


Berkeley, CA

Tuesday August 5, 2003

     8:03am  It's Tuesday morning. I woke up like at 5am, I read my book a little and crashed out again in front of the laundromat. I woke up at 7:30 when the owners showed up and cleared everyone out. I had to take a piss real bad. I walked over to the bathroom at People's Park and took a piss and a shit. I'm going to walk to breakfast. I kind of want to get out of town already. I want to do some things before I leave though. I want to fill up my book with email addresses and I need to spange up $15 so I can buy some Muscle Blast 2000 from GNC for traveling food. Then, I need to get out of here. Back home.

     2:15pm  Sharon was gracious enough to give me a cigarette outside the Doe Library where I've been all morning long hard at work. I appreciate it, Sharon.

     2:28pm  Okay, time for an update. I've cleared up two cassettes to record over now. Oh yeah, I never told you guys. You see, I found a loophole to the school's loophole. Remember I told you that yesterday they started this shit where you had to put in a student ID to access any .com sites? Well, this morning at breakfast some dude in line to eat told me about All I did to log my shit on hotmail was just send emails to myself. After yesterday I thought my logging was done. But lo and behold, today I came to the library and good 'ol Linux, the company that's all about freedom has a free email site. Yay. So, today I went to the library and typed in and tada, it worked. So, now I am able to type up my shit on there. Badass, badass, badass. I've already typed up four more days on there. I have two total tapes to tape over now. It's good to have medium. School is back in session, hehe. I had a good day break. I was all pissed off and depressed because I thought I wouldn't be able to type my shit up. But, now I only have one or two full tapes to type up and then I'm free. It'll still be awhile. Maybe like one or two more days until I am caught up and typing up yesterday. Then, I'll just need to fill up my little book with email addresses and I'm home-free. So, I'm in a better mood today. Awesome. Now, I'm going to go to the bathroom, take a shit, change out of my army pants and brush my teeth. Then, I'll go back on Telegraph.

     3:18pm  I finished in the bathroom at the school. I just realized I could still go check my hotmail at the email stations in the MLK Building.

     3:34pm  I am back on my corner, Haste and Telegraph. I'm flying my sign out here. These guys in a van just pulled up to the red light and read my sign. When the light turned green and they drove off, I heard them yell, "Go, Victor!"

     3:40pm  Ian just hooked me up with his last American Spirit cigarette. Thanks, dude.

     5:10pm  I just got back to my corner after eating at the church. It pisses me off how they feed at the church. The have everyone stand in line behind the church. Also, when you get to the top of the stairs, there's some chump letting people in giving red tickets to everyone. He asks every person going through, "Do you want to donate a quarter?" The people who give him a quarter get a blue ticket and get to eat before all the ones with the red tickets do. What kind of bullshit is that, huh? This limpdick is spanging the homeless people. Donate a quarter my ass. People are buying their blue tickets for 25 cents so they can eat sooner. It's a fucking church, they shouldn't be asking for money. Doesn't it say in the holy bible that the love of money is the root of all evil? Fucking hypocrite sinners.

     5:38pm  Ariel just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Ariel.

                   Ariel is hot, hehe.

     6:46pm  Kevin agreed to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:38pm  Homer gave me a cigarette. Thanks a lot, brother. That's very generous of you.

     8:10pm  Shana was gracious enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Shana.

     9:23pm  Michael suggested I look up on the Internet. Look up Power of Partnership

Next day..

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