

                                                                                                             Seattle, WA

Tuesday August 4, 2009

     3:07am  Haha, this chump security guard ran me off. He woke me up screaming, "Get out of here, get out of here!" I sat up and noticed he was just a rent-a-cop so I yelled back at him, "Good little slave!" He asked me, "What did you say?!" I repeated myself, "You're a good little slave. I'm a freelance journalist conducting a study the whole world is going to raed on the internt. Go call someone with some authority and make my story interesting. Call the cops, I don't give a fuck." Plus, I got permission from the other security guard the other night.

     3:10am  He drove off, so I'm just going to go back to sleep. I'm going to make that piglet call the cops. Let's see if they take me to jail for trespassing.
                   He drove back by I was laying back down and he asked me, "How long are you planning on staying here." I answered, "I don't know. I'm thinking about going back to sleep." "So you're giving yourself permission," he said. I told him that's right. I guess he drove off to call backup. I'm going to pack up to go anyway.

     6:18am  Earlier the piglet came back and told me, "Wow, you're persistent." I told him, "That's the only way I'm going to win." Then I asked him if I could tell him what I was doing and started in with my story. The guard even told me, "Right after I started this other car called pulled up behind the building and it was just another security guard barking at me. I told him that I already had permission, but I was leaving anyway. I said, "I can afford a ticket easy," and he said I'd go to jail. Whatever, I wasted enough of their time and that first piglet is never going to forget me. I left in peace and wandered over to The Urban Rest Stop. I want to do my laundry today. Anyway, I crashed on the sidewalk in front of the Urban Rest Stop, but I got woken up by some dude after another hour of sleep. Urban Rest Stop was already open, they open at five thirty, I found out. I made a laundry appointment for 8:15am, so I have to come back then.

                   I'll give out some more free hugs until then.


     10:41am  I didn't tell you, I found the Cascade Garden, this community center. Some dude at the Urban Rest Stop told me they had a free barbeque somewhere. He told me to walk up Virginia, turn left on Fairview and look for the church steeple on my right. I walked over to it and the yearly big block party, the free barbecue isn't until four to seven at the park in front of the church, behind this beautiful community garden they have here. Cascade P-Patch. They have a community center here and when I walked around the closed building I saw computers inside. Finally, a place in Seattle where I'll be able to check my emails with my big bags. Hmm, this place could possibly be a typing resource too. I'll have to investigate. They open at eleven. Also, they seem to be cool with homeless people sleeping in the big gazebo in front. There's still homebums hanging out.

                     Hmm, I am almost positive I can find a five foot stick somewhere in this garden. I found a big heap of branches to be thrown out and I found a straight limb. It kind of sucks because I broke it, split it kind of, but it will still serve its purpose. I am shaving the bark off of it right now.

                     New stick

     11:33am  I haven't been to updative lately. The community center is closed today for some reason. But, the guy inside looked up the closest public library that wasn't the downtown one and told me directions. It's on Harvard Street on the other side of I5.

     11:55am  I just hiked all the way to the library, it was far. It opens at one though.

     12:45pm  I am waiting for the library to open and asking people for spare change for printouts. I'm yelling at them too when they ignore me. "Nobody wants world peace! Don't you know we're all connected?? Greed shall be your downfall you good little slave!"

     1:00pm  Man, nobody wants world peace. The library is open already, but I'm still going to try and get change for printouts.

     1:46pm  I was out here in front of the library asking people for spare change for more printouts and Sam was generous enough to hook me up with a five dollar bill! I appreciate it, Sam. Everybody gets credit. He listened to my story and everything.

     1:58pm  I came to this other library, I took a picture earlier. They have the same stupid rule as the library downtown where I'm not supposed to have big bags. They're letting it slide this time, like they did at the downtown library. They told me my bags had to fit under my chair. What bullshit. It's disgusting how the library discriminates against travelers.

     2:38pm  I just came out of the library. I got thirty pages of havethisbook.coms. 72 little pieces of paper per sheet. 2160

                   I walked away from the library to Broadway and I see a place called La Cocina and Cantina.

                   Manager's not here bullshit. She was all scared.

                   I lost my marijuana necklace! That pisses me off.

                   I came to Broadway, this little strip here. I'm going to fly my sign.

                   Tacos Lima.

                   "No, we can't do that."

                   Tall buildings

     5:20pm  I remembered they had that free block party barbecue from 4-7 at the park behind the Cascade Community Garden. Sure enough, there were all these people there. I'm not going to take pictures. I'll take pictures of the garden eventually.

                   I was standing in line and the girl in front of me told me, "I've met you before, in Venice Beach." Hell yeah, recognized.

     7:05pm  Tommy here at the plaza at 4th and Pine, he gave me some rolling papers. I was trying to make a sniperat. I appreciate it, Tommy. Everybody gets credit.

     7:15pm  Tanya and Kim just volunteered me some food. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     7:26pm  Ces just hooked me up with some change. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:02pm Ron came by and hooked me up with all this Chinese Food. I appreciate it, Ron. Everybody gets credit.

     10:25pm  I wished I could use my squat on Mercer.  It got pretty late and I just decided to camp on the sidewalk in front of The Urban Rest Stop.  Screw it. 

Next day..

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