one she was smoking was her last one. Just then, Catherine walks up to me and hands me an American Spirit. I appreciate it, Catherine. Everybody gets credit.

     5:19pm  I just saw this guy performing. Some contortionist guy. This Rasta Jamaican dude. He's twisting himself into weird shapes. He fit himself inside a clear plastic box. I took a picture of it.

                   He all had this part at the end, which I am sure all the street performers do. He said, "The city is not paying me to do this. Feel free to contribute. Donations are greatly appreciated." Every other thing he was saying was asking for money. This town is all about money. God-damn dude, even the entertainers out here are brainwashed.

                   That guy had his scripts down too.

     6:04pm  I just had a big display of ignorance here. I asked this guy, "Can you spare a cigarette?" He wouldn't even look at me. I told him, "All you have to do is say no. You don't have to be so ignorant."

     6:05pm  Steve, right afterwards just gave me a cigarette. Thanks, bro.

     6:24pm  I just had a badass presentation! I hit this guy up sitting down. When I was done he told me, "I am a mystic. Everything you've told me I have agreed with." In the end he told me I was a blessed soul.

     6:28pm  Wow, there's a big crowd. I pulled out my On My Way To Save The World sign. Here I go. I'm on my way.

     7:20pm  I had a great presentation with these two kids. I am getting better and better. Practice makes perfect. I am evolving.

     7:23pm  Tom hooked me up with a cigarette at the plaza. I appreciate it, brother.

     9:22pm  I had a great presentation in front of this house. I went up to some girl and told her, "Hey, I'm looking for someone to smoke a little weed with. Do you want to burn?" We came over to her car and I spotted a picnic bench in front of some house. We went to this bench and I told this girl so many of my stories. She listened to me better than anyone has in a while. She just kept wanting more. I was more than happy to oblige. She listened to a lot of them. She would tell me, "Keep going." Her friend called her on her cellphone and she was telling her, "I am here listening to this guy. He is really interesting." I told her my platform, my odyssey story, my Brewster County Jail story and my Bexar County Jail story. It was so cool.

     9:44pm  Chapulin me dio un cigaro. Te lo agradezco. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

     10:05pm  I had this big, productive presentation with this Babylonian girl with hairy armpits. She was a pretty girl. First, she listened to me, but then she had a problem with my scriptage. I told her, "What I have to tell you takes precedence over anything. Exactly what are you doing for world peace? Besides fueling the evil machine preventing it." She got all offended and walked off. Like I say, it's not so much that I want people to listen to me. I want them to talk about me.

     10:20pm  What was your name, brother? You can make something up if you want. I am telling William my story. He saw how that last girl got all pissed off. William is telling me what he does for a living. He's tearing down a nuclear bomb factory called Rocky Flats. Built in 1952. It was operating until 1989. He told me that in 1989 the FBI and the EPA raided the DOE and shut it down because they were dumping plutonium in their backyard. He said they got all the plutonium and nuclear weapons material. He said, "Now I'm in there, working with the contractors to tear down the rest of the buildings. We've got a 250 square foot building that they are taking every little peace out of it and cutting it up into hand-size pieces, throwing it in a barrel and burying it in the New Mexico desert. Yeah, fuck the cold war. It's going down."

     10:21pm  Miguel is hooking me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:02pm  Dirty Carl hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     11:22pm  Eric is going to give me a rap, "Devil's are infesting my brain. They tell me to do things. I kill children and blow up planes. I run up in your house. I tie you to your bed. Shoot your head. Fuck the holes I shot in your head, cause yet you're not dead, but you're still suffering a massive attack in which you couldn't react. Impacted the true fact in which you couldn't stack. No matter what they say, I'll always be back. They call my Jack. Plus time, yo pull out your Philly. Sip a glass of Cognac and reload your nine-milly. Held on an alter. A great sacrifice and waiting to die. They're beating and bleeding a virgin and why. To my lord, I brought you your victims now prepare me a palace in hell's darkest. Every city in between are filled with kerosene. You can't consequence me for resisting a may. That's when I pull out my god-damn grenade. So fuck off. Fuck off you god-damn coward. So fuck off. As I look into the devil's eye I hear the same old cry. He's dead from us but he came to terrorize. As the blood drips from my dark pale lips I realize to my surprise that you're a fucked up bitch. With dead bodies on the floor making you realize that you're a fucked up whore. Like there's no tomorrow, for paradise on some sorrow. Shut the fuck up Mike something." That's all I got.

                     Umm, this guy has issues.

     12:00am  Brian not only listened to my story, but he hooked me up with a dollar too. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     12:07am  I had an awesome presentation. I am so glad I followed that sign here. All these kids are listening to me. One kid just gave me a dollar without me asking for it. When these kids drove back by, they waved at me. They asked me if I was going to be there tomorrow. I told them how I don't much plan things. They told me, "We'll be here tomorrow and if we see you around, we'd love to let you talk our ears off in exchange for some food or something."

                     I am so happy. I'm so happy.

                     Now, I'm just wandering off North. I'm going to walk North until I find a place to crash.

     1:14am  I'm out wandering around looking for a place to crash. I've just been walking towards the mountain in hopes I find some woods somewhere. It's all neighborhoods. They've raped this whole mountain dry. I'm at the corner of Cedar and 3rd Street. I'm walking up this big hill. I hope there's a place out here.

Next day..

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