


Berkeley, CA

Wednesday August 6, 2003

     10:10pm  I just had another good smoking session with Joe after breakfast. He offered to smoke me out. He is showing me some letter he didn't want to open. It's from the Superior Court. He's tempted to just send it back saying he's not at the address anymore. He was scared to open it but did eventually. It turns out to be a bill for an open container charge he got in People's Park. The fine is $122, no traffic school allowed. What a great profit margin. That's a damn good business our government has(note the sarcasm). Oh and check this, on the back of the letter is all the credit card logos. Does that not look like a money-making business to you? Evil money. Fuck the system. What we do is nobody business but ours. As long as we are not hurting anybody else.

     3:07pm  I went to the bathroom in People's Park and took a shit. I'm flying my sign again at my corner. Liron came by and gave me a couple cookies. He told me, "Thanks for the emails man, I appreciate it. I haven't read them all."

     3:20pm  Shanika, just out of the blue came up and gave me 75 cents. I didn't even ask for it. She had come up and read my sign without me even asking her to read it. I appreciate it, Shanika.

     3:23pm  Laura just gave me a dollar, out of the kindness of her heart.

                   Badass, I'm getting all this money and I don't even have to ask for it. That's cool. Kickass, I need to save up enough for a camera.

     4:08pm  Bruce agreed to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, brother.

     5:13pm  I just finished eating at the church. I'm hanging out in front of it now asking people, "Anyone have any marijuana?" This dude told me, "I've got this ten dollar sack for five dollars." Hmm, that's the rest of my money and I was going to save up to buy a camera. Umm, I'll get some more money later. But now, I have some fuel for my mission and I'm going to go fly my sign, collect email addresses and go fuck the system some more.

     5:38pm  Alton gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

                   Whoa, that was cool. I told Alton a lot of shit and he actually listened.

     5:55pm  Grim walked by and gave me a sip of soda.

     6:06pm  I was sitting here flying my sign and this bum, who walks around with a guitar that has a cup taped to it, walked over. When people walk past him he's always saying, "Care to share?" These two girls walked up and I asked them if they would read my sign. Immediately, this stupid bum starts hitting them up for spare change. They don't give him any change, but they're carrying a plastic tray with two tacos. The bum asks them, "Are you tired of carrying that tray around?" They just hand it to him right when he asked. That's so awesome of them.

     6:40pm  Eric just agreed to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, Eric.

     6:45pm  That girl Pixie just came up to me. I had sent her my story. She goes, "Wow, you are an awesome writer. That was an awesome story. I read the whole thing." Hehehe, that made my day. Thank you, Pixie.

     7:44pm  The greatest thing just happened. I was just outside flying my sign, like I do all day religiously almost and Lucky walked up to me. Lucky is the guy I had gotten the blanket from a while back. He had just gotten back from a travel and sees me and offers to smoke me out. I tell him sure. So, we walked to the park and sat down to smoke. All of a sudden, this dude comes up to us and goes, "Hey Victor! What's going on?" I totally don't recognize this dude and tell him, "What's going on, brother?" He was all, "You don't remember me?" I tell him to refresh my memory. He says, "You know, the Oregon Country Fair? My name's Bowie(7-12-03, 7:47am). Where you camped at." Oh yeahhhh. I told him I had meant to get his info, but they wouldn't let me back in the campground, so I just took off back to Eugene.
                    Dude, here's Bowie again, just like that. Just because Lucky pulled me off Telegraph to smoke some weed and we went to the park. What synchronicity. How fucking perfect.

                   Oh yeah, I ran into Bowie again and he had this sign that says, "Day of global-forgiveness August 8th." On the other side it says, "I am on a mission to save the world. I am spreading peace and a sense of community to all walks of life. This will surely become a reality, but I cannot do it alone. Right now I need food to keep strength so I can continue on my mission." Haha, fuck yeah. It doesn't hurt to ask.

     8:05pm  I just wanted to make a note that Raven, the guy who gave Bowie and his friend Jesse a ride has made everyone peanut butter sandwiches. We came over to his truck to smoke some marijuana.

     8:13pm  I just smoked weed out of a potato. I never thought I would ever smoke out of a potato.

     8:21pm  These fuckin' kids are taking my shit to a new level. This is what I need. People, support. They tweaked my idea and are flying a sign and everything. It even says August 8th on it! So now I have more people spreading my word around. And Bowie told me they are raking it in, too. In Big Sur they made like $80 bucks at some grocery store real quick! This is what I fucking need, support finally.
                   Raven is around 40, but he's cool as shit. He's ageless. All Raven does is drive around doing odd jobs here and there. He sleeps in the back of his truck and has a pretty decent lifestyle. He's got a reliable vehicle.

                   Oh my gawd. This is the fucking happiest night of my life, man. I have fucking support. I have like a 5-man team. The whole generosity thing has been proven to them, too. They are on the bandwagon. With my idea, they are making all this fuckin' money, which means, I should be getting some money and resources soon. I mean, I'm not going to expect it, but I should be getting some resources soon. I'm going to keep contact with these guys and it's going to be fucking awesome! There is power in numbers.

     8:45pm  I'm walking down Telegraph to Haste. I told Bowie, "Let's get to work." It's funny, while I'm walking down the sidewalk with my staff, people are just splitting around me. It's like I am parting the Great Sea of Ignorance, hehe.

     8:50pm  Right now the coolest shit just happened. This guy just walked up and I asked him, "Hey, will you read my sign? I just want you to read it. I'm not asking for anything." He just ignored me and faced the other way. I asked him, "Are you always this ignorant?" He turned around and said, "Excuse me? Am I always this what?" I tell him, "IGNORANT, I just want you to read my sign, I'm not asking for money." He goes, "Ok then." He reads my sign and when he finishes it he says, "Wow, that's really good." I asked him for an email address and he gave it to me. I told him, "Just remember, my name is Victor, so when it happens knows who is responsible." He shook my hand and everything. See how I am able to reel people back in with the ignorance question? Owned to the bone, hehe.

     8:57pm  Grim just gave me a fuckin' quarter, just like that.

     9:00pm  Matt was gracious enough to give me a cigarette. It'll come back to you, dude.

     9:42pm  I came to Hate Camp at Sproul Hall but I was too late for pizza. Luckily, Hairo hooked me up with a piece. I appreciate it, brother.

     10:03pm  This guy, Drift came over to me and talked to me. I listened(practicing what I preach).

     11:44pm  Blair and Barbara brought a huge thing of ice-cream for the Hate Camp crowd. Everyone got ice cream. They even brought disposable bowls and spoons. That's so very generous of you.

     11:47pm  Laura agreed to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, Laura. Thank you.

     12:02am  George hooked me up with 50 cents without me even asking him.

     12:35am  I walked down to Blake's and there were these dudes loading up musical equipment into a van outside. I was telling Dave, who's in a band, my ideas and stuff. I told Dave that I needed to buy a disposable camera so I can take pictures of Berkeley for my webpage. He was generous enough to give me $1.

     1:18am  Anthony, outside of Blake's, was gracious enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

Next day..

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