

                                                                                                             Seattle, WA

Wednesday August 5, 2009

     6:31am  Seven and a half hours of sleep.
                   I walked over to the tobacco shop by the Money Tree, over by the bus stop here. There were tons of people so I'm doing my free hugs thing. Smoke a brother out.


     9:19am  I'm having lots of fun in front of Nordstrom's again. These cops just rode the escalator up with his mountain bike and there's signs everywhere that clearly says no bikes on the escalator. You're supposed to walk up the stairs with it. I yelled at them, "I saw that! Nobody is above the law!"

     10:48am  Oz, the security guard in front of the Nordstrom's is being nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.
     11:07am  I'm done with my giveaway in front of Nordstrom's. I'm going to walk to the community center and see if I can use their computers and do some typing.

                     Cascade P-Patch

     2:07pm  I did a lot of typing. I'm going to come back tomorrow to do some more. It's awesome how I have a typing resource here. They let you stay on for two hours here too. I'll be able to get the typing done here. I won't be able to install Microsoft Frontpage. I'm going to walk back to 4th and Pine and keep spreading my word.

     3:41pm Rob was nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     3:51pm  Tony is being nice enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.
                   Add to my website, "God is a trick. God is simply the personification of LOVE. Don't fall for it."

                   "God is fake, LOVE is real!"

                   wwjb - who would jesus bomb? Hahaha.

     4:57pm  Matt just volunteered me a cigarette while I'm flying my breast exams sign. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot. Matt: "Go to Sumas, WA. Ask around for the Cold Mountain, hike over the hill, there's trails and then you're right on the Canada highway." Can I sneak back in that way?

                   Sweet, I'm going to Canada soon! I just got directions.

                   I just got a five spot, I'm going to get some weed pretty soon.

                   Man, this breast exams idea is pure genius. I am so thankful for that lady in San Luis Obispo(6-5-09 5:09pm) mentioned that one night. People are laughing at me hardcore. I keep seeing people doubling over with laughter after walking by. "Give me some sugar." I've been doing this for a while here at this same spot, but still all day new people are seeing it and I've got everybody laughing. I'm starting to yell at all the people that ignore me, "Lighten up." This one girl told me to get some class. People are taking pictures of me left and right. I took a picture of my setup.

     6:21pm  I was walking and McKenna walked by and volunteered me some food. "Are you hungry?" she asked. I smiled and told her I could always eat, I walk for a living.


     7:25pm  I'm all stoned. I scored some good weed that really turned the peace machine on. These girls just walked up to me while I was flying my breast exams sign and volunteered me some food. I was getting through my shpeel with them. This one girl even guessed ignorance as the world's greatest problem. I told her she hit the nail right on the head. She ended up being the one that listened less. I got through my mission objectives and she quickly told me, "Good luck in your endeavors," but her friends remained listening. I noticed her agitation so I just offered to close it out and asked them to do me the two favors. I am San Antonio and let them go.

                   I do realize that I might be taken out in Seattle. I am totally ready for it. I'm fucking daring them to deal with me. I've been out here every fucking day at the same spot holding this sign not asking for money, yelling at people, calling them ignorant when they ignore me. I'm going to get shot, or at least beat up or something. I can't wait. I am so daring the powers that be to do something about me. I've got so much protection, I can feel it. I'm going to get all the way back to San Antonio on this trip, just watch me.

                   This town is never going to forget me. I am a constant reminder.

     6:41pm  It was kind of getting chilly in the shade underneath where I stand, I'll take a picture. I'm eating Chinese food, it's good. Mckenna's friend, she ended up volunteering me her food too after I closed out my presentation.

                   The knowledge I possess is still self-evident to this day and is available to anybody out there who has awakened. It's not exactly rocket science, people.
                   Marijuana is illegal because it makes people smarter. Ignorant people are easy to control. THAT'S why alcoholis legal, after all.

                   I put my breast exams sign up. I'm just going to pass out my website.

     7:32pm  Awesome presentation right now. Well, they had to go, but I closed it out.

                   I am having a blast in Seattle. I love this town.

                   Oh wait, I have a spare piece of cardboard I saved when I rewrote my hook a brother up sign after I sold mine for seven bucks the other day. I'm going to sit down and write out a sign that simply says, "Google it."

     8:08pm  I finished writing out my Google It sign. While I was plotting out the letters this cop came up on his mountain bike all interested in the sign I was making. He came up and asked me, "What's it going to say? What's it going to say?" I told him Google It.

     8:18pm  Leana was nice enough to give me a cigarette. Thanks a lot, Leanna.

     8:34pm  This one isn't nearly as fun as my breast exams sign.

                   Add to my quotes. Being homeless makes me healthy. It improves my mental health too.

     9:09pm I had an awesome presentation with Adam right now. He asked me for a hit of weed. I only had a couple hits left. I've got some more storytelling to do tonight. I need to conserve. Sorry Adam, after I legalize it you grow your own. I'll stop the breast exams and just google it after the sun goes down.

                   I trimmed my Google It sign.

                   I am already past the Urban Rest Stop. I'm going to walk all the way to that Cascade place and camp at that gazebo with the other homebums. I am sure there's floorspace. The Cascade Community Center where the garden is doesn't open until eleven though. I'll get some more typing done tomorrow.

                   FREE HUGS

     10:14pm  Turning left on Fairview.

                   I never mentioned when I got to Cascade. I was going to crash out on the gazebo. When I walked up there was this black dude there. I asked them if they could spare some floorspace and he told me, "This isn't my place." Then I noticed, hey, there's some woods, some bushes right there. I found a perfect little spot to camp underneath these trees and bushes. I am sure they won't mind me camping here. There's all these homebums sleeping in the gazebo right there like thirty feet away. I ate some Chinese food and I'm going to go to bed. I'll take pictures in the morning.

Next day..

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